Visiting the Royal St. Hubert Galleries, Brussels, Belgium a quality shopping arcade dating

The Royal Saint-Hubert Galleries were designed by the young architect Jean-Pierre Cluysenaar, who determined to sweep away a warren of ill-lit alleyways between the Rue du Marché aux Herbes / Grasmarkt and the Rue Montagne aux Herbes Potagères / Warmoesberg and replace a sordid space where the bourgeoisie scarcely ventured into with a covered sh. Les Galeries RoyalesSAINT-HUBERT. Les Galeries Royales. SAINT-HUBERT. REINE - ROI - PRINCES.

Royal Gallery of Saint Hubert, Bussels

About Wander through the Les Galeries Saint Hubert, a gorgeous glass roofed arcade in the center of Brussels. Lined with cafes, theaters and luxury stores, the Les Galeries Saint Hubert also has the distinction of being the first covered shopping arcade in Europe. Duration: 2-3 hours Suggest edits to improve what we show. Improve this listing Royal Saint-Hubert Galleries: a mesmerizing place to shop, stroll and live - right in the heart of Brussels. Categories Restaurant Aksum Coffee House In this temple of coffee, certified-organic coffee comes straight from Ethiopia, the beans are hand-roasted and the baristas are passionate. What are the Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert? Inaugurated in 1847, the Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert are among the oldest in Europe. They are comprised of three shopping arcades: the Queen's Gallery, the King's Gallery and the Princes' Gallery. The Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert (the Royal Saint-Hubert Galleries) are a covered shopping arcade in Brussels, inaugurated in 1847. It was the first glazed shopping arcade in Europe and it is still one of the most elegant.

Things to discover Royal Gallery of Saint Hubert Europe travel, Sainthubert, Tourist

Right in the heart of Brussels is the magnificent Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert, one of first shopping arcades built in Europe. In this solid two hundred meter long complex, amazing shop window displays lure visitors into high-end specialized boutiques or chocolate shops, and also a variety of cultural organizations. Today, the Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert, with some 6 million visitors per year, is one of Brussels' must-see places! The Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert tell a whimsical history of progress, modernity, politics and a desire for the good life. Read all about it. Good to know - Royal Gallery of Saint Hubert Good to know Want to escape without leaving Brussels? Revel in culture in the heart of the Galeries Royales… In the Queen's Gallery, the Cinéma Les Galeries puts on a varied selection of films, from the latest box-office releases to arthouse films. The Royal Saint-Hubert Galleries is an ensemble of three glazed shopping arcades in central Brussels, Belgium. It consists of the King's Gallery , the Queen's Gallery and the Princes' Gallery . The galleries were designed and built by the architect Jean-Pierre Cluysenaar between 1846 and 1847,

Les Galeries Royales SaintHubert (Brussels) All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go

Royal Galleries of Saint Hubert (Les Galeries St-Hubert) Tours and Tickets. 1,233 Reviews. Inaugurated in 1847, the Royal Galleries of Saint Hubert in Brussels form one of Europe's most beautiful and oldest glass-roofed shopping arcades. Composed of three elegant, Florentine-inspired arcades, the galleries are lined with upscale shops and. The Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert is located in the center of Brussels city, next to the Central station and Grand place, Manneken-pis. Address Galerie du Roi 5, 1000 Brussel, Belgium View on Google Maps Hours and Fees Hours Open everyday, 24 hours Admission Free Links and Resources English: The Koninklijke Sint-Hubertusgalerijen ( Dutch) or Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert ( French) is a glazed shopping arcade in Brussels that preceded other famous 19th-century shopping arcades such as the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan and The Passage in St Petersburg. The Royal Saint-Hubert Galleries are celebrating their 175th anniversary with a free exhibition that takes you through the underground corridors of the 'Galerie de la Reine' (Queen's Gallery). Discover about 150 documents, plans, photos, works of art,. linked to these famous galleries in the centre of Brussels. 175 years of the Galeries.

Royal Galleries of Saint Hubert (Les Galeries StHubert) — description, photos, working hours

Royal Galleries of Saint Hubert (Les Galeries St-Hubert) Galeries du roi 5, Brussels, Belgium Overview Tours & Tickets The Basics Designed by architect Jean-Pierre Cluysenaer, the Renaissance-style galleries consist of the twin King's and Queen's Galleries, each measuring 330 feet (100 meters) long, and the smaller Prince's Gallery. The Royal Gallery of Saint Hubert is a series of shopping arcades of 230 meters within walking distance of Grand Place. The Royal Saint Hubert Gallery is Europe's first enclosed retail arcade, featuring cafes, theatres, libraries, elegant chocolate stops, and luxury shopping stores. This gorgeous gallery is roofed with an arched glass pane.