My beautiful hyline browns chickens

Hy-Line Brown is the world's most balanced brown egg layer. She produces more than 480 rich brown eggs to 100 weeks, peaks well and begins lay early with optimum egg size. Hy-Line Brown is the world's most balanced brown egg layer. She produces more than 480 rich brown eggs to 100 weeks, peaks well and begins lay early with optimum egg size.

HyLine Brown Avicola de Gallinas ponedoras

HY-LINE BROWN Prolific Producer, Rich Brown Eggs, Hardy Layer The Hy-Line Brown is the world's most balanced brown egg layer. She produces over 355 rich brown eggs to 80 weeks, peaks well and begins lay early with optimum egg size. La Hy-Line Brown es la ponedora de huevo marrón mejor balanceada del mundo. Produce más de 480 huevos color marrón oscuro hasta las 100 semanas, tiene buen pico de producción y comienza a poner temprano con un tamaño del huevo óptimo. THE HY-LINE BROWN IS NORTH AMERICA'S MOST BALANCED BROWN LAYER. She produces more than 467 rich brown eggs to 100 weeks, peaks well and begins lay early with optimum egg size. BROWN BROWN COMMERCIAL LAYERS The genetic potential of Hy-Line Brown Commercial can only be realized if good poultry husbandry practices and management are used.


Values provided are "typical" based on ingredient surveys. Nutrient values should be confirmed by analysis of the materials being used in order to maintain an accurate formulation matrix. 1 For more information, see Feeding Rapeseed Meal or Canola Meal to Hy-Line Brown and Hy-Line Silver Brown Hens. The genetic potential of Hy-Line Brown Commercial can only be realized if good poultry husbandry practices and management are used. This management guide outlines successful flock management programs for Hy-Line Variety Brown. Hy-Line International EggCel, can be found at 2 NOEME 2018 H-LINE INTENATIONAL H-LINE OWN. The Hy-Line Brown is the world's most balanced brown egg layer. She produces over 355 rich brown eggs to 80 weeks, peaks well and begins lay early with optimum egg size. These traits combined with an excellent temperament, unrivalled feed efficiency, the best interior egg quality in the market and unbeatable liveability and feather cover, plus. Hy-Line Brown Add to Cart Hy-Line Browns are our best brown egg layer. Their eggs are a very consistent color and size. They are very feed efficient, have excellent egg quality and excellent livability. Hy-Line Browns are very similiar to ISA Browns being it is also a cross between a Rhode Island White female and a Rhode Island Red male.

HyLine brown pullets / hens 16 weeks old. in Nairn, Highland Gumtree

A strain of Hy-Line Brown has taken top spot in the 2022 alternative systems Czech test. Read More. W-80's storming it at Oakland's. In a market currently dominated by brown eggs, there's a significant switch to the white shelled variety which has led to the introduction of a new strain to the UK market. ISA Browns and Hy-lines chickens are brown-feathered, brown egg layers with sex-linked chicks. However, upon close inspection, there are several differences, such as the Hy-line breed providing more and larger eggs and the ISA browns being smaller and more plain in color. Read on to find out the differences between these two breeds. Hy-Line Brown is one of the world's most balanced brown egg layer. Can produce 359.7 - 371.5 eggs per hen housed at 80 weeks. Hyline Brown has an excellent livability. HY-LINE WHITES W36 Hy-Line White W36 is one of the world's most balanced white egg layer. Can produce 359.2 - 368.3 eggs per hen housed at 80 weeks. Hyline Brown Chickens are perfect if you have children or are wanting to keep chickens at a school or daycare setting. Their temperament is great for kids as they are generally happy to be cuddled, handled and played with. Especially if they know you have food for them!

My beautiful hyline browns chickens

The genetic potential of Hy-Line Brown Commercial can only be realized if good poultry husbandry practices and management are used. This management guide outlines successful flock management programs for Hy-Line Variety Brown Commercial based on field experience compiled by Hy-Line International and using an extensive commercial layer flock Hy-Line Silver Brown is the heaviest amongst the Hy-Line varieties. Hy-Line Sonia and Hy-Line Pink are both layers of tinted and cream eggs. Each of them is designed for different utility purposes. They consist of 50% of white leghorns coming from the company's high-octane parent stocks. Hy-Line Pink's shells are a bit darker than those of the.