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To make someone or something appropriate or suitable for something; adapt someone or something to something: We started with the basic recipe, and suited it to our own tastes. The camel is suited to its environment. See also: suit, to The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. SUITED definition: 1. right for someone or something: 2. If two people who have a relationship are suited, they have…. Learn more.

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well suited for me better fit for me Write in English at your best, with Ludwig Sign up for free Used by millions of students, scientific researchers, professional translators and editors from all over the world! Thanks to Ludwig my first paper got accepted! The editor wrote me that my manuscript was well-written Listya Utami K. Eligible customers are receiving postcards or emails alerting them to file a claim by April 15 to receive up to $100, which is the result of the lawsuit accusing Verizon of charging fees that were. A Verizon store in New York on Monday, July 3, 2023. Jeenah Moon—Bloomberg via Getty Images. Verizon has agreed to settle a class action lawsuit alleging that the company charged administrative. Sentence examples for suited for me from inspiring English sources. RELATED (5) positioned for me. situated for me. fitted for me. fit for me. agreement for me. exact (13) "But I thought the way they did it was best suited for me. 1.

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suits me I'm fine with whatever was just said or suggested. Said as a set response. A: "Do you mind if we stop by the bank on the way home?" B: "Sure, suits me." A: "I was thinking of a cherry-red color for the outside of the house." B: "Yeah, suits me fine." See also: suit Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved. 1 The New York Times "But I started getting so depressed just listening to all of these women talk about how they'd been abused, and I decided that maybe I wasn't in the field best suited for me". 2 The New York Times "Because of my line of work, the doctor specifically thinks this is the surgery best suited for me," said Elliot. 3 Apple agreed to provide $25 payments to affected users for each eligible iPhone, though that amount could have increased or decreased based on the number of approved claims. It seems the standard. suits for me is the most popular phrase on the web. More popular! suits for me 316,000 results on the web Some examples from the web: The gentleman who made this suit for me owns a clothing store. Hello. You altered a suit for me. Here's the ticket. I was wondering if you could pop down to the dry cleaners, grab my suit for me.

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Prepositions after "suit": "suit to" or "suit for"? Prepositions after "suit" In 61% of cases "suit to" is used Not suited to social enterprise. The FX rig is perfectly suited to the 49er hull. The remainder are more suited to learning from doing. There is a crop of young, technical players coming through, suited to the modern game. Fit or suit ? - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary In 51% of cases "suited to" is used. Firstly, he's more suited to 4-3-3. Anarkalli is quite suited to the role. I'd suggest he's more suited to janitor. For this reason, Gerrard could be suited to the RCM role used under Andre Villas Boas. He may be best suited to a half forward line at the top level, but it can be improved. Suited for me is an extremely Taboo romance novel. It is not for anyone who gets offended easily. If you aren't okay with questioning your morals, you shouldn't read this book. If you're not ready to cross lines, do not read this book. You've been warned. Genres Contemporary M F Romance Kindle Edition Published October 12, 2021

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Using suitable as you have is correct, though it tends to sound better to say "It doesn't suit me." rather than "It is not suitable for me." As for fit (guys across the pond correct me if it's not this way in Great Britain), it tends to be more used as a gerund, as in "This cocktail dress is not fitting for a formal event." This free career assessment takes only 15 minutes and measures key interests and personality traits to show you the exact careers that suit your strengths. Based on the powerful Holland Code and Big Five systems, this career test is suitable for adults and students age 16 and up. To take the career test, mark your interest in each activity shown.