Ebola-chan is a female anime character designed as an anthropomorphic representation of the Ebola virus. The character was created on 4chan in response to growing concerns regarding the West African Ebola outbreak in the summer of 2014. Origin Ebola-chan is an Internet meme depicting a moe anthropomorphization of the Ebola virus and was popularized on 4chan. The first known image of Ebola-chan began on the Japanese social media site, Pixiv, in 2014. A few days after, it was posted 4chan's /pol/ (politically incorrect) thread, who began posting messages praising Ebola-chan.
Ebola 'Caused by Red Cross' and Other Conspiracy Theories IBTimes UK
Ebola-chan is an Internet meme depicting a moe anthropomorphization of the Ebola virus and was popularized on 4chan. The first known image of Ebola-chan began on the Japanese social media site, Pixiv, in 2014. A few days after, it was posted 4chan's /pol/ (politically incorrect) thread, who began posting messages praising Ebola-chan. Now, the denizens of one of the Internet's least-principled places are attempting to propagate another tasteless meme: She's called Ebola-chan, and she's some cross between a prank, a witless. ebola-chan Tech The Meme that Was Supposed to Take Down ISIS An anime character has failed to gain the popularity of the extremist militant movement. Christopher Hutton 9.23.15 1 of 1. The Ebola-chan meme, a female anime based anthropomorphic representation of the Ebola virus, was very popular on the 4chan social media platform in response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa..
Ebolachan called Aidssan EbolaChan Know Your Meme
(Melisa Toh/Flickr) 4chan, that most elusive of Internet beasts, has seen a whole lot of press lately — little of it good. First the site was blamed for leaking the stolen nude photographs of. This article provides a layered analysis of Ebola-chan, a visual cultural artifact of the 2014-2015 Ebola outbreak that involves discussion of the genesis of disaster humor in light of the changing world of the Internet, the history of anthropomorphism of disease, and the biosocial nature of an infectious disease epidemic. View on SAGE
Эбола-тян; Ebola-chan; Ebola-chan; 伊波拉醬; エボラちゃん; moe anthropomorphic character of the Ebola virus disease and Internet meme; 2014年に広く拡散したインターネット・ミームのひとつ; Paglalarawan ng sakit na Ebola at meme sa internet; EbolaChan; Ebola-tan; エボラたん; EbolaChan; Ebola-tan Ebola-chan 2 Altmetric Metrics Abstract People worldwide are bogged down with a multitude of issues, many of which may need some form of coping mechanism to counteract the negative beliefs that accompany.
[Image 820049] EbolaChan Know Your Meme
Dark, disturbing, questionable, humorous, easily spreadable, the following Ebola memes demonstrate one unique fact about the mechanics of viral content: you can mash up several different. Corona-chan isn't the first pandemic virus-based waifu: During the 2014 West African Ebola outbreak, "Ebola-chan" spread across English-speaking image boards and forums, with a similarly.
back, Ebola-chan has evolved to include new forms of speech and writing as proposed by Mazambani et al. (2015). As we see the modes of win or fail in different types of memes, The Ebola Chan meme began on 4Chan on the anime (/a) board with an image of an anime nurse bearing a bloody skull. The image began to spread and soon a proper response was codified. If you are "visited" by Ebola Chan, the correct response was to post " I Love You Ebola-Chan !"
ebolachan? EbolaChan Know Your Meme
The Know Your Meme website indicates the creepy drawing is of "Ebola-Chan," an anime "mascot" to the virus that has claimed thousands of lives in West Africa and one, just a few days ago, in the. Corona-chan (Japanese: コロナちゃん) is a moe anthropomorphization of the coronavirus which became a popular meme on 4chan, Reddit and other websites during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. [1]