One World Feng Shui CERTIFIED FENG SHUI EXPERT The Eight Mansions

Feng Shui Home Directions & Kua: What They Mean in Eight Mansions Victor Cheung March 13, 2019 61 Comments Last updated on October 17, 2023 Most of you probably know (or heard of) your personal Life Kua number. In short, there's the East and West group, and each person has four auspicious and inauspicious directions based on their year of birth. Eight House Feng Shui also named Eight Mansions Feng Shui is one of the easier and more popular methods used to determine the good and bad locations of a dwelling, to analyse whether you are compatible with the house and to find out your favourable and unfavourable personal directions that promote productivity at work and in relationships, foste.

General rules for the Eight Mansions Feng Shui (Ba Zai Feng Shui) YouTube

Unlike flying stars feng shui where the facing of a house determines it's natal chart, 8 mansions feng shui is based on the sitting as the reference point. This means that if a house is facing northeast, it will be sitting on southwest. Such a residence will be categorized as a Kun house with the gua number 2. In feng shui, the Eight Mansions is often referred to as Eight Houses. It is a commonly used formula for determining if you and your home or office are compatible. You can use the results of the formula to find your kua number and determine your four auspicious directions and four inauspicious directions. Feng Shui and Eight Mansions Formula 8 mansions feng shui is one of the classical concepts of Chinese metaphysics that have strong fundamentals rooted in compass directions. For this reason, it is also often categorized in modern practice and jargon to belong to the compass school methodologies of feng shui. The Chinese name for 8 mansions is a Ba Zhai (八宅). Ba Zhai literally means Eight (Ba) Houses (Zhai). It is one of the simplest calculations of Feng Shui, and can be used by everbody in the form of a table. In the West this calculation is also referred to as "Eight Mansions".Ba Zhai considers eight different types of houses, each having its own energetic map, depending on one of the eight possible eight sittings (North, NE, East, etc,).

Eight Mansion Fengshui Theory sharing Part1 Do you know your Life Gua?

There is a formula in feng shui that's called Eight Mansions. This is a personalized form of feng shui that relies on dates and your gender to find your personal feng shui. For those who'd like to use personal feng shui, you can calculate your personal directions for success, love and health - and your misfortune directions. The 8 Mansions is a straight forward classical concept of feng shui practice that can be applied proficiently on any house with little errors. This is because the time dimension is not taken into account and the equations behind it are not as dynamic as something like flying stars feng shui. The Eight Mansions (or eight houses) is another school of Feng Shui that use the calculation to analyze Feng Shui of a house. In the Flying Star Feng Shui, time is an important factor because the calculation is based on the building's construction time, and every year, even month or day, the 9 stars fly to different sectors and the lucky ones. The truth is, Eight Mansions does use the Eight Trigrams to plot the specific Chi for each of the 8 sectors (9 being the Center). This means there are 8 different types of Chi flowing in the Eight Mansions sectors. Eight Mansion Theory is part of the San He Feng Shui (三合风水) method.

Basic rules in the Eight Mansions Feng Shui — Picture Healer Feng

The Ba Zhai feng shui, or sometimes called the Eight Mansions or Eight Houses feng shui, is one of the classical Chinese feng shui schools. It has particular theories and rules different from other styles of feng shui. We will discuss the basic rules and their methods to bring in good luck. Feng Shui 8 Mansions Classical Feng Shui. There are two Classical Feng Shui methods using the Eight Mansions analysis. The first is used for room placement, known as the House Kua. The other is the Personal or Life Kua, which uses a person's date of birth to map out the four favourable sectors and the four unfavourable sectors in the home. If you're starting with Feng Shui and want to take it to the next level, most people choose 8 mansions. It's a simple system that allow you to use what are called favorable directions. By Sally Painter Updated May 7, 2019 Image Credit Using the eight mansions luck map in feng shui you can determine the directions that are favorable or unfavorable for you regarding the personal areas of your life. You want to use a standard compass to help you determine the magnetic north and other directions.

Your Home’s Personal Feng Shui — Using Eight Mansions Feng Shui to

The 8 Mansion or House Gua concept revolves around the notion of the 8 wandering stars, or gua qi's. Among these, four encompass auspicious attributes, while the remaining four carry inauspicious qualities. The underlying theory posits that these wandering stars are allocated to the eight cardinal compass directions (e.g., south, north, etc.). The 8 Mansions, or Ba Zhai School becomes relatively straight forward to use when you learn the Cycles of the Five Chinese Elements and how to layer your calculations for the house and Ming Gua's. It is a very useful school of Feng Shui when used and applied correctly. Going beyond the basics shown here, there are advanced Ba Zhai schools.