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Słownik angielski-polski E edgy Jakie jest tłumaczenie "edgy" po polsku? en edgy = pl podenerwowany, zirytowany Tłumaczenia Znaczenie Synonimy Wymowa Tłumacz Zwroty open_in_new EN "edgy" - polskie tłumaczenie volume_up edgy {przym.} PL volume_up drażliwy zirytowany podenerwowany podminowany eksperymentalny konturowy awangardowy volume_up Definicja: edgy having a bold, provocative, or unconventional quality|The band has developed an edgy new image.|His edgy vocal deliveries and frowns are more than offset by the way his face never stops telling us he cares.|una calidad inusual|Wrong, but I'm not confident. The normal preposition that goes with "consequences" is of or for.|95% of|When you learn a word you should learn the.

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Główne tłumaczenia: Angielski: Polski: edgy adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (person: nervous) (slang) drażliwy przym. przymiotnik: Określa jakość rzeczownika (np. czerwony) lub relację do rzeczownika (np.miejski); odpowiada na pytanie jaki? jaka? jakie?: Trevor is waiting for his exam results and he's been. adjective us / ˈedʒ·i / nervous or easily upset: He paced the hallway looking edgy and impatient. (Definicja edgy z Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press) Przykłady edgy edgy I think my style is a little edgier now. Z Wikipedia While that has a softer sound to it, their second album was edgier and groovier. tłumaczenia w kontekście "EDGY" na język angielskiego-polski. It's edgy and dark. - Jest ostry i mroczny. The meaning of "Edgy" in various phrases and sentences Q: Co znaczy edgy ? A: It's a little difficult to define precisely, but as an example: if you tell an " edgy " joke, it means you're telling a joke that many might consider inappropriate or controversial.

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tłumaczenia w kontekście "I'M EDGY" na język angielskiego-polski. I think it says I'm edgy but approachable. - To imię mówi, że jestem ostry, ale i kontaktowy. Bezpłatna usługa Google, umożliwiająca szybkie tłumaczenie słów, zwrotów i stron internetowych w języku angielskim i ponad 100 innych językach. Tłumaczenia w kontekście hasła "be so edgy" z angielskiego na polski od Reverso Context: Don't be so edgy, Nix. Tłumaczenie Context Korektor Synonimy Koniugacja Koniugacja Documents Słownik Collaborative Dictionary Gramatyka Expressio Reverso Corporate snarky (też: edgy, huffish, irascible, irritable, liverish, peevish, raspy, sensitive, sore, testy) volume_up. drażliwy {przym. m.} Przykłady jednojęzyczne. English Jak użyć "snarky" w zdaniu . more_vert. open_in_new Link do. co musisz wiedzieć o życiu w innym państwie Więcej.

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Definicja: edgy teen @manofthetreasure Yes and no. An edgy teen may consider themself a "badass", however "edgy" has a negative connotation, whilst "badass" has a more positive connotation. Though some people do consider being "edgy" a good thing (usually said edgy teens). |A teenager who thinks that they are too cool. They are usually thought to like smoking, worshipping the devil, be. Edgy definition: . See examples of EDGY used in a sentence. edging noun /'edʒɪŋ/ 1. (border, of dress, handkerchief) obszycie (neuter), lamówka (feminine) (of lawn) obrzeże (neuter) 2.(making a border, on fabric) wykończenie (neuter), obszycie (neuter) (in garden) obrzeżenie (neuter) Monolingual examples As its name depicts, these carnations are very showy when planted as part of a mixed flower border or as colorful edgings against evergreen shrubs. Trevor attend les résultats de son examen et a été nerveux toute la journée. edgy adj. informal (daring, innovative) (humour) subversif, subversive, osé, audacieux, audacieuse adj. (art,.) avant-gardiste adj. Not everyone in the audience liked the comedian's material; some of it was a bit too edgy for their tastes.

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What it means to be edgy. It often means that you have a strong personality, appear to be emotionally intense, Dionysian, like emotionally charged/provocative stimuli (many "edgelords" are trolls), are high-contrast, and like to bring a lot of energy into the room. You're vivid/memorable at a level others aren't. About EDGY. EDGY is Intersection Group's Open Source tool designed to help people create better enterprises.It consists of a set of components connected by a common language people from various disciplines can relate to and use to engage in co-creative enterprise design.This first release "EDGY 23: Language Foundations" defines this common language, designed to connect people and their.