EidulFitr 2021 Prayer timings in Saudi Arabia Riyadh Xpress

Prayer Times in Riyadh Wrong Location? 8 January, 2024 26 Jumada Al-Akhirah, 1445 Fajr 05:16 AM Sunrise 06:38 AM Dhuhr 12:00 PM Asr 03:01 PM Upcoming Prayer Maghrib 00:17:54 05:21 PM Isha 06:51 PM Umm Al-Qura Change Fajr 18.5 degrees, Isha 90 minutes, Hanbali, Maliki, Shafi Embed to your website The table below of Prayer times in Riyadh ( Saudi Arabia) will guide you in finding out Riyadh prayer timings of Fajr (Sunrise), Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib (Sunset) and Isha. For Muslims in Riyadh, adhering to the prescribed prayer times is an aspect of their faith. These times vary daily and are determined by the position of the sun.

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Prayer times in Riyadh January 2024 Calculation Method: Umm al-Qura Fajr 5:16 Sunrise 6:39 Dhuhr 12:00 Asr 15:01 Maghrib 17:21 Isha'a 18:51 Get prayer times in Riyadh. Calculate Islamic namaz timing in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha. Riyadh Prayer Times أوقات الصلاة - This Namaz time page is very useful for the Muslims, here you get the prayer timings of all the cities and districts of various countries either Muslim or Non-Muslim to get the all five times prayers according to the current schedule of Salah time in your location. Prayer times in Riyadh today begin at 5:16 AM AM with the Fajr prayer and end at 6:52 PM with the Isha prayer. Fasting today will last 12 hours and 6 minutes. In Riyadh City, the next prayer is Fajr at 5:16 AM. Settings Location : Saudi Arabia, Riyadh Upcoming Prayer : Fajr Fasting Hours : 12 hours and 6 minutes Date : 10 January 2024 Prayer times in Riyadh SA for today and the current month — January 2024.

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Prayer times today in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and prayer times for all seven days of this week. Home. AR. Search! Prayer times. Azan Times. Prayer times; Qibla; Moon Today; Zakat calculator; Hijri date;. Prayer times today and this week in Riyadh. Thursday 29 Jumada II 1445 Hijri - 2024/01/11. 5:16 AM. Fajr. 6:39 AM. Sunrise. 12:01 PM. Dhuhr. 3. The exact time of prayer in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for today according to the Hanafi madhhab. Schedule 📆 of obligatory prayers of Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha for january 2024. 12:01 pm Dhuhr Noon 3:02 pm Asr Afternoon ↓ Sunset 5:22 pm Maghrib Evening 6:52 pm Isha Night The upcoming prayer is Fajr: 05:18 Home › Saudi Arabia › Riyadh Namaz timetable for Riyadh If you want to perform prayers at the right time, this page will help you with that. Riyad prayer times - Explore accurate prayer times for Riyad and nearby locations. | Riyadh prayer schedule - Plan your daily prayers with ease using prayer schedule in Riyadh. | Riad prayer timetable - Stay updated with the prayer timetable in Riad to manage your prayer timings. | Ar Riyadh salah times - Find precise salah times for Ar Riyadh o.

EidulFitr 2021 Prayer timings in Saudi Arabia Riyadh Xpress

Prayer Times in Riyadh Today - 04-01-2024. Today's Prayer Times: Thursday, January 4, 2024 - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Date: 04-01-2024: Imsak Today: 05:04: Fajr Today: 05:14:. Namaz Times Riyadh, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia online and also available as downloadable or printable PDF or Excel versions. Alhabib. Blog; Greeting Cards; Clock Widgets; Qibla. Prayer times in Riyadh. Hijri: moay 26 jumada al thani 1445. Greg: Monday 08th January 2024. Time: 09:31:24 AM. Upcoming prayer. Saudi Arabia Prayer Times, Salah (Salat), Azan Time & Namaz TimeTable | IslamicFinder Prayer Times in Saudi Arabia Prayer Times Top Cities in Saudi Arabia 26 Jumada Al-Akhirah, 1445 Hijri All Cities and Towns in Saudi Arabia A `Utayfah Saudi Arabia (general) N:17.966667, E:43.183334 A'dhamiyat Saudi Arabia (general) N:24.966667, E:40.716667 Today, 21 Dec 2023, Riyadh prayer times are Fajr Time 05:09 AM, Dhuhr (Zuhr) Time 11:51 AM, Asr Time 02:49 PM, Maghrib Time 05:09 PM & Isha Time 06:39 PM. These timings are based on the Islamic date of Jumādá al-ākhirah 08, 1445. Moreover, the prayer timings for the next 30 days are also provided here for your ease. Today Riyadh Prayer Times

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6 January 2024 Saturday 24 Jumaada al-THaany 1445 Riyadh Prayer Time Below is the prayer time for Riyadh in Saudi Arabia Today About Islamic Prayer Offering obligatory prayers five times a day is the second among five pillars of Islam. Known as 'salah' or 'swalath' in Arabic, it is a voluntary submission of oneself to Allah, the almighty. Accurate Prayer Times for Riyadh. Islamic Prayer Times in Riyadh today Friday, January 5, 2024 are Fajr Prayer Time 5:15 am, Dhuhur Prayer Time 11:59 am, Asr Prayer Time 2:58 pm, Maghrib Prayer Time 5:18 pm, and Isha Prayer Time 6:48 pm . Get the most accurate Riyadh Azan and Namaz times with both; daily Namaz (Salat) timings and weekly Salah.