Ethnic map of Russia Russia ethnic map (Eastern Europe Europe)

Russia, as the largest country in the world, has great ethnic diversity, is a multinational state, and is home to over 190 ethnic groups nationwide. According to the population census at the end of 2021, more than 147.1 million people lived in Russia, which is 4.3 million more than in the 2010 census, or 3.03%. Buy Printed Map Buy Digital Map Description : Map is showing the ethnic groups of Russia. 1 previous post Russia Vegetation Map next post Russia Fresh Water Ecoregions Map Russia Ethnic Group Map: Russia is a country that includes 185 ethnic groups approx designated as nationalities.

Map Ethnic Russians in Russia Number one infographics & data Data

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [] According to current reports from Rosstat, the population of Russia as of January 1, 2023 was approximately 146,400,000 people. [10] On December 10, 2023 was approximately 146,115,376 people. [11] According to Russia's 2010 census data, 77.7 percent of its population identify as ethnic Russians. The other 22.3 percent is made up of other ethnic groups that are indigenous to their. Among 85 subjects which constitute the Russian Federation, there are 21 national republics (meant to be home to a specific ethnic minority), 5 autonomous okrugs (usually with substantial or predominant ethnic minority) and an autonomous oblast . Description: This map shows ethnic groups on the Russia map. You may download, print or use the above map for educational, personal and non-commercial purposes. Attribution is required. For any website, blog, scientific research or e-book, you must place a hyperlink (to this page) with an attribution next to the image used.

Largest ethnicity in each district of Russia r/MapPorn

Maps of Ethnic groups in Russia — of Asia and/or Europe. Subcategories This category has the following 10 subcategories, out of 10 total. B Maps of the Bashkirs ‎ (52 F) M Maps including Izhma Komi settlements ‎ (3 F) Maps of ethnic groups in Crimea ‎ (26 F) Maps of ethnic groups in Southern Federal District ‎ (32 F) (2023 est.) 144,995,000 Currency Exchange Rate: 1 USD equals 91.848 Russian ruble Head Of State: President: Vladimir Putin 1 autonomous oblast Ethnic groups of Russia, 1926-2021 Ethnic groups in Russia (2021) (% of those who declared ethnicity) Russians (80.85%) Turkic peoples (8.64%) Peoples of the Caucasus (5.42%) Uralic peoples (1.26%) Other Slavs (0.87%) Mongolic peoples (0.49%) Others (2.47%) Population pyramids Ethnic relations and Russia's "near-abroad". Post-Soviet Russia emerged with formidable ethnic problems. Many of the autonomous ethnic regions that were part of the empire—formed before 1917—no longer wished to be under Russian hegemony, and ethnic Russians comprised less than four-fifths of the population of the Russian Federation.

[OS] Percentage of ethnic Russians in Russia by district, according to 2010 census [6,199 ×

In Russia, there are over 185 ethnic groups and more than 100 languages spoken with Russian being the official state language. Some of the largest ethnic groups in Russia include Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians, and Bashkirs. The majority of Russians identify with Orthodox Christianity. Russians The historical numbers of ethnic Tatars in Russia seem to back this analysis. The population peaked at 5.55 million in the 2002 census, at the end of the period of Russia's short-lived. Ethnic groups. Russian 77.7%, Tatar 3.7%, Ukrainian 1.4%, Bashkir 1.1%, Chuvash 1%, Chechen 1%, other 10.2%. missions of Russia's fleet includes keeping open the Northern Sea Route (NSR) in the Arctic Ocean (see Arctic Ocean map) along with Russia's Arctic ports and terminals, maintaining shipping lanes in the Baltic Sea, and. There are maps depicting ethnicity, ethnic populations, and language distribution in Russia and the former Soviet Union. Most employ a somewhat similar scheme of colors and patterns to capture the general distribution of various groups and subgroups of languages and/or ethnic populations, such as the one illustrated above.

Ethnic map of Russia Russia ethnic map (Eastern Europe Europe)

Demographics of Russia - statistics & facts. With the largest country area worldwide, Russia ranks ninth by population with over 146 million inhabitants. It has eight federal districts, which are. Research NEW DNA Help The most common ethnicities in each country - Learn about distribution of ethnicities such as North and West European, Scandinavian or Jewish in different countries and discover your origins with MyHeritage DNA!