Goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea) plug plants Cumbria Wildflowers

Helping people live happier, healthier lives for over 100 years. Shop our range today. Natural, pure ingredients for the best in herbal medicine & health supplements. Shop now Solidago virgaurea, the European goldenrod or woundwort, is native to many parts of Europe. It was traditionally used to heal wounds, and a yellow dye was produced from the flowers.

Solidago virgaurea (European Goldenrod) World of Flowering Plants

A herbaceous perennial to 50cm tall, forming a clump of sparsely branched stems bearing slender, toothed leaves. In late summer it produces narrow flower spikes composed of numerous tiny yellow flowers Other common names Aaron's rod golden rod see more woundweed Synonyms Solidago vulgaris Join the RHS today and save 25% Join now < > Solidago virgaurea is a perennial herb up to 100 cm (40 inches) tall, with a branching underground caudex and a woody rhizome. It produces arrays of numerous small yellow flower heads at the top of the stem. [3] Subspecies and varieties [1] Solidago virgaurea subsp. alpestris (Waldst. & Kit.) Gremli Solidago virgaurea subsp. armena (Grossh.) Goldenrod (also known as Solidago canadensis or Solidago virgaurea) is a flowering plant in the Asteraceae family. It is an herbal supplement with a long history in folk medicine. Most species of the genus Solidago originated in North America but are now found and used worldwide. 'Baby Gold' (Solidago canadensis hybrid) is a 2- to 3-foot plant that produces its bright yellow flowers a little earlier from mid- to late summer. 'Little Lemon' (Solidago hybrida 'Dansolitlem') is an excellent compact variety (8 to 12 inches), with pale lemon flowers. 'Peter Pan' (Solidago virgaurea) has very large spreading flower clusters on 2-foot plants.

Solidago virgaurea (European Goldenrod) World of Flowering Plants

Height: 4 to 96 inches (10—240 cm). Native: Americas, Europe, and Asia. Growing Region: Zones 3 to 9. Flowers: Late summer through to early autumn. Flower Details: Yellow/Gold. Spike-like inflorescence or racemes containing up to 1500 tiny florets. Foliage: Herbaceous. Solidago virgaurea L. (European goldenrod, Woundwort), Asteraceae, is a familiar medicinal plant in Europe and other parts of the world, widely used and among the most researched species from its genus. The aerial parts of European goldenrod have long been used for urinary tract conditions and as an anti-inflammatory agent in the traditional medicine of different peoples. Physical Characteristics Solidago virgaurea is a PERENNIAL growing to 0.6 m (2ft) by 0.4 m (1ft 4in). See above for USDA hardiness. It is hardy to UK zone 5. It is in flower from July to October, and the seeds ripen from August to October. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Bees, flies. The species Solidago virgaurea L. or true goldenrod, S. serotina AITON (syn. S. gigantea WILLDENOW) or giant goldenrod and S. canadensis L. or Canadian goldenrod and their hybrids share a common monograph E. This is only partially tenable according to Prof. Schilcher, since the various species of goldenrod have different active ingredients [2,3.

Solidago virgaurea wild in Provence

Asteraceae Solidago Solidago virgaurea L. First published in Sp. Pl.: 880 (1753) This species is accepted The native range of this species is W. Europe to Central Siberia and Philippines (Luzon). It is a perennial and grows primarily in the temperate biome. Taxonomy Images Distribution Synonyms Accepted Infraspecifics Publications Other data Otherwise, leave the seed heads in place to feed wildlife over the winter. To propagate, divide plants in the spring before new growth begins or start new plants from stem cuttings taken in early summer. Sometimes staking is necessary for taller varieties. An alternative is to prune them back in early summer so they will grow shorter and bushier. Solidaginis virgaureae herba is used as a diuretic and a disinfectant of the urinary tract. Due to the herb overexploitation from its natural habitats, this taxon has become a rare species in Europe. Nowadays European goldenrod is cultivated in some European countries as a result of agronomic scientific research. Solidago virgaurea subsp. virgaurea. Solidago virgaurea. subsp. virgaurea. This subspecies is accepted. The native range of this subspecies is Europe to Central Siberia and Philippines (Luzon). It grows primarily in the temperate biome. Taxonomy. Images.

Solidago virgaurea (Asteraceae) image 16248 at

Solidago virgaurea Plant - HPS Number P07664 Asteraceae / Solidago / Solidago virgaurea Shortcuts Plant Information about each plant or seed is shown on this page. Plants in the same Genus or Family are also shown below, enabling you to explore similar plants. Notes: Date donated: 8th Oct 2016 Solidago virgaurea 'Peter Pan' Common Name(s): Goldenrod 'Peter Pan' Goldenrod; Phonetic Spelling so-li-DAY-go virg-AW-ree-uh Description.. Plant in full sun to partial shade. In warmer climates, afternoon shade to protect from direct sun is critical. Drought tolerant once established and deer and rabbits tend to ignore it.