Fortnite HoloChests Explained

What you need to know about Holo-Chests Holo-Chests can be found randomly across the map, like other chests, though you'll quickly see how differently they behave. Much like high-security. Functionality[] Holo-Chests are unique in that they display the loot that they will dispense before being opened, and drop only that loot alongside if a weapon is present. Holo-Chests will display a hologram of the weapon inside above it, with a color indicating its rarity.

Fortnite All HoloChest Locations KeenGamer

All Holo Chest Locations in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 Image by Pro Game Guides There is no shortage of Holo Chests spread around the map, each holding a different rarity weapon you can collect. You can find them most often at gas stations or at landmarks surrounding the POIs. New in v22.10: Holo-Chests! Holo-Chest can usually spawn in groups of 4 and multiple sets can often be found in a single-named location, however individual sets can also be found in more secluded areas. Holo-Chests are scattered throughout the Fortnite island and are most commonly found in POIs and Gas Stations. What are Holo-Chests in Fortnite? Holo-Chests are a new type of chest added in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4, and these can be unlocked using Vault Keys. Unlike the Vaults, players actually get to see a hologram preview of what's inside the Holo-Chest, making it easier to choose which item you want. Published: Aug 27, 2023, 22:24 Updated: Aug 28, 2023, 04:11 Epic Games As Fortnite players surge through Chapter 4 Season 4's quests, the third quest requires players to search Safes and Holo.

Holo Chests in Fortnite How do they work and are they worth using your keys? Dot Esports

Introduced in Chapter 3: Season 4, the Holo-Chest is a new lootable Container in Fortnite that grants players the guaranteed drop of a particular weapon. As implied by its name, the Holo-Chest possesses a projector on its lid that produces a holographic image of the armament it contains. The holo chests are scattered throughout the Fortnite Chapter 4 map. You can find the exact locations here: Fortnite: The holo chests give you access to very special loot! | © Epic Games Holo Chests typically spawn in groups of four, and multiple sets can often be found in a single location. 13th March 2023 Holo Chests are a special kind of loot chest in Fortnite. They were added in the last major Chapter, and require keys to open. There are even challenges associated with. Holo-Chests containing an exotic weapon can be handy, especially since it means you don't have to track down the correct NPC and spend your gold bars to get one. This guide will tell you.

Fortnite HoloChests Explained

In order to open Fortnite Holo-Chests, you first need to collect Keys to unlock them. Unfortunately these are random items, which you can find on the floor or in chests, so you just need to. In Fortnite, Holo Chests are unlockable containers that hold Rare, Epic, Legendary, or Exotic loot. Unlike other Chests, Holo Chests display their contents via a hologram, letting players know what's inside. Also unlike standard Chests, Holo Chests require a Key, found randomly across the Fortnite island, in order to open. What are the rewards for opening a Fortntie Holo-Chest? Of course, you get more than just the gun for opening a Holo-Chest with a key at a Fortnite gas station. While you do get the rare gun of your choosing, you also get the expected 20,000 XP that comes as the prize for completing each weekly mission. Published 6th Oct 2022 12:35 Fortnite Holo-Chests are a brand-new type of Container that displays what's inside before you open it. Hate wasting your time in Fortnite opening up a bunch of Chests, only to discover useless items? Well, with Holo-Chests, that isn't an issue.

All Holo Chest locations in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2

Once players have a key or two, they can decide whether to use it on a Holo-Chest or one of the new vaults in Fortnite Season 4. The contents of Holo-Chests . As the name would suggest, the Exotic. Updated September 18th, 2023, by Thomas Cunliffe Image: Attack of the Fanboy, Epic Games Continuing Nolan Chance's Snapshot Questline in Fortnite Chapter Four Season Four, players are tasked with searching safes and holo chests. This guide details the easiest way to complete this quest, as well as what on earth a holo chest actually is.