🔵 Have a Bee in Your Idioms Have a Bee in One's

Meaning of have a bee in your bonnet in English have a bee in your bonnet idiom Add to word list informal to keep talking about something again and again because you think it is very important: She never stops talking about healthy eating - she's got a real bee in her bonnet about it. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases Preoccupied or obsessed with an idea. What's the origin of the phrase 'A bee in your bonnet'? This phrase clearly alludes to the state of agitation one would be in when finding a bee inside one's bonnet. It follows on from the earlier expression 'to have bees in one's head', which had much the same meaning.

Bee In Your (His/Her) to have a Idioms Online

The sentence roughly translates to "What, man, rot thou in bed with thy head full of bees," and alludes to a Scottish idiom about having a "head full of bees," which the Oxford English Dictionary. a single idea or a thought that remains in one's mind; an obsession. (*Typically: get ~; have ~; giveI have a bee in my bonnet over that cool new car I saw, and I can't stop thinking about it.I got a bee in my bonnet about swimming. I just wanted to go swimming all the time. A bee in your bonnet means you've got a particular idea or thought stuck in your head, and it's so consuming that it's practically all you can chatter about. Idioms, like this charming one, are the sprinkle of magic in the English language. They turn ordinary sentences into vibrant expressions, making our conversations colorful and memorable. The meaning of HAVE A BEE IN ONE'S BONNET is to talk and think a lot about something. How to use have a bee in one's bonnet in a sentence.

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to keep talking about something again and again because you think it is very important: She never stops talking about healthy eating - she has a real bee in her bonnet about it. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases Excited, interested and enthusiastic abubble aflame aflutter agog all of a flutter idiom amped entranced evangelical English Dictionary Grammar Definition of 'to have a bee in your bonnet' to have a bee in your bonnet phrase If you have a bee in your bonnet about something, you are so enthusiastic or worried about it that you keep mentioning it or thinking about it. He's got a bee in his bonnet about factory farming. [+ about] See full dictionary entry for bee Bee in your bonnet means when someone extensively talks about something or focuses on something too much. The 'something' can be a thought or a feeling (or both)! If a bee is in your bonnet (hat), there is a chance of it stinging you. So, it would be hard to ignore the fact that the bee is in your hat. to feel very strongly about something and keep talking or thinking about it. This expression is considered old-fashioned in American English. I've got a bee in my bonnet about the confusion between education and training. Easy Learning Idioms Dictionary.


The phrase "bee in your bonnet" means to be obsessed with something or some idea. A person will think endless about it. In other words, it becomes an obsession that is always stuck in one's mind. This phrase is also applicable when a person also has a song or a phrase replayed over and over in their mind. Origin of "Bee in your Bonnet" Today's Phrase. If you have a bee in your bonnet about something, you are obsessed with it and can't stop thinking about it. This phrase is often used when you are worried or angry about something. Origin. The phrase has been around since the 1500's. The phrase is similar to "bee's in your head" which means the same thing but was more appropriate for men. Bonnets used to be a head scarf that would be worn by women and the phrase directly reflects the agitation that could be caused if there were a bee in their head / bonnet. Definition of bee in one's bonnet as in whim a sudden impulsive and apparently unmotivated idea or action She suddenly got a bee in her bonnet to quit her job and become a painter. Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance whim notion bee vagary caprice freak whimsy humor maggot whimsey vagrancy fancy crank megrim kink impression thought fantasy concept

Bee In Your (His/Her) to have a Idioms Online

Meaning: If someone is very excited about something, they have a bee in their bonnet. Country: International English | Subject Area: Animals | Usage Type: Both or All Words Used. Contributor: Richard Flynn. All idioms have been editorially reviewed, and submitted idioms may have been edited for correctness and completeness. The phrase "bee in your bonnet" may come from the protective headgear worn by beekeepers. The exact phrase was published in Thomas De Quincey's Coleridge & Opium-eating in 1845: "John Hunter, notwithstanding he had a bee in his bonnet, was really a great man." It is not known whether this was the first time the phrase was published, but it.