fallout shelter Which stat do the Crafting rooms use? Arqade

Weapon workshop view image Cost 800 caps +600 per existing room Generation Weapons SPECIAL None Rush reward None Assignable Dwellers 6 - one room Unlocked 22 base population The following is based on information from Fallout Shelter or Fallout Shelter Online. The weapon workshop is a room that can be built with Fallout Shelter update 1.4. Contents The Weapon Workshop room requires you have 22 Dwellers in your Vault before it can be unlocked. Assign Dwellers here to craft weapons. Building Cost The starting cost to build a Weapon.

fallout shelter Which stat do the Crafting rooms use? Arqade

To clarify - I'm asking how a weapon is affected by a dweller's SPECIAL stats. For example, we can see here: Each weapon has an "Ability" listed. The 10mm pistol has an "A" (Agility) The BB gun has a "P" (Perception) This suggests that each weapon is affected by their corresponding Ability. 1 General information 2 Unarmed 3 Melee weapons 4 Guns 4.1 Pistols 4.2 Rifles 4.3 Shotguns 5 Energy weapons 5.1 Pistols 5.2 Rifles 6 Heavy weapons 7 Weapons added with update 1.4 8 Cut content Making a Workshop In order to craft anything in Fallout Shelter, you need to first build a workshop. Workshops can be made by opening up a vault and clicking on the hammer icon in the top-right corner of the screen. From there, you will be able to access the Weapons Workshop and Outfit Workshop. Fallout Shelter, The FULL guide By Majordiogo04 Welcome to the Fallout Shelter FAQ! There are a lot of common questions that get asked over and over, and there are also many hidden and unintuitive mechanics in the game, so I've put together a guide/FAQ.

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Weapon workshop is a room in Fallout Shelter, introduced in update 1.4. The "Weapon workshop" is a crafting room in Fallout Shelter, it can be used to make weapons (hence the name) at the cost of junk, and caps. The basic level can only make common weapons. To upgrade this room to make rare/legendary(or better) weapons the player's Vault must consist of at least 45 dwellers. Blueprints are. Henrietta. Henrietta is a legendary weapon that comes with the legendary vault dweller Old Longfellow. I haven't rolled him out of a Lunchbox yet, so it's not in the image. Sorry :P. It doesn't show up as an empty entry in the Survival Guide, so its absence won't affect the main purpose of the guide - to help players craft their missing entries!! Collection of Fallout Shelter Information. Weapons Workshop Collection of Fallout Shelter Information. Sharlikran xEdit ESOUI Code Collection PokemonGo Yu-Gi-Oh!. Weapons Workshop . Main Page . Triple Wide Room . Tier Name Cost Upgrade Cost Destruction Value; 1: Weapons Workshop: 800 [2] 8,000 [1] 160: 2: Below is the procedure on how to craft a weapon in the Weapon Workshop: Drag one dweller in the workshop. Initially, the game will give you crafting recipes and spare junk, but later on, in the game, you will need to find them on your own.

Fallout Shelter Archives Tales of the Aggronaut

How To Build Workshops Make sure you have updated to the latest version of the game. Open a vault. In the upper right-hand corner of the screen is a hammer icon. Tap on it to see all rooms you can build. You should see the Weapon Workshop (between Radio Studio and Weight Room) and Outfit Workshop (between Classroom and Fitness room) added. 1.24K subscribers 753 views 3 years ago By building Weapon Workshop you can assign dwellers here to craft weapons. For crafting various weapons you will need weapon recipes and junk. The. 1 Overview 2 Legend 3 Unarmed 4 Melee weapons 5 Small guns 5.1 Craftable 6 Energy weapons 7 Heavy weapons Overview There are a variety of weapons featured in Fallout Shelter. 500 Rarity Legendary The following is based on information from Fallout Shelter or Fallout Shelter Online. " Bleeding edge, pre-war offensive electronics. " — In-game description The pulse rifle is a weapon that appears in Fallout Shelter. It was added with the 1.15.0 update. Contents 1 Characteristics 2 Variants 2.1 Comparison 3 Locations

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You'll need a high Intelligence dweller at a Weapon Workshop to turn three Chemistry Flasks, three Military Duct Tapes, three Shovels, and 22,050 caps into this bad boy.. One of the later additions to Fallout Shelter's vast array of weapons is the Dragon's Maw, which isn't only incredibly powerful with a whopping 25.5 average damage. ImSpartacus811. • 7 yr. ago • Edited 7 yr. ago. If your entire vault isn't packing at least a plasma rifle (preferably something better), then that, alone, it's worth building a weapon workshop over. And if you don't have minuteman uniforms for all 25 of your explorers, then that's worth making an outfit workshop over. Not to mention the +7.