20 Citizen Science Projects for Students of All Ages

IDEA SET Citizen Science Projects Learn about how you can participate in citizen science projects. Grades 3 - 12+ Subjects Biology, Ecology, Earth Science Photograph by Kelly Thayer, MyShot Did you know snapping mountain-top photos of smog and listening for frog calls can help scientists? Explore Projects This searchable database provides a government-wide listing of citizen science and crowdsourcing projects designed to improve cross-agency collaboration, reveal opportunities for new high-impact projects, and make it easier for volunteers to find out about projects they can join.

20 Citizen Science Projects for Students of All Ages

List of citizen science projects Citizen science projects are activities sponsored by a wide variety of organizations so non-scientists can meaningfully contribute to scientific research. This year, citizen scientists continued to accelerate research into Alzheimer's with Stall Catchers, sampled their neighborhood water quality with Crowd the Tap, tackled light pollution with Globe at Night, helped research the design of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine and much more! Thanks to nearly 100,000 registered SciStarter users and many other visitors in 2020 alone, we collectively helped scientists accelerate research about COVID-19, monitor light pollution and climate change, catalogue biodiversity all around the globe and understand our world in so many other ways. Water Projects Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Volunteers from many local organizations collect water quality data to improve the health of water bodies. The Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative is a great example of an organization that performs this type of work. EPA grants often support these organizations in monitoring efforts.

20 Citizen Science Projects for Students of All Ages Experiential Learning Depot

NASA's citizen science projects are collaborations between scientists and interested members of the public. Through these collaborations, volunteers (known as citizen scientists) have helped make thousands of important scientific discoveries. More than 410 NASA citizen scientists have been named as co-authors on refereed scientific publications. These outcomes include discoveries, such as in astrophysics 12 and archaeology projects 13; new insights, such as in epidemiology 14 and socio-linguistics projects 15; evidence-based. Here are 10 citizen science projects you can get involved with today: 1. mPing is a free app for mobile devices that, when it was first launched, was intended to record wintertime precipitation. Citizen science offers a unique opportunity for the public and EPA to connect on environmental science and protection. It uses the collective strength of the community to identify research questions, collect and analyze data, interpret results, make new discoveries, and develop technologies and applications - all to understand and solve environmental problems.

Citizen Science Project 1 Lab in the Wild — home school life

1. Globe at Night The project aims to raise awareness about light pollution and its impacts on communities. Students can report their night sky brightness observations daily. All they need is a computer or phone. This would be a great supplemental learning experience to a broader PBL project on light pollution. 2. iNaturalist Examples of Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing. Web-based Projects. EyeWire: A Game to Map the Brain; Galaxy Zoo: A Crowdsourced Astronomy Project. EPA Quality Assurance Handbook and Guidance Documents for Citizen Science Projects; Getting Started With Iterative Project Management (Managing Iterative Soft ware Development Projects, PDF) Keeping participants involved can go a long way. Extreme Citizen Science (ExCiteS) empowers participants to design their own projects, such as this initiative to map the forests of Komo,. Citizen-science projects may include wildlife-monitoring programs, online databases, visualization and sharing technologies, or other community efforts.. One of the oldest examples of citizen science is the Christmas Bird Count sponsored by the National Audubon Society. Since 1900, the organization has sponsored a bird count that runs from.

20 Citizen Science Projects for Students of All Ages Experiential Learning Depot

1. The Christmas Bird Count The Christmas Bird Count is an annual census of birds organized by the Audubon Society and conducted by volunteer birders around the United States. Data from the count revealed climate change is causing a reduction in the population [pdf] of birds. Citizen science evolved through multiple disciplinary manifestations into a new field of study and a participatory method of enquiry. While most citizen science projects take place within problem.