What are Dashicons and How to Use Them in WordPress

Dashicons is the official icon font of the WordPress admin as of 3.8. The Dashicons project is no longer accepting icon requests. Here's why: Next steps for Dashicons. For any issues that appear within WordPress core, please create a new ticket on trac.Use the "administration" component and the "UI" focus when creating the new ticket, and be sure to include "Dashicons" somewhere. WordPress Dashicons is a set of font icons included in WordPress core since version 3.8. Over 300 font icons in the SVG format are ready to use without loading a third-party icon library. What's more, these font icons are scalable and lightweight ‒ perfect for spicing up your website's design without hurting its page speed.

How to Use and Display WordPress Dashicons on the Website

Edit 8/12/2020: When initially published, 5 editor icons were missing. These have been added and all counts have been updated to be accurate. Props @ coffee2code.. Earlier this year, a post was published on the Make WordPress Design blog blog (versus network, site) detailing the short road ahead for Dashicons. We've recently discussed how to best move forward with icons in WordPress. Step 1: Make your theme Dashicons ready. To make your theme Dashicons ready first open up your functions.php file (found in Appearance>Editor - by default it will open up your current theme's CSS file. Go ahead and look for functions.php file and click on it to load it in Editor.) WordPress Dashicons is a set of web-optimized icons used within the WordPress admin dashboard and in themes and plugins. Introduced in WordPress 3.8, Dashicons serve as WordPress's official font icon library. Adding Dashicons to WordPress navigation menus. To add the HTML code of your Dashicons icon to a WordPress navigation menu, navigate to the Appearance > Menus section within your admin dashboard. Then, select the menu you wish to edit and click on a menu item where you want to add the icon.

WordPress Icons einfach einfügen mit Plugin oder manuell IONOS

WordPress Dash Icons are important because they provide visual cues to users, making it easier for them to navigate and understand the different elements of the WordPress dashboard. These icons help users quickly identify and access the various features and functionalities of their WordPress website. Visit our Facebook page; Visit our X (formerly Twitter) account; Visit our Instagram account; Visit our LinkedIn account; Visit our YouTube channel Simple add the following to your theme's functions.php to load Dashicons on the front-end (insert via a child theme if you are customizing an existing theme and not making your own). Simple change where it says "menu" to the icon you wish to use. This HTML can be pasted anywhere in the theme where you want an icon displayed. Add the Dashicon Glyph and Font-family. From the Dashicons page, click the 'Copy CSS' link to get the unicode glyph for the icon you want to use. Paste it in-between the quotes in the content property. We'll also set the font-family to 'Dashicons'. ul.dashicons-pros-list li:before { content: "\f15e" ; font-family: 'Dashicons' ; } Code.

How to Use WordPress Dashicons on Your Site Qode Interactive

Dashicons are a set of font icons bundled with WordPress that provide an easy way to add icons to your WordPress site. Since the project was first introduced, it has grown to be a valuable resource, including a rich array of well over 300 individual icons! Dashicons are the official icon font of WordPress. This page shows all the WordPress dashicons with codes needed and how to use dashicons. Here's a quick reference to WordPress Dashicons font icon. This font set was designed for the dashboard UI but can also be used in the front end. If you're a fan of Glyphicons or Fontawesome, you'll enjoy. Step 2: Find Dashicon HTML & CSS codes. Wordpress.org offers a library of Dashicons, which helps you find CSS and HTML codes belonging to each icon. Here, go to Developer Resources to find the Dashicons you want to use and then: Click on the icon of your wish. Choose between "Copy CSS" or "Copy HTML" by clicking on it. With the advent of the Gutenberg block editor and its growing influence in WordPress, Dashicons' role has somewhat diminished. Gutenberg introduced a new icon library, and it's essential to keep an eye on where WordPress core development is heading. However, for now, Dashicons remain a vital part of the WordPress ecosystem..

How to Use WordPress Dashicons on Your Site Qode Interactive

With that plan, the next steps are: Create a Trac ticket for bringing the updated Dashicons icon font to WordPress 5.5. Close all open tickets and PRs in the Dashicons repository, and close to new requests. Close the Dashicons resource website to new requests. Future efforts for the new Icon component, including creating new documentation and. Dashicons, the WordPress admin icon font. For the official resource, please see the WordPress Developer Hub. - GitHub - WordPress/dashicons: Dashicons, the WordPress admin icon font. For the official resource, please see the WordPress Developer Hub.