aerial view Zernike Campus Groningen seen from the Reitdiep and Plataanlaan.

Zernike Campus More than 4000 researchers, employees and a few hundred entrepreneurs work here on innovative solutions which are of importance in the future. Today, more than 35000 students develop themselves into professionals at the University of Groningen and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences. Zernike Campus Meer dan 4000 onderzoekers en medewerkers en een paar honderd ondernemers werken hier aan innovatieve oplossingen die de toekomst nodig heeft. Dagelijks ontwikkelen ruim 35000 studenten zich hier tot professionals bij de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en de Hanzehogeschool Groningen.

Campus Groningen › Campus Groningen

Zernike Campus Healthy Ageing Campus Campus in transition Nieuws Groundbreaking Results Cement North Netherlands' Role in Diagnostic Innovation within the Open Diagnostics Ecosystem Campus Groningen launches new edition of Place to Be labor market campaign UMCG Center for Rehabilitation constructs new wing for Neurorehabilitation Events Zernike Campus Most international study programmes operate from Zernike Campus, located in the north of the city of Groningen, within a 15-minute biking distance from the city centre. Naturally, the campus can also easily be reached using public transport. De meest actuele versie van de plattegrond van Zernike is te vinden op de website van Zernike Campus Groningen. Zernikecomplex Laatst gewijzigd: 18 oktober 2021 10:26 Zernike Campus De Zernike Campus is een plek waar studenten kunnen studeren, ontspannen, elkaar kunnen ontmoeten en allerlei handige voorzieningen kunnen vinden. Ontdek de Zernike Campus Studieplekken Op de Zernike Campus vind je verschillende studieplekken waar je ongestoord kunt studeren. Alles over studieplekken Mediatheek Boeken lenen?

Aerophotostock luchtfoto Zernike Campus Groningen gezien vanaf het Reitdiep.

1. Zernike Campus I know that I specifically mentioned buildings earlier, but why not start with the campus itself? Zernike Campus is named after Frits Zernike, a Dutch physicist. After completing his studies in Amsterdam, he moved to Groningen in 1913 to work as an assistant to Jacobus Kapteyn (if you don't know who he is, scroll to point 5). The strength of our institute lies in focused, curiosity-driven, symbiotic studies of functional materials involving researchers from physics, chemistry and biology. Our main driving force is the desire to understand how things work at the microscopic level, also known as the molecular scale. This is the realm of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The Zernike Campus, on the northern ring road of Groningen, accommodates the expansion of the University of Groningen and the Hanze Hogeschool. Initially created in 1999, West 8 has been working since 2015 to review and update the original masterplan and ensure the concept's continuity for the next decade. Op Campus Groningen werken bedrijven, instellingen met passie voor onderzoek, opleiding en ondernemerschap samen aan het realiseren van echte impact.. Van Olstborg, Zernike Campus. 18 jan. Waterstof excursie Noord-Nederland. Groningen. 18 jan. Nieuwjaarsborrel 2024 Samenwerking Noord. NOK (Forum), Groningen.

Einde is in zicht alle ins en outs rondom renovatie Zernike Campus Groningen indebuurt Groningen

The innovation center. In 2018, Royal Avebe opened its Innovation Center on the Zernike Campus in Groningen. As the name reveals, it's all about innovation. That means innovations with the starch potato as our base. We have space for start-ups in the field of agrifoods, as well as various laboratories, test facilities, and a customer. Zernike Tower. Luxe studentencomplex met 230 eenheden. Gelegen naast Zernike bieden wij aan de Zernike Tower van studentenhuisvester Xior. Dit betreft een uniek samenwerkingsveband tussen twee studentenhuisvester in de stad Groningen.Strategisch gezien zijn Campus Groningen en Xior een aanvulling op elkaar en daarom is er een samenwerking. The Energy Academy Europe building, located on the Zernike Campus in Groningen, provides an inspiring environment where industry, education and academia come together to advance the energy transition. The unique design demonstrates how a building can make optimum use of the natural elements earth, water, air and sunlight as a primary source of. Therefore, based on the theoretical framework of the scholars who have explored the spatial aspects of creativity, this study empirically investigates Zernike Campus, Groningen, and its public spaces using a mixed-methods approach that involves (1) a space syntax analysis of the campus's spatial configuration, (2) volunteered geographic informat.

Building on the Zernike University Campus in Groningen Editorial Stock Image Image

The transformation of the entrance area on the Zernike Campus Groningen will be realized in 2023 and 2024. Area where park environment will be established Simultaneously with the construction of the Feringa Building and the demolition of parts of the Nijenborgh 4 building, the outside environment will also be redeveloped. The Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials ( ZIAM) is a recognized top research institute. Its research is driven by the desire to understand, control, and exploit how the material world works at the microscopic level. This is the realm of nanoscience and nanotechnology.