Treat everyone like an oyster because you'll never know when you'll find your pearl. . . Pearl

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Treat everyone like an oyster because you'll never know when you'll find your pearl. . . Pearl

From statements about their beauty to deeply personal thoughts on their meaning, many notable people have said pearl quotes that beautifully describe and capture different aspects of the gemstone. In this article, we highlight the top 50 pearl quotes, and in addition, put each quote into context. Chris Gardner Inspirational, Pursuit Of Happiness, Oysters 50 Copy quote The pearl is the queen of gems and the gem of queens. Grace Kelly Queens, Jewels, Jewelry Boxes 185 Copy quote The heart of man is very much like the sea, it has its storms, it has its tides and in its depths it has its pearls too Vincent Van Gogh Heart, Men, Sea 74 Copy quote "A Pearl is a beautiful thing that is produced by an injured life. It is the tear that results from the injury of the oyster. The treasure of our being in this world is also produced by an injured life. If we had not been wounded, if we had not been injured, then we will not produce the pearl."- Stephan A. Hoeller Why are pearls so special? "The heart of man is very much like the sea, it has its storms, it has its tides and in its depths it has its pearls too" ― Vincent van Gogh, The Letters of Vincent van Gogh "I wish I was a woman of about thirty-six dressed in black satin with a string of pearls." ― Daphne du Maurier, Rebecca

120 Famous Quotes and Sayings about "PEARLS"

Quotes About Pearls For People Who Enjoy Their Beauty 1. "The pearl is the queen of gems and the gem of queens." - Grace Kelly 2. "My dream is to adorn the neck of all women around the world with pearls." - Kokichi Mikimoto 3. "I feel undressed if I don't have my pearls on. My pearls are my security blanket." - Lady Sarah Churchill 4. "Pearls lie not on the seashore. If thou desirest one thou must dive for it." Jackie Kennedy "Pearls are always appropriate." Pearls are, indeed always appropriate—though not just for queens and celebrities. ‍ Best Quotes On Pearls Every jewelry is precious, but pearls top the list. You can find the best jewelry quotes on pearls here. 1. "The pearl is the queen of gems and the gem of queens." - Grace Kelly. 2. "Coco Chanel used to talk about wearing more than one string of pearls. Why wear one if you can wear two, or something to that effect." Dream, College, Magic Kingdom. 10 Copy quote. Show source. Greed takes a person to the watering place but gets him back without letting him drink. It undertakes responsibility but does not fulfill it. Often the drinker gets choked before quenching his thirst. The greater the worth of a thing yearned for, the greater is the grief for its loss.

Quotes about Pearls Of Wisdom (20 quotes)

Up, with pearls. I think that's quite a good look." - Jerry Hall "The world is your oyster. It's up to you to find the Pearls." - Chris Gardner "It is the hour of pearl—the interval between day and night when time stops and examines itself." - John Steinbeck "The pearl is the oyster's autobiography." - Federico Fellini Quotes about pearls: John Bunyan in "Author's Apology to PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, 1678" "If that a Pearl may in a Toad's head dwell, And may be found too in an Oyster-shell; If things that promise nothing do contain What better is than GoLd: who will disdain, That have an inkling of it, there to look, That they may find it? Now my little Book Pearls, including cheap ones, are always in good taste. Elsa Schiaparelli My aunt, Rosie Gaines, sung with Prince - 'Diamonds and Pearls.' And at the time, I didn't realize how big of a song that was. I just thought, 'Oh, that's my auntie singing with Prince. That's cool.' Ro James A pearl is a symbol of purity and innocence, reminding us to always strive for goodness in our actions. In a world full of rough edges, be a pearl that exudes elegance and grace. A pearl is a priceless gem, just like the love and support of family and friends. Pearls are like angels' tears, shed in sadness but creating something beautiful in.

A pearl... Pearl quotes, Pearls, Pearls quotes

Pearls Of Wisdom Quotes. Quotes tagged as "pearls-of-wisdom" Showing 1-30 of 1,302. "Each person you meet influences your mental universe in a way that has the potential to make a substantial impact upon the causality of the intellectual development of an entire species.". 4. "There is no other gemstone that can match the understated elegance of a pearl.". - Unknown. This quote beautifully captures the unique beauty of pearls. Unlike other gemstones that dazzle with vibrant colors, pearls exude a subtle charm that is unmatched in its elegance. 5. "Pearls are the tears of the sea.". - Unknown.