intransitive verb. 5. (to purchase items) a. comprar. The local market is the best place to shop. El mercado local es el mejor lugar para comprar. b. hacer compras. I don't like to shop on Saturdays.No me gusta ir a hacer compras el sábado. transitive verb. 6. Shopping Basics. First, let's cover a few essential words for shopping in Spanish! Spanish. English. el centro comercial. mall. comprar. to buy. devolver.
Names of Stores and Shops in Spanish
mueblería — furniture store (from mueble, piece of furniture) panadería — bakery (from pan, bread) papelería — stationery store (from papel, paper) pastelería — pastry shop (from pastel, cake) peluquería — hairdresser's shop, beauty shop, barbershop (from peluca, wig) perfumería — fragrance shop, perfume store. 20 Shop and Store Names in Spanish. Here is a list of the names of the most common specialty shops and stores in Spanish. Carnecería (Butcher): sells " carne " (meat) Cervecería (Brewery, beer bar): sell " cerveza " (beer) Ferretería (Hardware store): sells " herramientas " tools. Florería (Florist): sells " flores " (flowers) Savvy Shopping in Spanish: 150+ Essential Words and Phrases. What you want, baby, the Spanish-speaking world has got it. But money won't get you everything you've been dreaming of—you need the right words and phrases to get you to the right shops (and to get you the right prices).. Until you learn how to shop in Spanish like the locals do, you won't stop being a total gringo . shop - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. Compound Forms: shop: Inglés: Español: bakery, also UK: baker's, baker's shop, also US: bakeshop n (store that sells bread, cakes) (venta de panes) panadería nf (venta de pasteles)pastelería nf: The bakery on Main Street sells delicious rye bread.
Shops in Spanish las tiendas vocabulario A1 Learn Spanish Online Spanish flashcards
1. (purchasing of goods) ir de compras. Shopping is one of her favorite activities.Ir de compras es una de sus actividades favoritas. 2. (grocery shopping) a. la compra. We usually do the weekly shopping at a supermarket outside of town. Solemos hacer la compra de la semana en un supermercado que queda fuera de la ciudad. You'll have to brave up and stand face to face with a grocer around the corner. Shopping in Spanish - show time! First of all, make sure to learn the names of the products you need: leche entera - whole milk. leche semidescremada - semi-skimmed milk. leche descremada - nonfat / skimmed milk. pan - bread. For many travelers, shopping is one of the most anticipated activities.If you are visiting a Spanish-speaking area and want to shop, whether that means buying souvenirs or going grocery shopping for the day, this list of words and phrases along with a basic knowledge of grammar and everyday vocabulary should make the task easier. Ice cream shop-. greengrocery. Some store words don't end in - but are still very useful to know. Here are a few. Spanish-speaking country. If you remember the little trick with the - endings, you'll be in great shape! Av. del Marqués de Sotelo 3, Planta 2 puerta 4, 46002 Valencia.
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Shopping in Spanish (Essential Shopping Phrases, Vocabulary, and More) YouTube
In this case, you could simply answer by saying the specific amount you want to spend or you could give them a range: Entre 250 y 1000 pesos. Between 250 and 1000 pesos. You could also say what's your limit: Máximo 1000 pesos 1000 pesos, tops. Que no pase de 1000 pesos No more than 1000 pesos. If you're not sure if you want to buy it, answer: Lo voy a pensar. - I'll think about it. No estoy segura.*. - I'm not sure. * A man would say "No estoy seguro.". If you decide not to buy anything, you can explain why. This isn't always necessary, but these phrases can come in handy: No me queda.
La calidad. "Las tres B" is our three Bs mantra for shopping in Spanish. When buying something, we're looking for Bueno, Bonito y Barato (good, nice, and cheap). Here are some words you'll need to talk about the quality of an item: Cheap. Barato/a. Pretty. Bonito/a. Affordable. The Heart of Commerce: The Word for Shop. In Spanish, the word for "shop" is "tienda.". This simple yet powerful word encapsulates the essence of the marketplace—a place where goods are displayed, transactions take place, and connections are made. Whether it's a quaint corner store or a bustling market stall, the term "tienda.
Shopping in Spanish at a Store PDF Worksheet Spanish Learning Lab
What's the Spanish word for shop? Here's a list of translations. Spanish Translation. tienda. More Spanish words for shop. la tienda noun. store, tent. hacer compras verb. 10 Types of Stores in Spanish. Learn about 10 of the most important and useful names for a store in Spanish you might need or want to visit. 1. La tienda por departamentos. A tienda por departamentos (department store) is a place that offers a variety of goods in different areas of the same store.