Churchgoers in Dutch 'Bible Belt' defy coronavirus instructions Reuters

The Bible Belt ( Dutch: bijbelgordel, biblebelt) is a strip of land in the Netherlands with the highest concentration of conservative orthodox Reformed Protestants in the country. Although the term is of recent origin (named by analogy after the Bible Belt of the United States) the Dutch Bible Belt has existed for many generations. The Dutch Bible Belt (or, as they say, bijbelgordel or refoband) is a stretch of land with the highest concentration of conservative, orthodox Protestants (Calvinists) in the country. It reaches from the province of Zeeland in the southwest, past the provinces of South Holland, North Brabant, Utrecht, and Gelderland, to parts of the province of.

The Bible Belt (Dutch De Bijbelgordel) is a strip of land in the Netherlands with the highest

The bible belt in the Netherlands goes by different names: bijbelgordel, bijbelbelt, or refoband. The majority of the 400,000 residents are (you guessed it) Christian conservative Dutchies. That's 2.5% of the Dutch population which lives in that area. Quite a lot for such a small country, but those who are not from there, sure love to point. Politics. 10/24/2012. Staphorst in the Netherlands is the heartland of Dutch Calvinists. Their principles have barely changed in centuries. Advertisement. Over 500,000 devout Christians live in. The Bible Belt (De Bijbelgordel in Dutch) is the name given to a strip of land in the Netherlands, after the Bible Belt of the United States. The belt is inhabited by a large number of conservative Protestants. The Bible Belt stretches from Zeeland, through the West-Betuwe and Veluwe, to the northern parts of the province Overijssel. However. But nestled within this land of windmills and tulips lies a paradox - the Dutch Bible Belt. And at the heart of it all is the town of Veenendaal. Discovering the Bible Belt. In the corners of the Bible Belt, life follows a unique rhythm. While the modern world buzzes with activity, the residents of this region calmly make their way to church.

Schoolchildren in Staphorst, one of the most traditional villages of the Dutch bible belt europe

Back to homepage / Live news Dutch 'Bible Belt' targeted in Covid vaccine drive. Urk (Netherlands) (AFP) - From his surgery in the remote Dutch fishing village of Urk, family doctor Wilco Bloed. The Bible Belt ( Dutch: bijbelgordel, biblebelt) is a strip of land in the Netherlands with the highest concentration of conservative orthodox Reformed Protestants in the country. Although the term is of recent origin (named by analogy after the Bible Belt of the United States) the Dutch Bible Belt has existed for many generations. The bible belt is defined by municipal voter shares for the political party representing the Dutch orthodox protestants, the SGP (Staatskunding Gereformeerd Partij). Combining Dutch administrative micro data with voting outcomes at municipal level, I divide Dutch first-time parents of 2008-2013 into two groups: parents residing inside or. Some articles were published as results of Dutch research: - Anneke Pons-de Wit, Dick Houtman, John Exalto, Fred van Lieburg, Johan Roeland & Maarten Wisse, 'Buildings and Bibles Between Profanization and Sacralization: Semiotic Ambivalence in the Protestant Dutch Bible Belt', Material Religion 15 (2019) 1-26 (DOI: 10.1080/17432200.2018..

Dutch 'Bible Belt' targeted in Covid vaccine drive

Background The Netherlands has experienced epidemics of vaccine preventable diseases largely confined to the Bible belt, an area where -among others- orthodox protestant groups are living. Lacking information on the vaccination coverage in this minority, and its various subgroups, control of vaccine preventable diseases is focused on the geographical area of the Bible belt. However, the. Seeking security, Dutch turn to Bible Belt. STAPHORST, Netherlands (Reuters) - Just 90 minutes' drive from Amsterdam and its temptations is a village so devout that swearing is banned, women. Intriguingly, the Dutch Bible Belt is located just north of the historical divide between the Protestant and Catholic parts of the country. This distribution pattern has been used as evidence that the Netherlands' Bible Belt originated from Protestant stalwarts fleeing Catholic domination before the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, but this. A measles outbreak in 2013-14 hit the Dutch Bible Belt, killing one child, hospitalising 182 children, and officially affecting 2,700 others, though officials said the actual number was much.

Dutch Bible Belt, based on percentage of votes for the Reformed Political Party (SGP) in 2010

Staphorst, in the Dutch Bible Belt, has a by-law against swearing When I asked Rikko whether he believed Jesus was the son of God he looked uncomfortable. "That's a very tough question. The Bible Belt is a region of the Southern United States and one Midwestern state, the state of Missouri, in all of which socially conservative Protestant Christianity plays a strong role in society. Church attendance across the denominations is generally higher than the nation's average. The region contrasts with the religiously diverse Midwest and Great Lakes, and the Mormon corridor in Utah.