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Granpa Rexs Allen, a sphynx, was adopted from the Humane Society of Travis County (Texas) by Jake Perry on January 16, 197. Twice, actually: The first record, from 1998, was for a part Sphynx, part Devon Rex named Granpa Rexs Allen who made it to age 34; the second, from 2005, is for a mixed tabby named Creme Puff who.

Rex Allen, the Arizona Cowboy, and his horse Kokomo Vintage Comic Books

Oldest Age Reached: 32 Years Old Breed: Unknown Owner: Asa Wickberg Country of Origin: Karlskoga, Sweden Still Alive: Yes image credit: The Telegraph In 2015, Missan's owner, Asa Wickberg, told The Telegraph in 2015 that she thought that her cat was older than the one she had seen in another article. Granpa Rexs Allen Sphynx and Devon Rex mix Granpa Rexs Allen lived from 1964 to 1998, hitting 34 years old before leaving Perry and Creme Puff behind. Granpa Rexs Allen actualy achieved the status of world's oldest cat some 12 years before Creme Puff was listed in the Guinness World Records, Oldest reports. Meet the world's oldest cat ever, a feline that achieved a remarkable feat by living to the age of 38! In this article, we'll delve into the secrets behind her longevity and explore ways that you can help your own feline friend live a long and healthy life. Introducing the World's Oldest Cat Granpa Rexs Allen (34 years, 2 months) Granpa Rexs Allen was a Sphynx-Devon Rex cat who lived a long and healthy life, reaching the impressive age of 34 years and 2 months. Owned by Jake Perry, who is known for his ability to care for cats, Granpa Rexs Allen was a beloved member of his family and a source of joy and companionship for.

Photo of Rex Allen Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images News

Creme Puff's owner, Jake Perry of Austin, Texas, also happened to own the sixth oldest cat who ever lived, named Granpa Rexs Allen, who lived for 34 years. The oldest known Devon rex (who was actually a mix of Sphynx and rex) was named Granpa Rexs Allen. He lived to be over 34 years old! But They Are Prone to a Few Health Concerns . Even though Devon rex cats are generally healthy, there are some breed-related medical conditions owner should be aware of, including: A Sphynx cat, Granpa Rexs Allen of Austin, Texas, was 34 years old when he finally died in 1998. Dogs like Chanel and Max and cats like Granpa Rexs Allen are outside the norm, but they may be. The oldest cat to hold the Guinness World Record is a cat called Creme Puff, but do you know who the current oldest cat alive today is—or any of the former record holders? Newsweek has explored.

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Granpa Rexs Allen - 34 It's another entry in the list for Jake Perry from Texas. The first record was held by a cat named Granpa Rexs Allen. This part sphynx, part Devon Rex mix lived until the ripe old age of 34. But these weren't his only two cats. Since the 1980s, Perry. Granpa Rexs Allen Click here - 5 Oldest Building In The World Top 10 Oldest Cat From the above list of the oldest cats, there are 10 cats'. Let's get more details about them. Lucy Age - 39 Years There is a cat named Lucy whose birth is undocumented, but she was the longest and oldest living cat, dying at an estimated age of 39. Granpa Rexs Allen was another cat owned by Jake Perry that made it into the record books as the second oldest living cat. Born in 1964, Granpa Rexs Allen lived to be 34 years old before passing away in 1998. Like Creme Puff, Granpa Rexs Allen was a domestic short-haired cat and was known for his friendly and affectionate nature..

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#6 - Granpa Rexs Allen - 34 years, 2 months. There's an interesting story with this old cat. On January 16, 1970, Jake Perry adopted Grandpa Rexs Allen from the Humane Society of Travis County (Texas). Later on in the year, a lady by the name of Madame Sulinaberg called him and said that it was her cat. Granpa Rexs Allen (Granpa, for short), a Sphynx cat who lived to the ripe old age of 34 years and 2 months. Longest fur on a cat. The longest fur measures in at a whopping 10.11 (25.6cm) and belong to a cat called Sophie, from Oceanside, California. Heaviest cat.