Over Ton Ton van Schaik

A.B.T.M (Ton) van Schaik studied and worked at Tilburg University where he received his M.Sc. in 1968 (cum laude), and his PhD in 1973 (cum laude). In the course of time his research and policy work focused on economic history, capital theory, dynamic input output analysis, vintage models, macro econometric model building, empirical. Antonius Hendrikus Maria (Ton) van Schaik (De Meern, 1 februari 1941) is een Nederlands historicus en publicist.. Loopbaan. Van Schaik schreef een groot aantal studies over de geschiedenis van het Nederlandse katholicisme.Zijn proefschrift behandelde de scheuring in de Nederlandse Katholieke Kerk in de 18e eeuw, die leidde tot het ontstaan van de Oudkatholieke Kerk.

In memoriam Ton van Schaik Congregatie van de Heilige Geest

Ton van Schaik Economisch Statistische Berichten, nr. 4355, 12 april 2002, blz. 292-293 De auteur is als hoogleraar verbonden aan de Katholieke Universiteit Brabant. To update listings or check citations waiting for approval, Ton Van Schaik should log into the RePEc Author Service. To make corrections to the bibliographic information of a particular item, find the technical contact on the abstract page of that item. There, details are also given on how to add or correct references and citations. A.B.T.M (Ton) van Schaik (September 2, 1944) studied and worked at Tilburg University where he received his M.Sc. in 1968 (cum laude), and his PhD in 1973 (cum laude). In the course of time his research and policy work focused on economic history, capital theory, vintage models, empirical macroeconomics, social capital and economic development, and growth and technology. Ton van Schaik Tilburg University The Netherlands May 2002 Country paper prepared for the OECD-ONS International Conference on Social Capital Measurement London, September 25-27, 2002. 2 Social Capital in the European Values Study Surveys Ton van Schaik1 Tilburg University May 2002 Contents 1. Introduction (3)

Over Ton Ton van Schaik

Ton van Schaik & Theo van de Klundert, 2013. "Employment protection legislation and catching-up," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 45(8), pages 973-981, March. Cited by: Romain Duval & Davide Furceri & Joao Jalles, 2020. A. B. T. M. (Ton) van Schaik. Tilburg University - Department of Economics. Theo van de Klundert. Tilburg University - Tilburg University School of Economics and Management. Date Written: November 30, 2009. Abstract. The productivity slowdown in Europe since the mid-1990s is a reason for concern. Labour market rigidity, hampering. Ton van Schaik. Authors. Ton van Schaik. View author publications. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Ton van Schaik and Theo van de Klundert* Department of Economics Tilburg University P.O. Box 90153 5000 LE Tilburg The Netherlands November 2009 Professor Emeritus of Empirical Macroeconomics and Professor Emeritus of Economics, Department of Economics, Tilburg University. We are indebted to Henri

Katholieken in de twintigste eeuw, Ton van Schaik 9789041403964 Boeken bol

Op 19 april 2020 is Ton van Schaik, emeritus-hoogleraar empirische macro-­economie aan de Univers­iteit van Tilburg, op 75-jarige leeftijd overleden. Ton was een erudiet en allround econoom, met een grote passie voor vraagstukken op het gebied van economische dynamiek en arbeidsmarktontwikkelingen op zowel de korte als lange termijn. OVER TON. Ton van Schaik - Leading Change is de allround adviespraktijk van Ton van Schaik. Met ruim 20 jaar ervaring in het HR-vak leg ik mij met overtuiging toe op change management, organisatieadvies en leiderschap. Lees meer…. Sjoerd Beugelsdijk*, Ton van Schaik CentER, Tilburg University, Warandelaan 2, P.O. Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands Received 19 September 2002; received in revised form 24 June 2004; accepted 19 July 2004 Available online 21 November 2004 Abstract We study a cross section of 54 European regions. The central question is whether regional PDF | On Feb 19, 2008, Ton van Schaik published Institutions and culture | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

Ton van Schaik 19042020 overlijdensbericht en condoleances Mensenlinq.nl

With my approach I realise an optimal 'fit' which benefits both. | Lees meer over onder meer de werkervaring, opleiding, connecties van Ton van Schaik door het profiel op LinkedIn te bezoeken Working together towards one goal, paying genuine attention to each other, demonstrating engagement and entering into dialogue with an open mind are part of successful change. "Ton van Schaik Leading Change" is Ton van Schaik's all-round consultancy practice in the field of changemanagement, transformations and leadership. Having ample experience in production.