Hottug The coolest boat, the hottest tub! Docked at Vessel 11 is the HotTug — the world's first wood-fired sailing hot tub. You can rent the boat for a minimum of 2 hours and float through Rotterdam's canals, with your loved one or a group of mates. De tofste boot ooit! De hotTug is werelds eerste houtgestookte varende hot tub. Je kunt de boot huren voor minimaal 2 uur en varen door de kanalen van Rotterdam met je geliefde of een groep vrienden. Bij regen of zonneschijn kun je genieten van het prachtige uitzicht van de stad terwijl je een heerlijke koude cocktail drinkt.
Rotterdam Hot Tub Boat Dutch Dutch Goose
Welkom in 's werelds eerste varende hot tub. HotTug is een elektrisch aangedreven boot waar je het hele seizoen in kan varen. Zomer, herfst, winter en lente. Tijdens de vaart wordt het water warm gehouden door een hout gestookte kachel. Varen in een HotTug is een unieke ervaring. Unexpected Freedom. HotTug is the world's first wood-fired hot tub that you can sail and bathe in at the same time. It's an electric propelled boat, which can be enjoyed the whole year round. Summer, fall, winter and spring. People are surprised, curious and amazed when they see the HotTug passing by. Once they experience it, they feel like. The Rotterdam hot tub boat, HotTug, is easily reached by public transportation. We took the NS train from Delft to the Rotterdam Black station (15 mins, every 15 mins, a few Euros) and walked a few blocks to the boats. Rotterdam Black is the gateway to many of Rotterdam's amusements. HotTug 5 65 reviews #7 of 39 Boat Tours & Water Sports in Rotterdam Boat ToursBoat Rentals Open now 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM Write a review See all photos About HotTug is the world's first wood-fired hot tub that you can sail and bathe in at the same time. It's an electric propelled boat, which can be enjoyed the whole year round.
Rotterdam Hot Tub Boat Dutch Dutch Goose
HotTug Rotterdam Week 2 Vandaag Maand Week (Geen beschikbare ruimte gevonden) Varen in de winter terwijl u zit te stomen in een hot tub? Dat kan in de HotTug! Top Tips! Be sure to book well in advance and to understand all their terms and conditions on booking. I booked this month's in advance to make sure we would get a boat, but, of course, it's weather depending. Don't put too many logs on that fire in the stove which heats the tub! The roomy hot-tub boat is the ultimate waterway experience. Navigate the water in a roomy eight-man, motor-powered hot-tub boat. Enjoy drinks, snacks and the stunning Rotterdam skyline. The boat is excellently maintained and extremely clean. Simply relax and enjoy a beer or try driving the hot-tub boat yourself. About. HotTug is the world's first wood-fired hot tub that you can sail and bathe in at the same time. It's an electric propelled boat, which can be enjoyed the whole year round. Summer, fall, winter and spring. People are surprised, curious and amazed when they see a HotTug passing by. HotTug is unique and is made to provide an amazing.
Hot Tub Tugboat In Rotterdam Skye Travels
It's a hot tub in a boat, heated by an oven and floating thanks to an outer construction of wood and plastic. This creation from the designer studio Supergoed is a new leisure activity in Rotterdam. Since May 2013 the hot tug enables people to enjoy a boat cruise in the canals that always feels like the Caribbean. Hot Tug Attractie 's Werelds eerste houtgestookte hot tub waarmee je kunt varen ofwel een sleepboot waarin je heerlijk warm kunt baden. Romantisch genieten van de zonsondergang midden in de stad of ontspannen en lachend met vrienden, familie of collega's varen door de Rotterdamse haventjes.. De HotTug, bij Vessel 11, is elke donderdag t.
Varen in de winter terwijl u zit te stomen in een hot tub? Dat kan in de HotTug! the HotTug; locations; questions; contact; nederlands. Prices (2 hours) 2023: 2 persons: € 164,-3 persons: € 184,-4 persons: € 204,-5 persons:. Rotterdam - Vessel11 address: Wijnhaven tegenover 101, Rotterdam Basking in the warm, steaming water, you feel at one with your surroundings and time seems to stand still. You can step out of the HotTug to take a dip in the fresh water. Brrrr, the refreshing cold tingles on your skin. Then gently ease yourself back into the warm water. You had imagined what it would be like to sail in a HotTug, but this.
Rotterdam Hot Tub Boat Dutch Dutch Goose
Hot Tug is the world's first wood-fired hot tub that can be sailed electronically! How does it work? There's a stainless steel wood stove on the inside of the boat, keeping you and your friends in a warm state of bliss the entire ride. Did you know? Heated bathtubs date back to the ancient Egyptians as early as 2000 B.C.! HotTug varen in drijvend bad. Je kunt deze drijvende hottubs huren bij restaurantbar Vessel 11 aan de Wijnhaven in Rotterdam. Je hele vriendengroep kan mee want je kunt met tot wel acht vrienden in de HotTugs. Willen jullie allemaal wel een beetje zuipen en gek doen op en in het water, dan is het misschien verstandig om een betaalde kapitein.