Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters is a 1985 biographical drama film based on the life and work of Japanese writer Yukio Mishima, directed by Paul Schrader from a screenplay by his brother Leonard and Leonard's wife Chieko Schrader from a story by Paul Schrader and Jun Shiragi. Paul Schrader's "Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters" (1985) is the most unconventional biopic I've ever seen, and one of the best. In a triumph of concise writing and construction, it considers three crucial aspects of the life of the Japanese author Yukio Mishima (1925-1970). In black and white, we see formative scenes from his earlier years.
Mishima A Life in Four Chapters (1985)
Directed by Paul Schrader. With Ken Ogata, Masayuki Shionoya, Hiroshi Mikami and Junya Fukuda.Mishima Blu-ray (Amazon) https://amzn.to/48NuJb6Mishima Blu-ray. Paul Schrader's visually stunning, collagelike portrait of the acclaimed Japanese author and playwright Yukio Mishima (played by Ken Ogata) investigates the inner turmoil and contradictions of a man who attempted the impossible task of finding harmony among self, art, and society. Paul Schrader Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters Paul Schrader's visually stunning, collagelike portrait of the acclaimed Japanese author and playwright Yukio Mishima (played by Ken Ogata) investigates the inner turmoil and contradictions of a man who attempted the impossible task of finding harmony among self, art, and society. Mishima's life obviously supplies the materials for a sensationalistic film. Paul Schrader has not made one. Instead, his "Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters" takes this most flamboyant of writers and translates his life into a carefully structured examination of three different Mishimas: public, private and literary.
Cinéma Viscéral Mishima A Life in Four Chapters (1985) KINO
With its rich cinematography by John Bailey, exquisite sets and costumes by Eiko Ishioka, and unforgettable, highly influential score by Philip Glass, Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters is a tribute to its subject and a bold, investigative work of art in its own right. Trailer 2:01:31 1 Video 99+ Photos Biography Drama A fictionalized account in four chapters of the life of celebrated Japanese writer Yukio Mishima. Director Paul Schrader Writers Chieko Schrader Paul Schrader Leonard Schrader Stars Ken Ogata Masayuki Shionoya Hiroshi Mikami See production info at IMDbPro RENT/BUY from $3.59 search Amazon Add to Watchlist Criterion presents Paul Schrader's Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters in the aspect ratio of 1.85:1 and enhanced for widescreen televisions on the first dual-layered disc of a two-disc set. Previously the film was released on DVD by Warner Bros. Mishima - A Life In Four Chapters. by Paul Schrader, Japan, 1985. Streaming. Paul Schrader's visually stunning, collage-like portrait of acclaimed Japanese author and playwright Yukio Mishima (played by Ken Ogata) investigates the inner turmoil and contradictions of a man who attempted an impossible harmony between self, art, and society.
Mishima A Life in Four Chapters The Criterion Channel
Brian Susbielles InSession Film. Mishima is an impressive work. Like Oshima's "Gishiki" and "Nihon no Yoru to Kiri," which unquestionably influenced the American filmmakers, it uses both realistic. For the production design on Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters, director Paul Schrader turned to famed graphic designer Eiko Ishioka. The below images of her groundbreaking sets, as well as this excerpted text, first appeared in the 2000 book Eiko on Stage.Ishioka worked on the film with Kazuo Takenaka, who assisted her on overall execution and was responsible for designing the reality-based sets.
Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (English Subtitled) Taking place on acclaimed Japanese author and playwright Yukio Mishima's last day, when he famously committed public seppuku, Paul Schrader's film is punctuated by extended flashbacks to the writer's life as well as by gloriously stylized evocations of his fictional works. 261 2 h 1 min 1985 About Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters DRAMA Paul Schrader's visually stunning, collagelike portrait of acclaimed Japanese author and playwright Yukio Mishima (played by Ken Ogata) investigates the inner turmoil and contradictions of a man who attempted an impossible harmony between self, art, and society.
A fictionalized account in four chapters of the life of celebrated Japanese author Yukio Mishima.Three of the segments parallel events in Mishima's life with his novels (The Temple of the Golden Pavilion, Kyoko's House, and Runaway Horses), while the fourth depicts the actual events of the 25th Nov. 1970, "The Last Day". Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters 1985 Directed by Paul Schrader On November 25, 1970, Japan's greatest author Yukio Mishima committed an act that shocked the literary world… A fictional account of the life of Japanese author Yukio Mishima told in four parts.