Ziggurat - Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia Ziggurat Zig (g)urat, zik (k)urat ( sum. u 6 .nir; akad. ziqqurratu poch. od czasownika zaqāru - budować wysoko; asyr. siqqurratu) - charakterystyczna dla architektury sakralnej Mezopotamii wieża świątynna o zmniejszających się schodkowo kolejnych tarasach. Opis A ziggurat ( / ˈzɪɡʊˌræt /; Cuneiform: 𒅆𒂍𒉪, Akkadian: ziqqurratum, [2] D-stem of zaqārum 'to protrude, to build high', [3] cognate with other Semitic languages like Hebrew zaqar (זָקַר) 'protrude' [4] [5]) is a type of massive structure built in ancient Mesopotamia. It has the form of a terraced compound of successively receding storeys or levels.

Ziggurat (Ur, 3rd millennium BC) 3D scene Mozaik Digital Education

Co to jest zikkurat? d To pytanie ma już najlepszą odpowiedź, jeśli znasz lepszą możesz ją dodać 1 ocena Najlepsza odp: 100% 2 1 Najlepsza odpowiedź kosmodisik odpowiedział (a) 06.09.2010 o 16:14: niewiem xD Odpowiedzi blocked odpowiedział (a) 06.09.2010 o 16:14 Zikkurat ( Zikkurrat) (z babylónského ziqqurrat, od kmene zaqāru „postavit na zvýšeném místě" nebo z akkadského zakáru tyčit se, vyčnívat) jsou stupňovité věže, pnoucí se do výše (3 až 7 stupňů), vysoké několik desítek metrů, několik teras nad sebou na vrcholu schodiště vedoucí ke svatyni, kam sestupoval bůh. Ziggurat, pyramidal stepped temple tower that is an architectural and religious structure characteristic of the major cities of Mesopotamia (now mainly in Iraq) from approximately 2200 until 500 BCE. Approximately 25 ziggurats are known, being equally divided among Sumer, Babylonia, and Assyria. The most famous ziggurat in history is the Tower of Babel - associated with the great ziggurat of Babylon known as Etemenanki - "the foundation of heaven and earth" - made famous from the story in the Bible (Genesis 11:1-9). The best-preserved ziggurat extant is the Ziggurat of Ur begun under the reign of Ur-Nammu (2047-2030 BCE) and completed under the reign of his son and successor.


The ziggurat at Ur and the temple on its top were built around 2100 B.C.E. by the king Ur-Nammu of the Third Dynasty of Ur for the moon goddess Nanna, the divine patron of the city state. The structure would have been the highest point in the city by far and, like the spire of a medieval cathedral, would have been visible for miles around, a. A ziggurat is a temple that was common in Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq and western Iran) during the civilizations of Sumer, Babylon, and Assyria. Ziggurats are pyramidal but not nearly as symmetrical, precise, or architecturally pleasing as Egyptian pyramids. Rather than the enormous masonry used to make the Egyptian pyramids, ziggurats were. The shape of a ziggurat makes it clearly identifiable: a roughly square platform base with sides that recede inward as the structure rises, and a flat top presumed to have supported some form of a shrine. Sun-baked bricks form the core of a ziggurat, with fire-baked bricks forming the outer faces. Unlike the Egyptian pyramids, a ziggurat was a solid structure with no internal chambers. The Ziggurat of Ur is a 4,100-year-old massive, tiered shrine lined with giant staircases (Credit: Geena Truman) Egypt may have the Pyramids of Giza, but Iraq has the Ziggurat of Ur - an.

Bowl Fabrik Zikkurat

The Ziggurat of Ur. The people of ancient Mesopotamia practiced a religion that modern scholars are only just beginning to understand. The physical focal point of their religion was the monumental, triangular structures known as ziggurats. Today, many people like to compare ziggurats derived from the ancient Akkadian word for the structures. Crestone Ziggurat. schultjh (Atlas Obscura User) With a population of fewer than 150 people, Crestone, Colorado, is home to several world religions, including Hinduism, Zen, Catholicism, Tibetan. Zikkurat Choga Zanbil z 13. storočia pred Kr. blízko mesta Súsy v Iráne. Zikkurat Etemennigurru pri meste Ur.. Zikkurat (ojedinele písané aj zikkurrat; iné názvy: vrch boha, nebeský vrch, dom siedmich pásiem, babylonská veža; po sumersky unir = postavený do výšky, vyčnievajúci) je (pôvodne akkadský) názov typu chrámu stavaného v celej Mezopotámii a Elame od konca 3. Zikkurat. Mezi první znaky mezopotámské civilizace patří monumentální architektura, která se projevila stavbou zikkuratů.. Zikkurat byla vysoká stupňovitá věž, většinou na půdorysu čtyřúhelníku, se třemi až sedmi terasami barevně odlišenými a chrámem na vrcholu Ten sloužil ke kultovním účelům a také k astronomickým pozorováním.

Culture Iraq

Polski: Ziggurat (zigurat, zikkurat - w języku akadyjskim: ziqquratu poch. od czasownika zaqaru - budować wysoko) to monumentalna budowla sakralna w starożytnym Sumerze, Babilonii, Asyrii i Elamie w formie tarasowo uformowanej wieży. Rdzeń zigguratu był wykonany z cegły suszonej.Ściany tarasów wzmacniane były murami z cegły wypalanej, które licowano różnobarwną okładziną. One of the world's first ancient nations of Sumeria believed that the gods lived in the temple at the top of the Ziggurats and so only the priests and other elite individuals were permitted to enter. Name: The Word Ziggurat Comes From The Assyrian Word "Ziqquratu" Meaning "Height or Pinnacle"