Felicidades Congratulations Card Spanish Etsy

Felicidades Enhorabuena Feliz… Felicitar Me da gusto por ti Felicitaciones ¡Buen trabajo! When learning Spanish, it's important to learn how to say congratulations in different contexts. For that reason, in this article, I've compiled a list of the 7 most common ways to say congratulations in Spanish. "Congratulations" in Spanish congratulations ( kuhn - grah - juh - ley - shihnz ) plural noun 1. (praise) a. felicidades Congratulations on your new job! ¡Felicidades por tu nuevo trabajo! b. enhorabuena (Spain) Congratulations on your new baby!¡Enhorabuena por el recién nacido! c. felicitaciones It's your anniversary?

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Quick Answer Congratulations in Spanish can be felicidades, enhorabuena, or felicitaciones. Read on to learn all about congratulations in Spanish! Congratulations in Spanish: How to Say Congratulations There are three direct translations for congratulations in Spanish. We can say: enhorabuena, felicidades, or felicitaciones. Although ¡Felicidades! and ¡Felicitaciones! are used to express the same desire for joy and happiness, both are used slightly differently. ¡Felicidades! should be used for life events such as weddings, anniversaries, births, etc. ¡Felicidades por tu cumpleaños! - Happy Birthday! ¡Felicidades por el nacimiento de tu hijo! Congratulations in Spanish can be translated as: felicidades enhorabuena felicitaciones te felicito When Should I Say It? Anytime you want to celebrate, or celebrar, something in life! It could be to celebrate: a birthday an engagement a wedding a baptism an anniversary a graduation a new job a new house a new car a finished project Felicidades vs enhorabuena Of the phrases mentioned above, two of the most common ways to say congratulations are felicidades and enhorabuena. How often you hear each of these phrases will depend on where you are or who you are communicating with. Felicidades is used in all Spanish-speaking countries and works in a variety of contexts.

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congratulations in spanish Translation felicitaciones en español Play Copy Swap Proofread Translated by Show more translations Word-by-word Random Word Roll the dice and learn a new word now! Get a Word Want to Learn Spanish? Spanish learning for everyone. For free. Translation It's a positive and encouraging expression used to acknowledge someone's success or accomplishment. Spanish English Te felicito I congratulate you This phrase adds a personal touch to your congratulations. noun [ plural ] / kənˌɡrætʃəˈleɪʃənzor, often, -ˌɡrædʒ-, kəŋ-/ colloquial Add to word list used to wish sb success or happiness felicitaciones [ feminine ] felicidades [ feminine ] enhorabuena [ feminine ] Congratulations! You're a dad! ¡Felicidades! ¡Eres padre! Congratulations on your graduation! ¡Enhorabuena por tu graduación! noun uk / kənˌɡrætʃ.əˈleɪ.ʃən/ us / kənˌɡrætʃ.əˈleɪ.ʃən/ congratulations [ plural ] Add to word list A2 something that you say when you want to congratulate someone enhorabuena "I got the job ." "Did you? Congratulations!" Congratulations on your engagement! ¡Felicidades por su compromiso!

Felicidades Congratulations Card Spanish Etsy

The Standard Way to Say Congratulations in Spanish ️ 1. Felicidades ️ 2. Muchas Felicidades ️ 3. Te Felicito How to Pronounce Felicidades Congratulations in Spanish Wedding ️ 4. ¡Felicidades por tu compromiso! - Congratulations on your engagement! ️ 5. ¡Felicidades por su boda! - Congratulations on your wedding! ️ 6. in Spanish, ¡Felicidades! and ¡Felicitaciones!. The main difference between these two words is that while felicitación is an act of praise or congratulation, felicidad refers to the blessed state of the human heart, happiness. Therefore, ¡Felicitaciones! is often used on graduation, promotion, award, victory, or achievement. Felicidades Enhorabuena Bravo Bien hecho Te felicito Te aplaudo Qué logro tan impresionante Estoy orgulloso de ti Eres un campeón Conclusion Related posts: Felicidades ¡Felicidades! ¡Estás haciendo un trabajo increíble! No puedo creer lo lejos que has llegado. Tu dedicación y esfuerzo son evidentes en todo lo que haces. Felicitaciones It is one of the most common ways to say congratulations in Spanish. Felicitaciones literally means congratulations. You can say this for just about anything: "Acabo de conseguir un nuevo trabajo" "¿Ah sí? ¡Felicitaciones!" - "I just got a new job" "Oh yeah? Congratulations!"

Felicidades means Congratulations in Spanish language. Flat lay, gerbera flowers on pink paper

1. ¡Felicidades! (Congratulations!) 2. ¡Feliz cumpleaños! (Happy Birthday!) 3. ¡Feliz aniversario! (Happy Anniversary!) 4. ¡Feliz día! (Happy. Day!) Other occasions to say congratulations in Spanish The birth of a child Graduation Day from school or university A wedding A new job 5. ¡Felices fiestas! (Happy Holidays!) 1. ¡Felicidades! ¡Feliz cumpleaños! Espero que disfrutes mucho tu día. Happy birthday! I hope you enjoy your day very much. Muchas bendiciones en este día tan especial. Many blessings on this special day. Escuché que hoy es tu cumpleaños, ¡espero que todos tus sueños se hagan realidad! I heard today is your birthday, hope all your dreams come true! Engagements