How to say "Dog" in Polish and 50 more useful words. American English dog Polish pies More Animals Vocabulary in Polish American English Polish bird ptak bull byk cat kot chicken kurczak cow krowa donkey osioł duck kaczka goat koza horse koń mouse mysz pig świnia pigeon gołąb rabbit królik sheep owca turkey indyk Dictionary English-Polish D dog What is the translation of "dog" in Polish? en dog = pl pies Translations Conjugation Pronunciation Examples Translator Phrasebook open_in_new Polish translations powered by Oxford Languages dog /dɒg/ (US) • /dɔːg/ noun 1.
Polish Hound Dog Polish
dog in Polish - English-Polish Dictionary | Glosbe Polish Translation of "dog" into Polish pies, suka, pies domowy are the top translations of "dog" into Polish. Sample translated sentence: Tom was mauled by a dog when he was a kid. ↔ Tom był poturbowany przez psa, kiedy był dzieckiem. dog verb noun grammar By Nicole Cosgrove Updated on Oct 4, 2023 The gorgeous country of Poland is mostly known for pierogi, Chopin, and Kielbasa sausages, but they have also provided the world with some beautiful dogs. Here are 7 dog breeds that originated in Poland in alphabetical order: The 7 Polish Dog Breeds 1. Polish Greyhound to cause someone or something trouble for a long time prześladować, gnębić [ often passive ] His football career has been dogged by injury. (Translation of dog from the Cambridge English-Polish Dictionary © Cambridge University Press) Translation of dog | PASSWORD English-Polish Dictionary dog noun / doɡ/ dog in Polish. Learn how to say it and discover more Polish translations on
175 of the Best Polish Dog Names The Paws
The KTOZ Shelter for Homeless Animals in Poland launched "Operation Frost" on Friday to find temporary homes where its dogs could ride out a dangerous cold spell, and now all 300 of the rescue's. dog translation | English-Polish dictionary. pies nm. Please tell me your dog is neutered. Proszę powiedz mi, że twój pies jest wysterylizowany. Each time that dog comes here. Za każdym razem, kiedy ten pies przychodzi tu, próbuję go wygonić. piesek nm. Good dog, happy dog, good boy. Brought to you by: Your Dog Commands In Polish (20 Common Words)There are numerous benefits to teaching your dog in a foreign langu. Dog in Polish is pies Example Sentences Tamten pies jest wielki. That dog is big. Source To jest pies Mary. This is Mary's dog. Source Ten pies gryzie. This dog bites. Source Gdzie jest twój pies? Where is your dog?, Where's your dog? Source Pies jest w domu. The dog is in the house. Source Ależ wielki pies! What a big dog! Source
Polish Dog Breeds The Smart Dog Guide
An animal shelter in Krakow was left without words after a weekend of action saw lines out of the door of people who came in to temporarily adopt a dog in the face of an onrushing cold front. Some common jobs for dogs are:police dogs (psy policyjne, psy służbowe), therapy dogs (psy terapeutyczne), herding dogs (psy pasterskie), search and rescue dogs (psy ratownicze), sled dogs (psy zaprzęgowe), tracking and hunting dogs (psy tropiące i myśliwskie).Here are few basic command to train your dog in Polish:) Aport! − fetch! Waruj! − Lie down!
To break - rozpierdolić To run - spierdolić To steal - podpierdolić To throw away - wypierdolić and so on… Another "nice" Polish swear-word is "kurwa" literally a "whore", although in some contexts translated as a "bitch", or even as "sh*t", a very useful word indeed. Few faces of my dog Ripley! Image by Kasia Scontsas. Whether your want your dog to be bilingual or you are visiting friends/family in Poland and possibly taking care of their furry friend - these Polish dog commands will come in handy! Fetch - Aport. Bark - Daj głos. Sit - Siad. Lie down/Down - Waruj. Heel - Do nogi. Bite - Bierz go.
Polish Hunting Dog Puppies, Rescue, Pictures, Information
1. "Sit" - Siad 2. "Stay" - Zostań 3. "Down" - Leżeć 4. "Come" - Chodź 5. "Heel!" - Do nogi! − 6. "Lie down"/"Down" - Waruj 7. "Fetch!" - Aport! 8. "Stay" - Zostań 9. "Do mnie!" − Come! / Here! 10. "Shake"/paw" - Łapa/Daj łapę 11. "Leave it" - Zostaw 12. "Crawl" - Czołgaj się 13. "Jump" - Skacz 14. "Rollover" - Turlaj się 15. dog' in Polish - English-Polish Dictionary | Glosbe English Polish Translation of "dog'" into Polish Sample translated sentence: People were heading home after work, walking their dogs, or coming back from the grocery store. ↔ Ludzie szli z pracy do domów, spacerowali z psami lub wracali z zakupów w sklepach spożywczych. dog'