Tibetan Mastiff Dog Breed » Information, Pictures, & More

Watchful, aloof, imposing, and intimidating: The ancient Tibetan Mastiff is the guardian dog supreme. These densely coated giants are mellow and calm around the house, sweetly devoted to family,. Tibetan Mastiffs are shown under one standard in the West, but separated by the Indian breed standard into two varieties: Lion Head (smaller; exceptionally long hair from forehead to withers, creating a ruff or mane) and Tiger Head (larger; shorter hair). Temperament

Tibetan Mastiff Full Profile, History, and Care

HEIGHT: Minimum 24 to 26 inches tall at the shoulder WEIGHT: 70 to 150 pounds COAT: Double outer coat is fine but hard, straight, and stand-off; undercoat is heavy, soft, and woolly COAT COLOR: Black, brown/chocolate/liver, blue, gray, or gold/yellow LIFE SPAN: 10 to 12 years TEMPERAMENT: Intelligent, protective, strong-willed, tenacious, aloof The Tibetan Mastiff often prefers to be outdoors where he can view and patrol his territory. However, despite his bulk, this breed is remarkably agile, skilled at climbing and jumping, and requires a six-foot-high fence. Tibetan Mastiffs also have a deep, impressive bark which they tend to use freely, especially at night when they are most. Origin: Tibet Size: Giant Breed group: Working Lifespan: 10-14 years Coat: Thick double coat in a variety of colors Temperament: Loyal, protective, and independent Exercise needs: Moderate. 80-150 lb height 24-26" family Mastiff A powerful, heavy, but athletic dog, the Tibetan Mastiff is built to combine strength and agility. Their body is slightly longer than they are tall. Their walk is slow and deliberate, while its trot is powerful and light-footed. Their whole appearance is impressive, with a solemn but kindly expression.

Tibetan Mastiff Photography

The Tibetan Mastiff, often referred to as the Do-Khyi in its native Tibet, is an ancient and awe-inspiring breed. These remarkable dogs have a lineage dating back over 2,000 years, and they were initially bred in the Himalayan mountains to serve as guardians of livestock and monasteries. A 2008 study concluded that the Tibetan Mastiff had lineage that went back as far as 58,000 years ago!Even today, they are still classed as a primitive dog breed. Little is known about the Tibetan Mastiff before the 19 th Century, however. Because westerners were unable to visit Tibet, this breed of dog wasn't seen across the world until fairly recently. A mastiff-type dog who originated in Tibet 5,000 years ago is believed to be the progenitor of both the modern Tibetan Mastiff and all European mastiff breeds. One theory for how that happened is that early European travelers to Tibet were gifted these dogs and brought them back to Europe. Meanwhile, most of our users with female Tibetan Mastiffs love Zara and Keena equally. Breed group - Working group (American Kennel Club) Height - 26 to 29 inches. Weight - 70 to 150 pounds. Coat length & texture - Medium-length, thick wooly undercoat with coarse guard hairs. Coat color - Black, black, brown, tan; red/gold, blue/gray.

Tibetan Mastiff Facts Interesting Facts

Tibetan Mastiffs are purebred dogs that are powerful and massive, making them excellent for protection. The males stand 26 inches and can weigh up to 150 pounds. According to one of the few historical documents about Tibetan Mastiffs, these ancient dogs originated in Tibet around 1100 BC. Height. 24-26 inches. Tibetan Mastiff Basics. The Tibetan Mastiff truly is a gentle giant. A wonderful watch and guard dog, the Tibetan Mastiff loves his people, making him an all-around fantastic family dog. Also known as the Tibetan Dog, the Thibet Dog, the Thibet Mastiff and the Tibetaanse Mastiff, this noble and ancient breed can appear. Tibetan Mastiffs are a strong dog breed with a lion-like mane. Tibetan Mastiffs are large, agile, and strong dogs with an attractive coat of hair near their neck that looks like a lion's mane. Tibetan Mastiffs have been bred by Tibetan nomads since time immemorial and were given to the high lamas to guard the great monasteries of Tibet. Buddhist by faith, Tibetans believe that.

Tibetan Mastiff All Big Dog Breeds

The Tibetan Mastiff is an ancient breed, with a rich history that dates back over 5,000 years. Originating in the Himalayan ranges of Tibet, these mountain dogs were originally bred to be guardians of homes and monasteries, and to protect flocks and herds from predators. The Tibetan Mastiff is a very unique dog, and has actually split into two distinct types in Tibet, although around the world both are still known only as the Tibetan Mastiff. While the nomadic version, the Drog-Khyi , is traditionally allowed to roam free to protect the herds, another version of the breed is used to protect the monasteries and.