Twitter Blue bientôt un abonnement pour annuler un tweet et d'autres choses KultureGeek

Nu abonneren Nieuwe Premium-niveaus Sinds 27 oktober 2023 bieden we twee nieuwe niveaus aan: Basis en Premium+. Als je een abonnement hebt op Premium op iOS, kan je nu upgraden naar Premium+. In de komende weken lanceren we de mogelijkheid om je bestaande abonnementsniveau eenvoudig te upgraden of downgraden op het web en in Android. EV Twitter Blue Twitter-abonnement met blauw vinkje nu ook in Nederland 3 maart - 09:55 Laatste update: 10:04 Twitter biedt zijn betaalde abonnement vanaf nu ook in Nederland aan. Met Twitter Blue krijgen gebruikers een blauw vinkje op hun profiel en kunnen ze langere video's plaatsen.

Twitter Blue Subscription price, features, how to sign up

Twitter Blue is een dienst waarop je je - voor een vast bedrag per maand - kunt abonneren om extra functies in de mobiele app van Twitter te ontgrendelen (om te beginnen alleen iOS). This initial set of features was developed based on feedback we received from our very own power Twitter community: As a Twitter Blue subscriber, you will get these features and perks for the monthly price of $3.49 CAD or $4.49 AUD. We will be listening to feedback and building out even more features and perks for our subscribers over time. Saturday, 4 March 2023 - 08:15 Twitter Blue paid subscription service also on sale in the Netherlands The paid subscription for Twitter is now also available in the Netherlands. Those who use the website or the social media platform's mobile apps will be able to display the an icon on their home page showing they paid for the Twitter Blue service. twitter blue Transportation Cruise cuts a quarter of its self-driving workforce, another e-scooter startup folds and a special year-end message Kirsten Korosec 5:44 PM PST • December 17, 2023.

Twitter Blue Erste PremiumOptionen des AboDienstes Online Solutions Group

Twitter Blue is finally rolling out globally. Credit: Nurphoto/Getty Images Twitter Blue, the company's paid subscription service, is now available in more than 20 new countries. Twitter breidt de beschikbaarheid van het Blue-abonnement uit met ruim twintig landen. Daardoor is het abonnement nu ook te gebruiken in België en Nederland. Het abonnement kost vanaf 8,47 euro. As it stands, Twitter Blue costs $8/£6.99/$13AUD and you can get $1 a month off if you choose to be billed annually. The price is pretty standard regionally, adjusted for local currency. Twitter Blue is back! Starting today, we're re-enabling Twitter Blue sign ups on iOS and web. Twitter Blue subscribers will get access to subscriber-only features* such as Edit Tweet, 1080p video uploads and reader mode. Subscribers will also receive a blue checkmark after their accounts are reviewed to ensure they meet all of our.

Twitter Blue is relaunching today here's what you need to know TechRadar

What's in Twitter Blue? Prolific app researcher Jess Manchun Wong detailed the features of what Twitter Blue contains in a Tweet (shown below), as she was the first subscriber to the. Image Credits: Bryce Durbin / TechCrunch. Twitter's premium subscription service, Twitter Blue, is launching today in the U.S. as well as New Zealand, offering an expanded slate of features. Twitter Blue costs $11 per month if you sign up through the iOS store on your iPhone (you can't subscribe through Google Play on Android yet) or $8 per month if you subscribe through a web browser. The cost of Twitter Blue will remain the same, at $8 a month, but will rise to $11 a month if you sign up through iOS (with Apple 's App Store tax included). International pricing for the iOS.

Twitter lance sa version payante, Twitter Blue

Features Premium features offer subscribers a way to enhance and customize their experience. These powerful controls are designed to help personalize your X experience, and provide early access to our newest features before they're available to more people. Share your feedback via @Premium. Apr 12 Elk dak een beetje beter! De Coolblue Suniversity is geopend: ons eigen opleidingsinstituut voor laadpalen- en zonnepanelen installateurs. #omvormen #CoolblueEnergie #zonnigstebaanvanNederland 0:34