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In almost all cases, 'on' is the preposition you should use when you are on a website. So, 'on the website' means that you are navigating a website or interacting with it. If you read something on a site, then that text is 'on the website.' The phrase 'on the website' means that something is literally 'on' a website. Prepositions of Place Both "in" and "on" can function as prepositions of place. We use "in" to refer to something "inside" of something else, while we use "on" to refer to something in contact with a surface. When we refer to using a device or machine, we most often use "on" instead of "in." Which is correct? We use "on a website" because we treat all technology with screens as surfaces. We use the preposition of place "on" with surfaces in English. Everything on the internet like websites, apps, and platforms will use the preposition "on". Examples: I saw that news story on a website yesterday. Where is the online class? The information can be found on the website. The information can be found at the website. The information can be found in the website. These are all in use, apparently. Oftentimes, more than one preposition is suitable to convey something like this. That's all I have time to post for now - supper's at the table.

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IN or ON? Many of our readers ask which word to use, IN or ON, in prepositional phrases about written documents, such as _?_ an email, _?_ a blog, _?_ an application form, etc. Answer Here are some helpful rules to follow: For pages, including website pages, always use ON. For example: You'll find it ON page 23. I saw it ON Facebook. United States. Current Location. United States. Dec 8, 2012. #2. edwardwant2learn said: Please advise which sentence contents the correct preposition: - [STRIKE]I read the advertisement in yahoo website. - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange Is it "on the browser" or "in the browser"? Ask Question Asked 9 years, 11 months ago Modified 9 years, 11 months ago Viewed 24k times 3 As a native Spanish speaker, I often get confused by the correct usage of on and in. #3 Generally, "on." Also, note that the usage "website" is considered incorrect in some circles, though it's common. I follow the style of the newspaper Computerworld. It writes this as two words, with the first one capitalized: "Web site." Other publications, and some writers whom I respect, use "website."

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1. Input your text below. 2. Get it corrected in a few minutes by our editors. 3. Improve your English! on the website vs in the website A complete search of the internet has found these results: on the website is the most popular phrase on the web. More popular! on the website 2,110,000,000 results on the web Some examples from the web: Meet, interact, and learn with native speakers and language learners from all over the world on italki! Which sentence is grammatically correct? The papers are freely available at the journal website. The papers are freely available on the journal website. Using Google's search results: available at the website returns 72,800,000 results. available on the website returns 106,000,000 results. So, I inferred that both variants are popular. The correct grammar use is ON a website. Because ON is used when referring to a surface. A website can be considered a surface of the internet. For example: I read it on a website. The game is on the website. The image on the website shows. If you are talking about a specific section inside the website, then you may use IN the website.

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Which is correct? Grammar / By Conor We use "on a website" because we treat all technology with screens as surfaces. We use the preposition of place "on" with surfaces in English. Everything on the internet like websites, apps and platforms will use the preposition "on". Examples: I saw that news story on a website yesterday. #1 Which is correct: Find the information in the website. or Find the information on the website. And which is more correct: To log on to the company website. or To log in to the company website. Thank you. buggles Key Member Joined Aug 20, 2007 Member Type Other Native Language British English Home Country England Current Location England