HEJKA NAKLEJKA by Vetallie on DeviantArt

Najlepsza odpowiedź polski I heard also "hejka naklejka". "hejcia naklejcia" is a diminutive from "hejka naklejka" It's a form of saying hi between young people, that's slang, informal. Some people use it, I personally don'tlike it. "Hejka" is an informal "hi" and "naklejka" means literally "a sticker". Определение hejcia naklejcia I heard also "hejka naklejka". "hejcia naklejcia" is a diminutive from "hejka naklejka" It's a form of saying hi between young people, that's slang, informal. Some people use it, I personally don'tlike it. "Hejka" is an informal "hi" and "naklejka" means literally "a sticker". "Hejka naklejka" rhymes and sounds kinda funny (?) so mostly young people use.

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Hejka is a noun from Hej. "Hej" is an informal greeting in polish. So it works like you ad "ka" to the main word and you end up having a noun which now can be used in different forms and literally means very informally "greeting". Now this word can be used like: - dać komuś hejkę - to give someone a greeting. - hejki. heksahydrat. heksan. heksyl. hektar. hektary. In the English-Italian dictionary you will find more translations. Translation for 'hejka' in the free Polish-English dictionary and many other English translations. hejkasklejka.pl, Lanckorona. 1,929 likes · 7 talking about this. Personalizowane prezenty z drewna dla dużych i małych! Laserowe cięcie oraz grawerowanie. I heard also "hejka naklejka". "hejcia naklejcia" is a diminutive from "hejka naklejka" It's a form of saying hi between young people, that's slang, informal. Some people use it, I personally don'tlike it. "Hejka" is an informal "hi" and "naklejka" means literally "a sticker".


Hey, Roman. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 " O hejka, ryże jaja. Hejka translation in Polish - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'halka, herbata, heroina, hak', examples, definition, conjugation NAKLEJKA - translate into English with the Polish-English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary Każda naklejka jest wyposażona w pasek samoprzylepny i może być przymocowana do wybranej powierzchni. Each sticker is fitted with a self-adhesive strip and can be fixed to a chosen surface. (naklejka w dokumencie podróży cudzoziemca) (sticker in a travel document of alien)

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sticker n naklejki noun, plural stickers pl labels pl © Linguee Dictionary, 2024 External sources (not reviewed) Many translated example sentences containing "naklejka" - English-Polish dictionary and search engine for English translations. Hejka Naklejka Uczeń(uczennica)/student(ka) w Uniwersytet Wrocławski Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland