Kalender voor 2023 met weeknummers en feestdagen … nationale feestdagen, weken, agenda, A4

Below are United States holidays for the calendar year 2023. Change Year: Change Country: Provides calendars for the calendar year for United States. United States 2023 holiday calendar with all major holidays and observances. Comprehensive list of Federal Holidays that are celebrated in USA during 2023 with dates for several years and information on the origin and meaning of holidays.

Kalender 2023

This page contains a national calendar of all 2023 federal and state holidays for the United States. These dates may be modified as official changes are announced, so please check back regularly for updates. Scroll down to view the national list or choose your state's calendar. Choose your state Most viewed holidays today: Christmas Diwali Holidays and Observances in United States in 2023 Suggested countries: Australia | Canada | United Kingdom | List of all countries Showing: 344 For: Jump to: JAN | FEB | MAR | APR | MAY | JUN | JUL | AUG | SEP | OCT | NOV | DEC Holidays and Observances in United States in 2023 1e maandag in september: Labor Day 4e donderdag in november: Thanksgiving Day 25 december: Christmas Day (1 dag) Overheden en de financiële sector zijn vaak ook gesloten op 2 januari, President's Day (3e maandag in februari), Columbus Day (2e maandag in oktober) en Veterans Day (11 november). 2023 2024 › New Year's Day: 1. Januar. New Year's Day (observance): 2. Januar. Martin Luther King Day: 16. Januar. Washington's Birthday: 20. Februar. Memorial Day: 29. Mai. Juneteenth National Independence Day: 19.

2023 Calendar With Us Holidays Time and Date Calendar 2023 Canada

Federal holidays in the United States (Wikipedia.org) Fact Sheet: Federal Holidays - Work Schedules and Pay (OPM.gov) All federal holidays 2023 for the USA New Year's Day Martin Luther King Jr. Day Washington's Birthday Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day. These include New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Businesses often close or grant paid time off for New Year's Eve, Christmas Eve, and the Day after Thanksgiving, but none of these are federal holidays. Other federal holidays are less widely observed by business. John Kennedy Memorial Day Nationale Cranberry Relish Dag Dankzeggingsdag Nationale Rouwdag Nationale Espressodag Black Friday Nationale Sardinedag Indiaanse dag Evacuatiedag in New York Small Business Day Nationale Parfaitdag Nationale Taartdag Nationale Franse Toast Dag GivingTuesday Nationale Lemon Cream Pie-dag Internationale informatiedag 2023 is a regular year, with 365 days. Christmas Day. Thanksgiving Day. Halloween. Easter Sunday. Mother's Day. Father's Day. Independence Day. Valentine's Day.

April 2023 Calendar With Holidays Usa Get Calendar 2023 Update

The United States recognizes 12 federal holidays. Learn about federal, state, and cultural holidays celebrated in the U.S. Federal holidays State holidays Commonly celebrated holidays and observances Ethnic and religious holidays LAST UPDATED: December 6, 2023 SHARE THIS PAGE: Have a question? TIJD EN DATUM Feestdagen in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika 2024 Hieronder volgt een volledige lijst van officiële feestdagen in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika. Feestdagen waarop alle bewoners vrij zijn van hun werk worden vaak rode dagen genoemd. 2023 2024 Tip: If you access this page through a bookmark or link and want the default to be year 2024 instead, update your bookmark or link. See 2024 calendar Calendar for Year 2023 (United States) Holidays and Observances: Add more holidays/observances: Major Christian | Major Jewish | Major Muslim | Major Hinduism Select: Tools Los días festivos en Estados Unidos para 2023. Lunes, 2 de enero - Día de Año Nuevo. Lunes, 16 de enero - Natalicio de Martin Luther King. Lunes, 20 de febrero - Día de los Presidentes. Lunes.

Kalender voor 2023 met weeknummers en feestdagen … nationale feestdagen, weken, agenda, A4

Días festivos de los Estados Unidos 2023. Esta página contiene un calendario nacional de todos los días festivos federales y estatales del 2023 para los Estados Unidos. Las fechas pueden cambiar a medida que se anuncien los cambios oficiales, por lo que recomendamos que revise frecuentemente las actualizaciones. Feestdagen USA 2023 Deze lijst met feestdagen bevat alle feestdagen en enkele belangrijke vieringen in USA. Feestdagen zijn speciale dagen waarop iedereen vrij van zijn of haar werk is, terwijl vieringen, traditionele feesten en evenementen zijn die populair zijn in een bepaald land, maar dan zonder een vrije dag.