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Getting back to business post-Covid is exciting. But if you want it to be smooth sailing for your business, team, and customers, make sure all your ducks are in a row. Editor's Pick As part of Governor JB Pritzker's overall economic recovery strategy, the $250 million Back to Business (B2B) grant program aims to deploy small businesses recovery grants for those hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic. The B2B grant program builds on the success of last year's Business Interruption Grant (BIG) program - an equity focused business relief program, which directed $290.

Photography is getting back to business with the easing of lockdown

Strategy and foresight were once the same discipline. And they should be again. The immediacy of day-to-day operations can lead to a strategic process that is more about ticking boxes and filling. 12 Ways to Prepare Your Office for Post-Coronavirus Reopening. As companies adapt to the new normal, they're making changes to the workplace environment. These creative office furniture ideas will keep your workers safe. Thrive. Work-Life Integration Is the New Work-Life Balance. The state announced a $250 million "Back to Business" grant program aimed at assisting small businesses in the recovery from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and associated economic shutdowns. The program is funded by the federal American Rescue Plan Act signed by President Joe Biden, and it includes specific set-aside amounts for certain uses. The Small Business Advocacy Council has advocated for a program that provides grant funding to businesses that launched in 2020 (prior to the pandemic) and in 2020 and 2021 after the pandemic began. Governor Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) have launched the Back to Business (B2B) NewBiz program.

Back in Business 7 Resources For Small Business Owners Stance

Small businesses are the lifeblood of the communities they operate in - providing services, sourcing products and hiring locally. We are invested in their success. infographic. Survey: Back2Business helps small businesses thrive. In 2020, Fiserv committed $50 million to help small, diverse-owned businesses and their local communities thrive. SPRINGFIELD - Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) today announced the $250 million Back to Business (B2B) grant program to support the continued recovery of small businesses across Illinois. The first in a series of economic recovery programs set to launch by the administration, B2B will offer small businesses access to funds that can. Definition of back to business in the Idioms Dictionary. back to business phrase. What does back to business expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. CEOs are letting up on the battle to get employees to return to the office full-time, five days a week, according to a CEO survey from The Conference Board. Just 4% of US CEOs and 4% of CEOs.

Let everyone know you're Back in Business The Maitland Mercury

Opportunity (DCEO) today announced $25 million in available grant funding through the Back to Business (B2B) NewBiz program. Following state recovery programming for businesses totaling $1.5 billion, the latest American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)-funded opportunity is. business owners first and showing them why Illinois is the best place to do. Illinois Back to Business Grants (B2B), Illinois Business Interruption Grants (BIG), or Emergency Hospitality Grants o More than $10,000 in local assistance • Businesses that received other forms of support, including PPP loan forgiveness or EIDL grants or loans, are eligible. I started my business in 2021. Back To Business I.T. is led by the most experienced and certified team of experts in the Miami Valley. As a service brand of The Greentree Group and the most tenured managed service provider (MSP) in the area, Back To Business I.T. is proud to be one of the first to offer commercial IT services to companies of any size across a variety of industries. The Back to Business New Business Grant (B2B New Biz) Program, administered by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), targets businesses which opened during the height of the pandemic, 2020-2021 to support their recovery from adverse economic impacts. Grant funding may be used to help offset operational losses.

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back to business. This is correct. The phrase "back to business" is an idiomatic expression which means to return to work or to the task at hand. EXPLANATION PROVIDED BY A TEXTRANCH EXPERT. Example: It's time to get back to business. SEE MORE EXAMPLES. Alternative: resuming business. Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) today announced the $250 million Back to Business (B2B) grant program to support the continued recovery of small businesses across Illinois.. The first in a series of economic recovery programs set to launch by the administration, B2B will offer small businesses access to funds that can help offset.