Types of Sharks in the Red Sea HubPages

Carcharhinus obscurus, Dusky shark, ( Carcharhinidae ) Carcharhinus plumbeus, Sandbar shark, ( Carcharhinidae ) Carcharhinus sorrah, Spottail shark, ( Carcharhinidae ) Galeocerdo cuvier, Tiger shark, ( Carcharhinidae ) Negaprion acutidens, Sicklefin lemon shark, ( Carcharhinidae ) Triaenodon obesus, Whitetip reef shark, ( Carcharhinidae ) 1. Reef sharks. Grey reef sharks are the most commonly spotted species in Egypt's Red Sea, along with black and whitetip reef sharks which are also often seen. Grey reef shark in the Red Sea. Grey reef sharks are shy reef dwellers, have a stocky build, and grow to a maximum length of around two metres. This species is easily recognised by the.

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For all the other Red Sea shark species, the primary threat is fishing. Though technically illegal in Saudi waters under royal decree since 2008, Spaet says that shark fishing is still widely. The Red Sea is renowned for its high shark diversity, with a total of 49 shark species found in the area encompassing the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. The Red Sea Project aims to protect shark diversity throughout the Red Sea and to reveal the truth about their so often falsely accused bad reputation. The Red Sea Shark Projects aims to raise awareness and respect for these majestic predators. Red Sea Sharks Bulletin Latest Database Stats. 45521 images and video clips - 1191 contributing photographers - 1260 individuals identified - 4 species catalogued. Most Recent News. 13th July 2020: FIRST DIVE TRIP after the lockdown! 1. Reef Sharks: Discover the Enigmatic Grey Reef Sharks. Key Facts and Characteristics: Grey reef sharks, along with their counterparts, the black and silvertip reef sharks, are iconic inhabitants of Egypt's Red Sea. Recognisable by their stocky build and a maximum length of around two meters, these shy reef dwellers frequent the region's popular dive sites.

Types of Sharks in the Red Sea HubPages

Egyptian authorities have closed several beaches on the country's Red Sea coast after two female tourists were killed in shark attacks. One was a 68-year-old Austrian who had an arm torn off while. Sharks in the Red Sea. This raises the question of how dangerous it is to swim and dive in those places where sharks are suspected. In any case, shark attacks are not unusual in Egypt, and some are even fatal. In 2010, a German holidaymaker was killed by a shark, and there were also attacks on Ukrainian holidaymakers—one lost a leg, another. Sharks, Sharks, and more Sharks - Red Sea Edition. July 16, 2021. Shark week is all about creating awareness and changing perspectives on what sharks are all about and how important they are to the health of our planet. The Red Sea is one of the most incredible and diverse tropical reef systems on earth and hosts an array of Shark species. Probably the most distinctive feature of the Red Sea shark fauna is the absence of large taxonomic groups found elsewhere. An unusually high proportion of Red Sea sharks belongs to the order Carcharhiniformes (around 79%) and the family Carcharhinidae (41%) (Table 15.1); the orders Orectolobiformes and Lamniformes each comprise only about 10%.. There are no members of the orders Hexanchiformes.

Best Time to See Sharks in the Red Sea, Egypt 2023 Rove.me

A whale shark swims near Shib Habil reef in the Red Sea. (Photo by Simon Thorrold, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) A new study of whale shark movements near a known hotspot in the Red Sea sheds light on their behaviors and could help inform the conservation efforts of the largest known fish, which can reach lengths of 40 feet or more. The Red Sea is home to about 1,100 species of fish and 250 types of coral. The high salt levels of the sea are ideal for coral. There are also 44 shark species indigenous to the Red Sea. Two of the species that are considered most dangerous to people are the tiger shark and the grey reef shark. The Red Sea Project aims to protect shark diversity throughout the Red Sea and to reveal the truth about their false bad reputation. The Red Sea Shark Projects also aims to raise awareness and respect for these majestic predators, and give insight into their Biology, Ecology and Conservation. The goals of Red Sea Sharks Project are: ABSTRACT. This volume presents a fully illustrated field guide for the identification of the sharks and rays most relevant to the fisheries of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. An extensive literature review and two field surveys in the region were carried out for the preparation of this document.

Types of Sharks in the Red Sea HubPages

The Thresher Shark. The Thresher Shark is elusive and shy and most often seen in the early morning. However, the Red Sea is known for Thresher Shark sightings on a regular basis. The Thresher has large eyes for hunting in the dark ocean depths, and it stuns its prey using its tail as a whip. Shark head. The Red Sea is a seawater inlet of the Indian Ocean, lying between Africa and Asia.. The sea's narrowness, significant depth, and sharp drop-offs, all combine to form a geography where large deep-water sharks can roam in hundreds of meters of water, yet be within a hundred meters of swimming areas. The Red Sea Project is building highest.