The Black Company. Lady and Croaker by PtiSPB on DeviantArt

Cover 1 Cover 2 by Mikey Patch view image Origin & physical description Birthplace Crossroads of trade routes south of Padora Sex Male Stature 6 feet 4 inches Hair Brown Receding hairline by Dreams of Steel Skin White Relationships Spouse / lover Lady Family Booboo (daughter) Arkana, Shukrat (adopted daughters) Baku, Shin (reputed children) Fantasy Glen Cook's The Black Company Is Grimdark, But Never Hopeless Drew McCaffrey Mon Dec 17, 2018 9:00am 9 comments 12 Favorites [+] During the early 2000s, the fantasy genre underwent.

The Black Company. Lady and Croaker by PtiSPB on DeviantArt

Shed, Soulcatcher, One-eye, and Goblin. Shed for having one of the best character arcs in the books and across genres. Soulcatcher is the only character having fun being herself, for herself, and by herself. A lunatic but resourceful lone wolf is always a blast to have in any story. The Black Company series spans nine books, plus a spinoff and an interquel, and covers 40 years of a mercenary company's 400-year history. No, that doesn't mean Cook's only a tenth of the way. The Black Company is told through tales of the chronicler Croaker, a medic and historian of the annals which have been keeping the official records of the company for hundreds of years. He is joined by his fellow solders: The Captain, the ever quiet Silent, the two wizards of One-Eye and Goblin, Elmo, and of coarse the mysterious Raven. Captain Edit Captain view image Origin & physical description Birthplace One of the Jewel Cities, southern continent Sex Male Affiliations Allegiances Black Company Occupation Black Company Captain Titles "Old Man" Status (! spoilers !) Appearances Appeared in The Black Company Port of Shadows "Tides Elba" "Smelling Danger" "Bone Candy"

The Return of the Black Company by Glen Cook Glen Cook Dragonmount

The Black Company, released in May 1984, is the first novel in Glen Cook 's ongoing series The Black Company. The book combines elements of epic fantasy and dark fantasy as it describes the dealings of an elite mercenary unit - the Black Company - with the Lady, ruler of the Northern Empire. The Dominator is an extremely powerful wizard who. The Black Company is a series of Dark Fantasy books by Glen Cook, and chronicles an ancient mercenary company — the titular Black Company, last of the Free Companies of Khatovar — as it plies its trade across the world and tries to find its lost roots. The Black Company is ordered to march thousands of miles across the Lady's vast empire to the Barrowland. A small detachment, including the Company's doctor and historian, Croaker, is flown to Juniper, a run-down port outside the empire, at the request of the local prince, to investigate a mysterious black castle, a possible magical connection to the Barrowland. As Soldiers Live opens, Croaker is military dictator of all the Taglias, and no Black Company member has died in battle for four years. Croaker figures it can't last. He's right. For, of course, many of the Company's old adversaries are still around. Narayan Singh and his adopted daughter--actually the offspring of Croaker and the Lady--hope to.

Chris Leenheer Storyboarding and Illustration The Black Company

The Black Company is also packed full of action. However, and most of it happens to be tersely described from a distance. While this befits the premise of Croaker as annalist (think Duiker in Deadhouse Gates), unfortunately it does at times feel like little more than a dull, dry listing of distant events. Furthermore, much of the action is. The Chronicles of the Black Company was always Croaker's tale. Other members of the Company have taken up the annalist's pen from time to time, and one might argue that the protagonist of the series is the Black Company itself, but the most important character was always Croaker. He began in the first volume as the young and rash Company. However, Croaker does record a lot of his key military undertakings in The Black Company: his swift crushing of Whispher's planned Rebel insurrection in Lords; his and Soulcatcher's failed defence of Lords against Harden's rebel armies; his capture of the Rebel city of Thud; and his actions during the Battle of Charm. The Black Company is a series of dark fantasy books written by American author Glen Cook. The series combines elements of epic fantasy as it follows an elite mercenary unit, the Black Company, through roughly forty years of its approximately four-hundred-year history. Green Ronin Publishing published The Black Company role-playing game in 2004.

Croaker by Chris Leenheer on Artstation. Character design for a

(born July 9, 1944) is the author of the Black Company series, along with numerous other science-fiction and fantasy novels. This includes The Dread Empire series, Garrett P.I. and The Instumentalities of the Night. Go to these sites for info or for help with your own wiki! The story, as recorded by Croaker, follows The Black Company as they enlist in the service of The Lady. That's right, the main characters work for the bad guys! The first 50-100 pages of book 1 can be pretty confusing. Each scene is somewhat disconnected and the overarching plot can be hard to follow. Part of this is intentional because Croaker.