copiapoa tenuissima f. monstruosa, uploaded by sarahkbartley

Copiapoa humilis (Phil.) Hutchison: is a very small low growing cactus with roots like turnips, usually clumping. It's a highly variable taxon with several more or less similar forms. Distribution: Antofagasta Copiapoa humilis f. cristata hort.: Crested form. Copiapoa humilis var. longispina (F.Ritter) A.E.Hoffm. Description: Copiapoa tenuissimaSN|9786]]SN|1138]] is a geophytic cactus arising from a large tuberose root that can slowly branch from the base to form small clumps. It differs from Copiapoa humilis SN|9790]]SN|9790]] for its smaller stems, and its taxonomic status is controversial.

Copiapoa tenuissima forma mostruosa

Copiapoa tenuissima is a slow growing, geophytic cactus (a perennial plant that propagates by means of buds below the soil surface), growing from a large tuberous root. As time passes, it slowly branches from the base to form small clumps. Flowers are silky, diurnal (opening during daylight hours and closing at night), and are yellow in color. Copiapoa tenuissima f. monstrose 0 more photos VIEW GALLERY 2 members have or want this plant for trade. Category: Cactus and Succulents Water Requirements: Drought-tolerant; suitable for xeriscaping Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not overwater Sun Exposure: Full Sun Sun to Partial Shade Light Shade Foliage: Unknown - Tell us . Family: Cactaceae ( Cactus Family) Scientific name: Copiapoa tenuissima F. Ritter forma mostruosa Origin : Garden origin (Nursery produced cultivar) Conservation status: Listed in CITES appendix 2. Synonyms: Copiapoa humilis var. tenuissima. Copiapoa humilis. « Add a new plant to the database « The Plants Database Front Page Plant database entry for Copiapoa humilis var. tenuissima 'Monstrosa' with 5 data details.

Copiapoa tenuissima

Viewing all plants of: Family: Copiapoa ; Genus: tenuissima f. monstrose. Sort By Cactus Copiapoa tenuissima Ritt. f. monstruosa is a C. tenuissima Ritt. spontaneous mutant. This form has nearly black epidermis and it has no thorns in areoles, and it is very rare and. Copiapoa tenuissima Ritt f. monstruosa is a spontaneous cacti mutant from Copiapoa tenuissima Ritt from Chile. Monstruosa form has nearly black epidermis and it has no thorns in areoles, and it is. Copiapoa tenuissima f. Mostruosa Pot: 7,5 cm. Art. 58192. Shop Now - 20.00€ View all Copiapoa. Rare globose cactus with a slow growth, much appreciated and sought after by collectors all over the world for its monstrous shape. It has ribs defined by many rounded tubercles and small fluffy white areoles, from which straight and thin white.

Copiapoa tenuissima forma mostruosa

Cactus Copiapoa tenuissima Ritt. f. monstruosa is a C. tenuissima Ritt. spontaneous mutant. This form has nearly black epidermis and it has no thorns in areoles, and it is very rare and. Copiapoa tenuissima monstrose Chapitoscacti Arrives soon! Get it by Dec 12-21 if you order today Pay in 4 installments of $20.00. Klarna. Learn more Add to cart Other reviews from this shop | (6) Great plant that I've always wanted but had never before seen for sale. Spent extra time potting this up to look great. Welcome to the famous Dave's Garden website. Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants. Copiapoa Tenuissima F. Monstrosa Clusters Live Plant Rare Plant - Etsy Sorry, this item is sold out Beleafandgrow (8,719) Copiapoa Tenuissima f. Monstrosa Clusters | Live Plant | Rare Plant Sold Request a custom product See item details Similar items on Etsy ( Results include Ads )

Copiapoa tenuissima f. monstruosa India's 1 Online Garden Store

Habitat: This is the most northerly Copiapoa known to exist today that inhabit the extremely dry hills near Tocopilla. It grows deep seated within rock crevices and is very difficult to find. Its survival is seriously threatened both to aridity and human activities (many small mines on the coastal hills, south of Tocopilla). Cactus Copiapoa tenuissima Ritt. f. monstruosa is a C. tenuissima Ritt. spontaneous mutant. This form has nearly black epidermis and it has no thorns in areoles, and it is very rare and attractive.