The Catherine the Great egg, also known as Grisaille Egg and Pink Cameo Egg, is an Imperial Fabergé egg, one of a series of fifty-four jewelled enameled Easter eggs made under the supervision of Peter Carl Fabergé for the Russian Imperial family . History The violent Russian revolutions of 1917 saw the end of this extravagant tradition, with the czars overthrown, the Fabergé family fleeing Russia and many of the eggs confiscated by the Bolsheviks..

Catherine the Great Easter Egg by Fabergé, 1914 The Cather… Flickr

CNN — For over a century, the name Faberge has evoked wealth, opulence and the world's most extravagant Easter eggs. The small, intricately decorated objets d'art - which Russia's royal House. CATHERINE THE GREAT EASTER EGG Made from: Gold -- diamonds -- pearls -- enamel -- silver -- platinum -- mirror Made in: Saint Petersburg, Russia Date made: 1914 Size: 4 3/4 in. (12.1 cm) Detailed information for this item Catalog number: 11.81.1-2 Class: GOLD Signature marks: Catherine the Great: Also known as the "Grisaille". The egg was made by Henrik Wigström, "Fabergé's last head workmaster". It was given to Maria Feodorovna by her son Nicholas II. Its surprise (now lost) was "a mechanical sedan chair, carried by two blackamoors, with Catherine the Great seated inside". Hillwood Museum, Washington, D.C., US 1915 The Egg "Catherine the Great" (also known as "Grisaille") was made for the Dowager Empress Maria Fedorovna. That year, 1914, work on both Imperial Easter eggs was overseen by Ivan Antoni. From an entry in a Faberge account book: "Large Egg of chased quatre-couleur gold with fretwork in the style of Louis XVI over an enamel ground with.

Catherine the Great Easter Egg by Faberge c 1914. Made in gold

Nov 15, 2017 2:55PM A curator from the Royal Collection examines a mosaic egg, made by Russian jeweller and goldsmith Peter Carl Faberge which was originally commissioned by Tsar Nicholas II in 1914 and acquired by Queen Mary in 1933. Photo by Dominic Lipinski/PA Images via Getty Images. Catherine the Great Easter Egg, 1914 Gold, Enamel, Diamonds, Pearls 4 3/4 in | 12.1 cm Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens Washington Get notifications for similar works Want to sell a work by this artist? Sell with Artsy Artist Series Portraits of Artists and Sculptors 113 available Portraits of Artists and Sculptors 113 available August 27, 2018 by EraGem The Catherine the Great Egg is on display now at Hillwood Museum as part of their latest exhibition, Faberge Rediscovered. The exhibition promises to enlighten visitors as to the most recent discoveries about Faberge's works. Imperial Easter Eggs An exceptional resource for images and information about all fifty Imperial Easter eggs is The Fabergé Imperial Easter Eggs, published by Christie's in 1997.. Catherine the Great in 1793.

Catherine the Great Easter Egg — Dumbarton Oaks

Details Title: Catherine the Great Easter Egg Creator: Fabergé (firm); Henrik Immanuel Wigström (workmaster); Vasilii Ivanovich Zuev (miniatures) Creator Lifespan: 1846/1920 Creator Nationality:. The egg is said to have been based on the design of a famed 18th-century orange tree "mechanical," which is why the piece was for years mislabeled the Orange Tree Egg. An original invoice from. The Catherine the Great Easter egg was commissioned by Czar Nicholas II for his mother. The Faberge workshop crafted it out of diamonds, pearls, silver, gold, platinum and a shimmering opalescent. The Catherine the Great egg, also known as Grisaille Egg and Pink Cameo Egg, is an Imperial Fabergé egg, one of a series of fifty-four jewelled enameled Easter eggs made under the supervision of Peter Carl Fabergé for the Russian Imperial family.. It was an Easter 1914 gift for Tsarina Maria Feodorovna from her son Tsar Nicholas II, who had a standing order of two Easter eggs every year, one.

Catherine the Great Easter Egg by Fabergé, 1914 The Cather… Flickr

Faberge museum. After eggs, Faberge's human figures are the company's most beautifully crafted creations. These are complex mosaics made from Russian gems: quartzite, sandstone, jasper and. The Catherine the Great egg, also known as Grisaille Egg and Pink Cameo Egg, is an Imperial Fabergé egg, one of a series of fifty-four jewelled enameled Easter eggs made under the supervision of Peter Carl Fabergé for the Russian Imperial family. History