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Masterwork weapons are finely crafted versions of normal weapons produced by skilled blacksmiths. When you roll a 1 on a damage die for an attack you make with a masterwork weapon, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1. You can use this on one die per attack only, even if the weapon has multiple damage die. #1 As we all probably remember, in 3e there were masterwork weapons. Is there an equivalent for 5e? If not, what would you do to represent a very finely crafted but non-magical weapon? Give it a + to damage only? If so, how much? Or just describe it as beautiful and worth more than a typical weapon? log in or register to remove this ad Parmandur

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Weapons | D&D 5th Edition on Roll20 Compendium Table of Contents Weapons Ready to play? Build unlimited D&D characters Create Now These D&D 5E Free Basic Rules only contain a fraction of the races, subclasses, backgrounds, feats, items, monsters, spells, and other content available on Roll20. A masterwork weapon is a finely crafted version of a normal weapon. Wielding it provides a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls . You can't add the masterwork quality to a weapon after it is created; it must be crafted as a masterwork weapon (see the Craft skill). Simple Weapons Martial Weapons Ammunition Setting Specific Weapons Dragonlance Weapon Properties Improvised Weapons Silvered Weapons Special Weapons Your class grants proficiency in certain weapons, reflecting both the class's focus and the tools you are most likely to use. Masterwork items can be enchanted as magical weapons. In this case, the magic bonuses to attack and damage rolls stacks with any applicable masterwork bonuses to the same. only the higher bonus to hit or damage applies. This can result in different bonuses for attack and damage.

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One surprising element of D&D that was cut in the fifth edition is the idea of masterwork weapons. In the third edition, a masterwork weapon was considered to have been made by a skilled smith or was crafted from a superior metal or wood than the standard weapons that most characters would encounter. This can make a weapon "better" without simply making it more powerful. So, you might make a masterwork weapon cancel disadvantage in certain situations. (Before taking advantage into account). There are also silver weapons, which I believe are covered in 5e (as a non-magical way to damage ghosts and the like). Heavy Armor: Heavier armor interferes with the wearer's ability to move quickly, stealthily, and freely. If the Armor table shows "Str 13" or "Str 15" in the Strength column for an armor type, the armor reduces the wearer's speed by 10 feet unless the wearer has a Strength score equal to or higher than the listed score. A masterwork weapon is a finely crafted version of a normal weapon. Wielding it provides a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls. snakejawz DM • 8 yr. ago yes and he's talking about some house rules for 5e to have masterwork weapons. 5e uses bounded accuracy and a +1 to hit is actually way more powerful in 5e crunchybits11 • 8 yr. ago

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Masterwork Quality weapons. #1 Jul 22, 2017 Althrim Acolyte Location: Oklahoma City, OK Join Date: 3/21/2017 Posts: 16 I've thrown together some masterwork longswords based on the masterwork system from.2nd Edition, I think? #1 Jun 15, 2022 Licozo Priest Join Date: 4/1/2022 Posts: 73 I'm thinking of implementing the masterwork item mechanic as it existed in version 3.5. I think it's a good idea for low level PCs. For those who don't know, a masterwork weapon or armor is a non-magical item. Weapons give +1 to attack rolls and armor has a -1 in their penalty. You have to get through his reasoning and how masterwork weapons worked in 3.5e and 4e but his idea for masterwork weapons for 5e (see the section under "The Right Way" at the end of the article) is a pretty good idea to implement I believe for both masterwork weapons and armor. I will be working some or all of his idea into my 5e campaign. A fine item always costs at least full price plus either 50% of the full price or 25 gold, whichever is greater. A masterwork item costs at least full price plus either 100% of the full price or 125 gold, whichever is greater. An item must be originally created as a fine or masterwork item; it cannot be upgraded to a higher quality level.

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Unfortunately, D&D 5th edition did away with masterwork items and largely ignored it. I suggest bringing master work items back into D&D, including the rules into 5th edition. I have even started to implement this into my latest lunchtime dungeon crawl campaign. 23 comments Best RedS5 • 6 yr. ago It makes reasonable sense to me that, were WoTC to give descriptions for official Masterwork Armor, it would end up being a simple +1 set of armor. That being said, your idea isn't half bad. I think that it adds a little crunch to the game by having players decide on what resistance they want.