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Frans van Haaren Ph.D. Reading and writing Connect with experts in your field Join ResearchGate to contact this researcher and connect with your scientific community. Join for free Log in About. van Haaren, F. (2015). Automatic negative reinforcement: Its possible role in problem behavior with treatment implications. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice, 15 (3-4), 161-170.

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Frans van Haaren, Ph.D., BCBA Author information Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer Go to: Abstract Taking America off Drugs by Stephen Ray Flora provides an overview of effective behavioral interventions to treat a variety of mental health concerns, including depression and phobias. Frans van Haaren, Annemieke van Hest, Nanne E. van de Poll First published: March 1988 Citations: 57 PDF Tools Share Abstract Frans van Haaren Abstract and Figures Problem behaviors such as self-stimulation, stereotypy, and some instances of self-injurious behavior have long been assumed to be maintained by automatic. Frans van Haaren Autism Early Intervention Clinics and the ABA Academy, Saint Petersburg, Florida Problem behaviors such as self-stimulation, stereotypy, and some instances of self-

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Edited by Frans van Haaren - University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, U.S.A. Volume 10, Pages 1-667 (1993) Download full volume. Previous volume. Next volume. Actions for selected chapters. Select all / Deselect all.. Gilles Van Luijtelaar, Anton Coenen. Pages 575-602 View PDF. Chapter preview. DOI: 10.1037/BAR0000020 Corpus ID: 148677245; Automatic negative reinforcement: Its possible role in problem behavior with treatment implications. @inproceedings{Haaren2015AutomaticNR, title={Automatic negative reinforcement: Its possible role in problem behavior with treatment implications.}, author={Frans van Haaren}, year={2015} } Frans van Haaren is currently at the Department of Psychology, University of Procedure Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611. Correspondence may be addressed Adaptation. All subjects were adapted to the experimental chamber to Annemieke van Hest, Netherlands Institute for Brain Research, for 20 min.. Frans van Haaren No preview available - 1993. Common terms and phrases. abuse accuracy acquisition activity aggression agonists alternative amphetamine analysis animal models anxiolytic baseline Behav behavioral effects behavioral pharmacology benzodiazepines Biochem Blanchard brain stimulation reward buspirone chlordiazepoxide chronic.

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Van Haaren F, Cody B, Hoy JB, Karlix JL, Schmidt CJ, Tebbett IR, Wielbo D. The effects of pyridostigmine bromide and permethrin, alone or in combination, on response acquisition in male and female rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 66: 739-46. PMID 10973511 DOI: 10.1016/S0091-3057(00)00282-3 : 0.472: 2000: Anderson KG, van Haaren F. DOI: 10.1016/S0149-7634(05)80157-5 Corpus ID: 10874385; Behavioral differences between male and female rats: Effects of gonadal hormones on learning and memory @article{Haaren1990BehavioralDB, title={Behavioral differences between male and female rats: Effects of gonadal hormones on learning and memory}, author={Frans van Haaren and Annemieke van Hest and Rob P. W. Heinsbroek}, journal. Frans van Haaren. 1994, Alcohol.. Sex Differences in Schedule-Induced Alcohol Consumption FRANS VAN H A A R E N l A N D KAREN ANDERSON Department of Psychology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 R e c e i v e d 29 J a n u a r y 1993; A c c e p t e d 10 S e p t e m b e r 1993 VAN HAAREN, F. AND K. ANDERSON.. Franciscus Laurentius Josephus (Frans) van Haaren ( Beek (Gelderland), 29 januari 1886 - Schiedam, 13 april 1945) was een Nederlands jurist, burgemeester en waarnemend gouverneur van Suriname. Van 1897 tot 1904 studeerde Van Haaren aan het gymnasium van Rolduc.

(PDF) The effects of scopolamine and methylscopolamine on visual and auditory discriminations in

Frans van Haaren 1988, Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society The present experiment was designed to investigate the effect of stimulus presentations during the delay interval of an operant delayed spatial response alternation procedure on the response accuracy of male and female Wistar rats. Frans van Haaren studies Public Health Sciences, Silk Road, and Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorders.