So if you really want to swear in Romanian you need to know this one. Ceapa ma-tii! is that yo'mamma swear that makes an appeal to someone's origins while keeping a level of decency by bringing this beloved vegetable in discussion. Bou [Bow] = Asshole!(literally "ox". Used when referring to a most delightful male specimen. Glossary of Romanian profanity. Romanian profanity ( înjurătură) refers to a set of words considered blasphemous or inflammatory in the Romanian language. The Romanian language is considered to have a huge set of inflammatory terms and phrases. Profanities rarely differ from region to region in Romania, but there are differences when taking.


Curvă is an insult meaning whore or prostitute, or, more generally, a sexually promiscuous woman. Synonyms or near-synonyms are târfă, traseistă, or pizdă. The words zdreanță, boarfă and ștoarfă , coardă are all used to refer to a woman of low moral fiber. A pimp is usually referred to as a pește, which literally translated to "fish". Mori, du-te dracu. Die, and go to hell. Da-ti foc. Set yourself on fire. Pisa-m-as pe tine. I piss on you. The worst ones are a reference to the person's mother, but I don't use those ones, I like milder ones, because they say as much about the person saying them as about the person being addressed. 1. Share. Top 10 Romanian Swear Words. Phrase Meaning Is This Accurate? avorta-la-i pe frate-tu: may you miscariage your brother Romanian verbs are complicated affairs, with numerous tenses and aspects available to cover a dizzying array of usecases. Fortunately for you, exactly two can be functionally employed for the purpose of cursing i : either the indicative present ii or else the conjunctive present iii , and even more fortunately for you they're pretty much the.

How to swear in Romanian Transylvania Hostel

Take a drive for a few hours in Bucharest and you will learn more insults than your brain could ever process 😂. 8. iSaraaaa. OP • 3 yr. ago. Holy shit, from what I saw here in the comments, there's a hella amount of insults in Romanian xD. Jump_Curious. • 3 yr. ago. Sa te pis în freza = i'll piss in your hair. 3. Romanian Swear Words - Learn how to curse in Romanian. Cusstionary.com - The InternetвЂs cussing dictionary Other Romanian curses imply the genital organs: "pizdă" (female organ) and "pulă" (male organ). The word "pulă" has a Latin etymology (pulla) and "pizdă" has a Slavic origin. Romanian profanity (Romanian: njur tur, swear word) refers to a set of words considered blasphemous or inflammatory in the Romanian language.Romanian is considered to have a huge set of inflammatory terms and phrases. There is only a slight variation in profanities from region to region in Romania, but there are differences when taking into.

How to Express Anger in Romanian on Your Bad Days

2021. January. Romanian Cuss Phrases are Next Level. Below I will write up the Romanian sayings or cuss phrases, which are known throughout the land as appropriate insults based on an array of situations. I'll put the literal translation, then discuss what it implies. It goes beyond a basic FU, and aims to really hit at the heart of it's. Romanian cursing is a bawdy, imaginative mix of the perverse and the profane. Modern linguists have determined that its roots originated from a time-traveling John Waters upon realizing there was still an entire history of people not grossed out by Pink Flamingos yet. Other helpful Romanian phrases: Patreon:https://patreon.com/preview/fae8904b1e97478ba572b368fcbb3eadFacebook1: https://www.facebook.com/FlatWorldCompany/?ref=hlFacebook fotograf:https://www. The beauty of Romanian swear words is that you can do mix and match and get really creative with it. They involve mothers, dead relatives, religion, genitalia, pissing etc. I always interpreted "futu-ți morții mă-tii" as "fuck your mother's dead ancestors" as a way of saying "fuck your entire bloodline".

Romanian insult Bygg et hus i

Translation of "swear word" into Romanian . înjurătură, drăcuială, imprecație are the top translations of "swear word" into Romanian. Sample translated sentence: This appears to be just a list of all the swear words you know. ↔ Asta pare să fie o listă cu toate înjurăturile pe care le ştiţi. As a sidenote, 90% of Romanian insults are on the format "Futu-ti something ma-tii", which means "Fuck your mother's. it's very likely we've borrowed the swear words from each other and adapted them to the specific of the language as to sound better and to be easier to "deliver" them.