Contre-jour ( French for 'against daylight ') is a photographic technique in which the camera is pointing directly toward a source of light, as well as an equivalent technique of painting . Description Contre-jour allows us to use the effect of strong backlighting to alter the appearance of our subject in an eye-catching way, which also uses high contrast conditions to develop mood and drama in our composition. Choice of subject
ContreJour — 5 Simple Steps To Add Drama To Your Images APN Photography
Contre-jour can be a tricky technique to meter and master, and takes some practice, but the results can be well worth the effort and are highly rewarding. Try taking light readings with a multi-pattern metering mode like Nikon's Matrix metering, rather than spot metering, as it will be a little more forgiving. This technique is sometimes called contre-jour, a French term that literally translates to "against the light." Now, there are various ways you can approach this style of photography. You can choose to photograph stunning silhouettes, or you can attempt to mitigate dark areas in your photo through post-processing. Contre-jour photography is a technique that involves shooting a subject against the light source. The light source can be any natural light source like the sun or artificial light sources like lamps or streetlights. The purpose of this technique is to create a silhouette or a backlit effect. It refers to the scenario when a photographer takes the shot of the subject placed right in front of the light source. Mostly photographers use daylight usually at morning or evening which allows them to naturally place the subject against the sun-light.
Shooting into the light mastering the contrejour technique
Contre-jour street photography: the history, the technique, the kit Shot at Sea Point swimming pool in Cape Town, South Africa, this photo by former Canon Ambassador Kim Ludbrook is the title image in his contre-jour photography retrospective. Settings for contrejour photography — A Year With My Camera If you are shooting into the sun ("contrejour" = "against the light") you need to over expose your shot by one to two stops unless you are aiming for a silhouette. A contre-jour image differs from both silhouettes and low-key images in that contre-jour requires that the image be a dark shape in front of the source of light. The source light must be behind the subject and in the frame (or the light it creates must cause the subject to take form.) Using contre-jour separates subjects from backgrounds, and adds a touch of drama to otherwise ordinary images. Yes, pointing the camera in the direction of the light source makes photography.
Le ContreJour Défi Photo À Réaliser SoiMême par SFPQ Studio de
Contre-jour, a French term with a literal meaning of "against the light", refers to photographs that were taken with the camera directly pointing toward the source of light. Contre-jour is also a photography technique to create a silhouette of a subject that is surrounded by a soft and halo-esque light. P Contre-jour photographs of people (1 C, 154 F) Contre-jour photography of piers, bridges and structures (5 C, 33 F) Contre-jour photography of plants (3 C, 545 F) S Contre-jour photographs of stones and minerals (10 F)
This is a Contre Jour photograph because I am shooting directly into the sun, although technically, because the Geyser blocks out the sun, this is more of a back-lit photo than a Contre-jour photo. (Anyone, feel free to correct me on this if you know better!) Contre-jour and Silhouette photography are two techniques that aim to create a dramatic effect. Contre-jour is a French term meaning 'against the light' and is a popular photographic technique used to create an eye-catching Silhouette of an object against a bright background.
ContreJour Photography
Contre Jour, shooting into the light. A video that shows how you can create stunning dramatic black and white images that ooze feeling and mood, also to help. This video looks at shooting into the light style of photography, contre-jour photography. How to control flare and use back lighting to create a great compo.