Hemerocallis Hybride 'Bed of Roses'

Daylilies Daylily ( Hemerocallis 'Bed of Roses') Common names Daylily Uploaded by Joy Plant database entry for Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Bed of Roses') with one image and 21 data details. Plant the crown about an inch below the soil line, angling the bulbous roots outwards and a bit downwards. Add soil evenly and tamp to get rid of any air pockets. When the hole is two-thirds full, water generously. Fill the rest of the hole so that the crown is about an inch below the soil surface. Water again.

Hemerocallis x cultorum 'Bed of Roses', GartenTaglilie Taglilie

Daylily 'Bed Of Roses' Hemerocallis . Family: Hemerocallidaceae (hem-er-oh-kal-id-AY-see-ee) Genus: Hemerocallis (hem-er-oh-KAL-iss) Cultivar: Bed Of Roses: Hybridized : by Wynne: Registered or introduced: 1963 » View all varieties of Daylilies. Height: 24-36 in. (60-90 cm) Spacing: Often called the ' perfect perennial ' because of its numerous qualities: showy flowers, drought tolerance, heat stress immunity, ability to grow in most hardiness zones, and low care requirements, this Daylily is a remarkable and stunning addition to the garden. Daylilies (Hemerocallis) are often called 'perfect perennials' because of their numerous qualities: showy flowers, a wide array of vibrant colors, drought tolerance, heat stress immunity, ability to grow in most hardiness zones, and low care requirements. Hemerocallis 'Bed of Roses' daylily 'Bed of Roses' An herbaceous perennial that reaches approximately 76cm in height when in flower. It forms a clump of arching, strap-like green leaves and cerise pink flowers that have a green throat to 11cm across in summer Join the RHS today and save 25% Join now Save to My plants Learn more about My Garden Size

Hemerocallis Hybride 'Bed of Roses'

Flowers of Hemerocallis species and cultivars can come in a vast array of colors and forms, including shades of yellow, orange, red, purple, pink, and near-white. Some are bicolor, others have contrasting "eyes" or edges, and flower sizes can range from small, under 3 inches (7 cm) in diameter, to huge, over 4.5 inches (11 cm). At a Glance Plant Characteristics: Hemerocallis produce vibrant and diverse bloom colors. ALthough plants produce numerous buds their each flower will only last for a day. Their adaptability and prolonged blooming period makes them garden favorites. Ideal Growing Conditions: Daylilies thrive in full sun to partial shade. How to grow daylilies - daylily and golden sedge. Mulch clumps of daylilies every spring, with well rotted manure or garden compost. This will keep moisture in the soil. Keep daylily plants well watered during dry spells but on't feed them, as this will produce foliage at the expense of flowers. Growing guide How to grow hemerocallis Although the lily-like flowers open for just a single day, they're borne in bountiful succession to create a generous display. Available in a choice of rich or fiery shades, the flowers stand on sturdy stems above clumps of arching foliage. Quick facts Hardy and easy to grow Flowers all summer, for many years

PlantFiles Pictures Daylily 'Bed Of Roses' (Hemerocallis) by 12344

Plant Overview Daylilies are clump forming, herbaceous perennials with exotic-looking, trumpet-shaped flowers. Hemerocallis means 'beautiful for a day', a name that describes the plant's flowers that open early in the morning and then wither and die during the following night. Hemerocallis - Daylilies - Liliaceae. We use cookies and other technologies. We use cookies on our website. Some are necessary, while others help us to optimize our website and user behavior on it. These settings can be changed at any time via the data protection area. Common Name: daylily Type: Herbaceous perennial Family: Asphodelaceae Zone: 4 to 9 Height: 1.50 to 2.00 feet Spread: 1.00 to 1.50 feet Bloom Time: June to July Bloom Description: Pale pink to rose with white petal midribs Sun: Full sun to part shade Water: Medium Maintenance: Low Flower: Showy Attracts: Butterflies This plant is said to grow outdoors in the following regions: Mission Viejo, California. San Bernardino, California. Mount Gilead, Ohio.

Bed of Roses GrönlooF Stauden und Rosen

Hemerocallis has considerable potential as a 'nutraceutical' food plant and the source of new compounds with biomedical activity. The genus has also been embraced by ornamental plant breeders and the extraordinary morphological diversity of hybrid cultivars, produced within a relatively short time by amateur enthusiasts, is an exceptional. Details Blütenfarbe rosarot Blütezeit Juli-August Höhe 60 cm Lichtverhältnisse sonnig Lebensbereich B/Fr/GR2 Beet frischer Boden Freifläche mit Wildstaudencharakter frischer Boden Gehölz-Rand frischer Boden Winterhärtezone Z5 (-28,8 °C bis -23,4 °C) Pflanzabstand