Spectacular in bloom, Clematis 'Blue Angel' or 'Błękitny Anioł' produces a profusion of angelic, lavender-blue flowers, 4-6 in. across (10-15 cm), adorned with lighter central bars and creamy-yellow stamens. Opening from slender buds, the charming, silky blooms are delicately ruffled on the edges, adding elegance and grace to the display. This special clematis, C. 'Błękitny Anioł', Trade Designation BLUE ANGEL, is spectacular in flower and has an easy growth habit. It was raised by Brother Stefan Franczak in 1987 and registered in 1988. Brother Stefan is a Jesuit Monk.
clematis 'Blekitny Aniol' A medium-sized deciduous climber with pale rosy blue flowers tinted lilac with crinkled edges and yellow stamens, to 10cm across from early summer to late autumn. Synonyms Clematis viticella 'Błękitny Anioł' Clematis 'Blue Angel' see more Clematis Blue Angel Join the RHS today and save 25% Join now < > © RHS 1999 Clematis 'Błękitny Anioł' należy do grupy powojników wielkokwiatowych późno kwitnących, zakwita obficie, na tegorocznych pędach w czerwcu i kwitnie nieprzerwanie do sierpnia, kiedy kwiaty stopniowo przekształcają się w ozdobne owocostany, obecne na roślinie do października. Powojnik - uprawa Clematis 'Błękitny Anioł' to pnącze średnio silnie rosnące, osiąga 3- 4 metry wysokości. Tworzy trójlistkowe, zielone, sezonowe liście. Ogonki liściowe mają zdolność do owijania się wokół podpór, dzięki czemu roślina szybko wspina się po słupka, kratkach lub innych konstrukcjach wspierających. It is a member of the Ranunculaceae family and is also known as Clematis 'Błękitny Anioł' or Clematis 'Blekitny Aniol.' The plant produces stunning blue-violet flowers that bloom from midsummer to early fall. The flowers have a bell-like shape and are approximately 4-6 inches in diameter. The plant is a deciduous vine that can grow.
Powojnik wielkokwiatowy Błękitny Anioł BLUE ANGEL Clematis Błękitny Anioł
Clematis 'Blue Angel' or 'Błękitny Anioł' is a stunning clematis variety that showcases a profusion of lavender-blue flowers with delicate ruffled edges. With its lighter central bars and creamy-yellow stamens, it creates a captivating display. This prolific and free-flowering clematis is perfect for trellises, walls, fences, and. Find help & information on Clematis &s;Błękitny Anioł&s; (LL) clematis &s;Blekitny Aniol&s; Houseplants from the RHS Clematis Clematis Blue Angel Trade name information: Trade Name: Blue Angel Cultivar name: 'Blekitny Aniol' Common names Clematis Also sold as: Błękitny Anioł Photo Gallery Uploaded by Joy Uploaded by DawnLL Uploaded by Calif_Sue Uploaded by Joy Uploaded by Dinah1 Uploaded by Joy Uploaded by Yorkshirelass Uploaded by admin Uploaded by Calif_Sue They all make excellent companions to grow with roses. Tips for the Viticella. These clematis prefer a good quality soil with high nutrient levels and a soil which is moist but free-draining. Improve planting holes with at least 2 forkfuls of well rotted manure or garden compost and if you don't have these use a 'Soil Improver' compost.
Clematis Powojnik BŁĘKITNY ANIOŁ 60cm // PRODUCENT 6679139614
A healthy Polish cultivar, moderately fast growing and free-flowering. Pale blue flowers with wavy edges and yellow-green stamens, borne from June to August. Ideal for growing over fences, walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and poles. It can be grown into natural supports such as small trees or over large bushy, deciduous or coniferous shrubs. Description A healthy Polish cultivar, moderately fast growing and free-flowering. Pale blue flowers with wavy edges and yellow-green stamens, borne from June to August. Ideal for growing over fences, walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises and poles.
Opis Przepiękna, polska odmiana o błękitnych kwiatach średnicy około 12cm, z lekko pokarbowanymi brzegami, w środku których znajdują się żółtozielone pylniki na białych nitkach. Kwitnie bardzo obficie od połowy czerwca, nawet do sierpnia, tworząc gęstą ścianę kwiatów. Osiąga wysokość 3-4m. Clematis viticella Some classify to the Viticella group also plants that are only distantly related to clematis viticella (e.g. 'Błękitny Anioł', 'Dominika', 'Ville de Lyon') but it isn't so in the official naming register. It seems worthwhile to mention some of the most widely used cultivars belonging to the species or a group of Viticellas:
Powojnik „Błękitny Anioł” (Clematis Blue Angel) Ogród Maryli Blog
Szczegóły produktu Clematis 'Błękitny Anioł' Blue Angel Powojnik wielkokwiatowy Bardzo wartościowa, popularna na całym świecie polska odmiana o urokliwych, jasno niebieskich kwiatach. Rośnie dosyć silnie, o siąga 3-4 m. wysokości. Images. Click on the carousel image to display a larger version (if available). Click here for the original image.