The fascinating history of Sammezzano Castle

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How to Visit Sammezzano Castle + Tuscany

Sammezzano, or the Castle of Sammezzano, is an Italian palazzo in Tuscany featuring Moorish Revival architectural style. It is located in Leccio, a hamlet of Reggello,. This page was last edited on 17 July 2022, at 13:42 (UTC). Text is. Sammezzano Castle is one of the most mysterious and fascinating places in Tuscany. Built in the mid-nineteenth century as a monument to oriental art by the Marquis Ferdinando Panciatichi Ximenes d'Aragona, Sammezzano is an incredible mix of Arabesque elements inspired by the Alhambra in Granada, Masonic and even Indian symbols: majestic arches, finely inlaid walls, arabesques, rooms theme and. Castello di Sammezzano: The Sad Story of a Magnificent Castle Now Abandoned in Tuscany. Approximately 25 kilometers south-east of Florence, standing amid a 185-hectare park in the municipality of Reggello, rises a magnificent castle, a prime example of Moorish art in Italy: the Castello di Sammezzano. Composed of 365 rooms, one for each day of. Sammezzano castle (all photographs by Diana Di Nuzzo) The Sammezzano castle in Tuscany near Florence was designed by the Marquis Ferdinando Ximenes Panciatichi of Aragon between 1853 and 1889.

Visitare il castello di Sammezzano un’esperienza unica che spero si ripeterà Parte 1

Il Castello di Sammezzano, a 30 chilometri da Firenze, è appartenuto ad una delle più importanti famiglie dell'aristocrazia fiorentina: i Panciatichi Ximenes d'Aragona. Realizzato nell'800 dalla mente brillante di Ferdinando, ha una storia interessante, raccontata nelle sue stanze ricche di elaborati stucchi policromi, che riecheggiano affascinanti dimore orientali. Il Castello di Sammezzano, circondato da un ampio parco, si trova nell'omonima località nei pressi di Leccio, nel comune di Reggello in provincia di Firenze Storia e descrizione. L'edificio principale è una costruzione eclettica con prevalenza di stile orientalista, effetto della ristrutturazione. Il castello-villa di Sammezzano fu acquistato nel 1605 dagli Ximenes d'Aragona e passò in eredità nel 1816 ai Panciatichi. All'opera di Ferdinando Panciatichi Ximenes d'Aragona, nella duplice veste di committente ed architetto, si deve l'aspetto attuale del complesso. La prima testimonianza degli interventi neomoreschi condotti da. Among the many properties received in inheritance there was also the Villa Castello di Sammezzano. One of the rooms of the Sammezzano Castle. Aesthetically influenced by the cultural and artistic current called "Orientalism", widespread throughout Europe since the early 1800s and which saw one of the major centers in Florence, Ferdinando.

Sammezzano Castle is an italian castle build by eclectic style

Of course, we're talking about Castello di Sammezzano, the Moorish Revival palazzo in Leccio, a 45 minute drive from Florence and not too far from the local Mall Firenze. The symmetry of the Peacock Room. A 58,448-sq-ft three-storey castle with a clock tower facade, 365 rooms - one for every day of the year, each with its own name and decorative twist - set on 65 acres of exotic parkland in. Of course, we're talking about Castello di Sammezzano, the Moorish Revival castle in Leccio, a 45-minute drive from Florence and not too far from the local Mall Firenze. The marvelous symmetry of the Peacock Room. Sammezzano Castle (in Italian: Castello di Sammezzano) is located in the picturesque area of Reggello, near Leccio, on the outskirts of Florence.Benefitting from the climate and natural beauty that typifies central Italy, Sammezzano Castle is one of the elegant pieces of architecture standing majestically in an area of outstanding natural beauty. The castle is surrounded by a sizeable park.

The Castle of Sammezzano May Be the Most Psychedelic Building in the World

Posted on March 15, 2021. A splendid interior of the Castello di Sammezzano, built in the Moorish style in Tuscany during the 19th century. Just 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) southeast of Florence in the hamlet of Leccio, an architectural marvel sits on a verdant hillside. Sammezzano, a fairy tale castle surrounded by a park of 190 hectares (470. The singular Sammezzano Castle is less than 40 miles south of downtown Florence, in Leccio, municipality Reggello, Tuscany, Italy . Surrounded by one of the largest oak forests of Tuscany, 450 hectares, situated on top of a hill, the Castle is an extravagant residence Sammezzano beyond any comparison.