Zo maak je de lekkerste romige risotto met Fontinakaas

Omschrijving Fontina BOB* 45+ *Beschermende oorsprongsbenaming Let op, bereid met rauwe melk. Inhoud en gewicht 200 Gram Portiegrootte: 10 gram Aantal porties: 20 Kenmerken Protected Designation of Origin Glutenvrij Ingrediënten Ingrediënten: rauwe melk, zout, stremsel. Fontina cheese is a cow's milk cheese that originated in Italy and is traditionally made from unpasteurized milk from cows in the Aosta Valley, an Alpine region in northwest Italy. Fontina cheese is also made in Denmark, Sweden, the United States, Canada and Argentina. Fast Facts Made from: Raw cow's milk Origin: Aosta Valley region of Italy


Authentic Fontina cheese is Italian, made from unpasteurized cow's milk containing about 45% fat, according to Organic Facts. Fontina is known for its orange rind over pale, creamy interiors that. Fontina is a type of cheese that originates from the Aosta Valley in Italy. It's a cow's milk cheese known for its creamy texture and mild, nutty flavor with a hint of sweetness. Fontina is a semi-soft cheese that melts well, making it a popular choice for dishes like fondue, pizza, and pasta. Traditionally made from unpasteurized milk, the texture is semi-hard, smooth and adorned with small holes in the body. Surrounding the grasslands of the Aosta valley, caves and crevices in the mountains provide the perfect low temperatures for aging, giving Fontina its dense and open interior. The cheese absorbs the naturally filtered moisture. Pungent, earthy, rich, nutty, creamy and woody all at once, Fontina is a truly stunning cheese to taste. With a natural orange rind and a pale, firm, semi-soft interior studded with 'eyes' (little holes), it certainly ticks all the boxes visually. It was first made in the Aosta Valley back in the twelfth century, and in certain frescoes.

Fontina kaas een karaktervolle kaas met een milde, nootachtige smaak Culy.nl

In the mountainous region of Northern Italy lies the Valle d'Aosta or the Aosta Valley, a tiny section bordered by France, Switzerland, and the Piedmont region of Italy. Fontina Val d'Aosta is traditionally made from unpasteurised cow's milk. The texture and flavour of the cheese depending on how long it has aged. The texture can vary from semi-soft to firm, and the flavours can go from mild and rich to more robust and overpowering. Usually, Fontina is aged for 90 days. Nov 08, 2021 Fontina, the Valle d'Aosta Queen of Northern Italian Cheeses When speaking of Italian cheeses, many people know Parmesan, Mozzarella and probably Gorgonzola , others know about Formaggio Piave, Toma. Italy however is home to may amazing cheeses. Traditionally made from unpasteurised milk, the texture is semi hard, smooth and adorned with small eyes in the body. Surrounding the grasslands of the Aosta valley, caves and crevices in the mountains provide the perfect low temperatures for aging, giving Fontina its dense and open interior. The cheese absorbs the naturally filtered moisture.

Fontina Kaasspeciaalzaak Ed Boele

Vacherin is another good substitute for Fontina cheese. This cheese comes from France and Switzerland. It has a soft and creamy texture with a thin rind. Vacherin cheese is made from cow's milk, just like Fontina. This is the reason why it's good to be used as a substitute for Fontina cheese. mild nootachtig Fontina is een Italiaanse bergkaas met een licht fruitig karakter en rijk aan nootachtige nuances. Perfect voor in de fondue en heerlijk bij een goed glas rode wijn. Benieuwd welke kazen het best bij jou passen? Doe de smaaktest. Productinformatie Over deze kaas Fontina is a classic Italian cheese made in the Aosta Valley since the 12th century. Fontina is usually aged for 90 days as I will be with this homemade var. Fontina is a creamy, semi-firm Italian cheese that comes from cow's milk. Although there are quite a few cheeses that have similar names (e.g., Fontella, Fontal, Fontinella, etc.), only the Italian Fontina — known as "Fontina Val d'Aosta" — can lay claim to being designated as the original Fontina cheese. Table of Contents hide

Fontina DOP Kaas.nl

Fontina cheese is commonly used in cooking and is particularly well-suited for fondue, as it melts easily and has a rich, creamy texture. It is also often used as a topping for pizza, as well as in pasta dishes, sandwiches, and omelettes. Fontina is also a versatile cheese that can be paired with many different types of food and drink. Fontina is a semi-hard, Italian-style cow's milk cheese that has a rich and creamy texture and a nutty, buttery flavor. If that description doesn't have you flocking to buy some now, then we don't know what will. Fontina is typically made from unpasteurized milk, and has small holes in the body not unlike mini-versions of those found in.