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noun 1. (bathroom fixture) a. el inodoro (M) Please do not throw toilet paper in the toilet. Por favor, no tiren papel higiénico al inodoro. b. el váter (M) (Spain) Always flush the toilet after using it.Tiren siempre de la cadena después de usar el váter. c. el retrete (M) I clean the toilet every day. Limpio el retrete todos los días. a bowl-shaped device with a seat that you sit on or stand near when emptying the body of urine or solid waste, or another device used for this purpose wáter, inodoro I was on (= using) the toilet when the phone rang. Estaba en el váter cuando sonó el teléfono. Don't forget to flush the toilet.

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bathroom - bathroom tissue - bog - bog paper - bog roll - bumph - can - cat box - cat litter - chamber pot - comfort station - commode - convenience - crapper - dunny - flush - go potty - go to the bathroom - go to the restroom - head - house-train - house-trained - housebreak - housebroken - john - latrine - lav - lavatory - little house - loo. toilet. el inodoro. el baño. in. en. dentro de. Spanish. el español. Examples. Random Word. Roll the dice and learn a new word now! Get a Word. Want to Learn Spanish? Spanish learning for everyone. For free. Translation. The world's largest Spanish dictionary. Conjugation. Conjugations for every Spanish verb. noun 1. (= lavatory) a. (= room) servicio m ⧫ wáter m ⧫ lavabo m ⧫ baño m (esp Latin America) "Toilets" Servicios ⧫ Baño to go to the toilet ir al servicio or al baño she's in the toilet está en el servicio or el baño b. (= installation) wáter m ⧫ retrete m ⧫ inodoro m (euph, formal) the toilet is blocked se ha atascado el wáter or retrete El baño, officially, refers to a full bathroom-including both a shower and a toilet. However, if you just need to go to the bathroom and thus only need a toilet, then there are many, many other words that people may use.

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c. toilet (United Kingdom) Disculpa un momento; he de ir al baño.Excuse me a moment; I have to go to the toilet. 3. (action) a. bath (in the bathtub) Esta noche voy a darme un baño de espuma maravilloso.I'm going to take a wonderful bubble bath tonight. b. swim (outdoors) Many translated example sentences containing "toilet" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Translation of "toilet" in Spanish Noun Adjective aseo m inodoro m baño m retrete m sanitario m lavabo m tocador m váter m servicio m excusado m cuarto de baño m toilette f Show more Upstairs with bedroom, toilet and large terrace to the street. Planta alta con dormitorio, aseo y amplia terraza a la calle. Here you have the opportunity to expand your Spanish vocabulary and discover 4 different ways of saying toilet in Spanish. Let´s find out together how to say.

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The Many Ways to Say Bathroom in Spanish. Undoubtedly, the most common word for "bathroom" in Spanish is el baño. You can use this word in pretty much any Spanish-speaking country, and people will understand what you're talking about. Although el baño literally translates to "bath," you also use it to refer to the bathroom, restroom. As we conclude our journey through the bathroom and its components in Spanish, let's recap the key points and vocabulary we've learned: El Lavabo: The Sink. Pedestal sink: Lavabo de pedestal. Wall-mounted sink: Lavabo de pared. Vessel sink: Lavabo de barco. Undermount sink: Lavabo empotrado. El Inodoro: The Toilet. El baño está al final del pasillo a la izquierda/derecha. The bathroom is down the hall, to the left/right. ¡No entres, estoy en el inodoro! Don't come in! I'm on the toilet! Se acabó el papel higiénico. There's no toilet paper left! Por favor, baja la palanca (del inodoro). / Por favor, tira la cadena (del inodoro). Lavar. To wash (oneself) Lavarse. To watch (oneself) Mirarse / Verse. Take Note: Many of the verbs that we use in the bathroom are Spanish reflexive verbs. This is because most of the actions that we carry out in this room are performed and received by the same person.

Las cosas del baño Baño español, Vocabulario español, Aprender español

#canigotothetoiletinspanish #spanishschoolvocabulary #spanishvocabularyHow to ask CAN I GO TO THE TOILET in SPANISHYou can also JOIN my Premium membership in. How to Say: WHERE IS THE TOILET IN SPANISH?All human beings have the their biological needs! Knowing How to Say: WHERE IS THE TOILET IN SPANISH? Can truly pr.