What's Your Bottom Line? Bottled Up

Vertalingen van 'bottom line' in het gratis Engels-Nederlands woordenboek en vele andere Nederlandse vertalingen. bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar share Wat is de betekenis van Bottom line? 2021-03-092024-01-02 Woordenboek vreemde woorden A. Kolsteren en Ewoud Sanders (1994) Bottom line [Eng. = bodem-lijn] 1ondergrens; (vgl. upshot). Lees verder 2020-12-182024-01-02 Vreemd Nederlands Jan Meulendijks (1993)

5 Ways Teamwork Improves the Bottom Line of Your Business

Bottom line komt van de positie van het netto resultaat in een winstoverzicht van een bedrijf: onderaan. In dit opzicht is het tegengesteld aan top line, ofwel de opbrengstcijfers van een bedrijf. Er zijn twee belangrijke manieren waarop een bedrijf zal proberen om zijn bottom line te verbeteren. bottom line: [noun] the essential or salient point : crux. the primary or most important consideration. noun [ S ] uk / ˌbɒt. ə m ˈlaɪn / us / ˌbɑː.t̬əm ˈlaɪn / bottom line noun [S] (MONEY) Add to word list the final line in the accounts of a company or organization, stating the total profit or loss that has been made: How will the rise in interest rates affect our bottom line? SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases Profits & losses bottom line: Ook: bottom-line, bottomline. Letterlijk: de onderste of laatste regel. Overdrachtelijk: De uiteindelijke uitkomst, het uiteindelijke resultaat van een discussie, een proces, enzovoorts. Het belangrijkste of meest fundamentele aspect. De netto winst van een onderneming. Zie: onder de streep. Tip anderen Tweeten

What's the bottom line? Business Benefits

1. the lowest line of the earnings report of a company, on which net profit per share of stock is shown 2. Informal profits or losses, as of a business 3. Slang a. the basic or most important factor, consideration, meaning, etc. b. the final or ultimate statement, decision, etc. Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Define bottom line. bottom line synonyms, bottom line pronunciation, bottom line translation, English dictionary definition of bottom line. n. 1. The line in a financial statement that shows net income or loss. 2. Financial matters, especially profit or loss. 3. The final result or statement;. What is the translation of "bottom line" in Dutch? en volume_up bottom line = nl volume_up het belangrijkste deel Translations Translator Phrasebook open_in_new EN "bottom line" in Dutch volume_up bottom line {noun} NL volume_up het belangrijkste deel volume_up bottom-line {noun} NL volume_up hoofdgedachte einduitkomst hoofdkenmerk Translations EN Vertaling van "bottom line" in Nederlands zelfst. nw. resultaat n conclusie f winst f eindresultaat n punt m omzet m rendement hoofdzaak f Meer All they care about is the bottom line. Ze geven enkel om het resultaat. My bottom line is that he's just not delivering. Mijn conclusie is dat hij zijn taak niet goed uitvoert.

CSR Why Three Bottom Lines Are Better Than One

het op neer. What she did is unforgiveable, and that is the bottom line. Wat ze deed is onvergeeflijk, en dat is de bottom line. Little said that this in turn helps keep the bottom line. Little zei dat dit op zijn beurt helpt de bottom line. Returning savings to the bottom line. Besparingen kunnen teruggebracht worden naar de onderste regel. The bottom line refers to a company's earnings, profit, net income, or earnings per share (EPS). The reference to the bottom line describes the relative location of the net income figure on a. What Is the Bottom Line? The bottom line refers to the last line on the income statement. That last line item is net income. It's the amount of profit a company has left after paying all of its expenses. Note The income statement can be simply broken down into this equation: Revenue - expenses = net income. Synonymes : net income, net loss, net profits, income, profit, Suite. Discussions du forum dont le titre comprend le (s) mot (s) "bottom line" : bottom line bottom line (financial) bottom line (limit) bottom line (summary) Bottom Line Behaviours bottom line improvement (company) bottom line it for me bottom-line image bottom-line oriented

What is the bottom line

In traditional business accounting and common usage, the "bottom line" refers to either the "profit" or "loss", which is usually recorded at the very bottom line on a statement of revenue and expenses. line [lines] (music: one of the straight horizontal and parallel prolonged strokes on and between which the notes are placed) noun [UK: laɪn] [US: ˈlaɪn] regel substantief {m} line [lined, lined, lining, lines] (of a dog: impregnate) verb [UK: laɪn] [US: ˈlaɪn] dekken werkwoord. line [lines] (path through two or more points, threadlike.