AirZ Copperform Australia

RHEINZINK AIR-Z provides a number of benefits for metal roofing. The main pur-pose is to provide an open air space to al-low moisture to flow away or evaporate. Another advantage is the thermal break created between the metal roofing and sheathing resulting in a reduction of ener-gy use. AIR-Z® The structured Mat from RHEINZINK AIR-Z is laid on large areas of underlay (e.g. made of bitumen) with substructures of wooden sheathing or derived timber (e.g. Oriented Strand Board). The main field of application is low-pitched metal roofs with pitches ranging between 3 and 15° or non-ventilated roof coverings and

AirZ Copperform Australia

RHEINZINK America, Inc. has introduced AIR-Z®, an optimized structured mat for RHEINZINK standing seam roof systems. Made of continuous nylon filaments fused at their intersections, AIR-Z provides the ventilation and drainage needed for a long service life. RHEINZINK AIR-Z provides a number of benefits for metal roofing. The main pur-pose is to provide an open air space to allow moisture to flow away or evaporate. Another advantage is the thermal break created between the metal roofing and sheathing resulting in a reduction of energy use. Benefits of AIR-Z RHEINZINK: AIR-Z provides a number of benefits for metal roofing. The main purpose is to provide an open ventilation space to allow moisture to flow away and evaporate. The perfectly coordi-nated system structure made up of the AIR-Z structured mat and a RHEINZINK standing seam covering offers you reli-able protection from a single source. installed between rafters Detailed information with examples of construction and relevant technical data for various applications are available from ourselves.

Mata strukturalna Rheinzink Airz 9800284 Wrocław

AIR-Z® Die Strukturmatte von RHEINZINK AIR-Z wird auf großflächigen Trennlagen (z.B. aus Bitumen) mit Unterkonstruktionen aus Holzschalung oder Holzwerkstoffen (z.B. OSB-Platten) verlegt. RHEINZINK flat lock tiles are a further development of classic square and diamond tiles especially intended for use on large-area roofs. They are specially tailored for covering larger roof surfaces and generate an attractive appearance using products in our usual high quality. 7. Refer to the RHEINZINK baseline details for detail options for eaves, rakes, hips, ridges, valleys and pen-etrations. Consult the RHEINZINK technical department for customized applications. 8. Panels can be roll formed or fabrica- 10. All roof installations require Air-Z or Enkamat (7008 or 7010). 11. Generally known as "titanium-zinc", RHEINZINK is a natural-weathering metal that forms a blue gray patina after repeated exposure to moisture and air. Combining 99% super high-grade zinc with approximately 1% titanium and copper, the RHEINZINK alloy can help provide long-term solutions for roofs, wall cladding and gutters.

AirZ Structured Mat from Rheinzink Sloped Roof Applications

April 10, 2012 RHEINZINK® America, Inc. has introduced AIR-Z®, a structured mat for RHEINZINK standing seam roof systems, copings and inlay gutters. AIR-Z is a three-dimensional mat made of nylon filament installed over underlayment with substrates of plywood or Oriented Strand Board (OSB). April 10, 2012 RHEINZINK® America, Inc. has introduced AIR-Z®, a structured mat for RHEINZINK standing seam roof systems, copings and inlay gutters. AIR-Z is a three-dimensional mat made of nylon filament installed over underlayment with substrates of plywood or Oriented Strand Board (OSB). AIR-Z® AIR-Z ® The structured Mat from RHEINZINK For low-pitched standing seam roofs For installation on tight underlay Moisture-compensating Reduction of sound transmision resulting from rain The result of 18 years experience Satisfies the criteria on "Hard roofing" as per DIN 4102 when used in combination with suitable bituminous roof sheeting AIR-Z® And VAPOZInC® - RIBA Product Selector. EN.. The structured Mat and the structured Underlay from RHEINZINK. Reliable Protection from a single
Opting for a roof made of RHEINZINK
always represents a decision for quality
at the same time. The perfectly coordinated

Strukturmatte JA oder NEIN

with substrates of plywood or Oriented Strand Board (OSB). AIR-Z was engineered for sloped roof applications starting from 5/8:12 pitch. AIR-Z compensates for structural tolerances up to 2 mm. Benefits of AIR-Z RHEINZINK AIR-Z provides a number of benefits for metal roofing. The main purpose is to provide an open air space to allow mois- Strukturmatta skyddar zinktaket - Vapozink & Air-Z - Download här: AIR-Z VAPOZINC rheinzink-logo-black-without-whitespace You are on our global website.. A total of 2,400 m² bright rolled RHEINZINK titanium zinc was used for the roof in a double standing seam covering on a back-ventilated formwork and the RHEINZINK AIR-Z structure mat.