Insights Discovery Assessment LNC Coaching, LLC

What is it? At the very start of the self-awareness journey is Insights Discovery. A psychometric tool based on the psychology of Carl Jung, Insights Discovery is built to help people understand themselves, understand others, and make the most of the relationships that affect them in the workplace. Insights Discovery in a nutshell. Insights Discovery is a psychometric tool based on Jungian psychology, which uses a four-colour model to highlight key personality preferences and associated behaviours. The tool is hugely popular within businesses and can be used for individual performance development or wider team development. It increases.

Insights Discovery Personality Test Free

Discover yourself (and your difficult person) The colour energy personality quiz will point you in the direction of your preferred working style. It will also indicate what your "opposite type" might be - the type you may have more difficulty connecting with, unless you adapt your style. Insights Discovery Test Design The model uses four colors (blue, red, green and yellow) to represent observable behavioral patterns. These colors are measured by the Insights Discovery. Try our free Insights Discovery teaser test Please select one M (Most like me), one L (Least like me), and two different values in between. Calm and even-tempered L 1 2 3 4 5 M Determined and dominant L 1 2 3 4 5 M Buoyant and light-hearted L 1 2 3 The Insights Discovery model is based on the extensive research of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung and one of his leading students Dr Jolande Jacobi. The model uses four colours to represent observable behavioural patterns which are measured by the Insights Discovery evaluator, which when completed produces your Insights Discovery Personal Profile.

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The Insights Discovery test is primarily based on the research done by renowned psychologist Carl Jung. Jung believed that 3 main categories made up a person's personality: extroversion vs. introversion, thinking vs. feeling, and sensing vs. intuition. It is made up of a total of 8 personality combinations. Your Insights Discovery profile: Is a great coaching tool - when using it in this way, it can be a good idea to ask for feedback from people who are very different from you. (For example, if your dominant preferred energies are Red and Blue, ask for feedback from someone who you know (or feel) has dominant Green and Yellow energies). From the power of empathetic, Earth Green leadership, to the necessity of strong, Fiery Red decision-making; the calm, analytical insight of Cool Blue, to the inspiring Sunshine Yellow perspective driving us forward - what new colour energies have you drawn on in order to be more resilient this year? We measure this through Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) - a test which determines which factors are actually present within a questionnaire. Here we used CFA to test the hypothesised factor structure of the Insights Discovery model.

8 personality types a deeper dive into Insights Discovery

Insights Discovery is a fantastic tool that can help you understand your own behavior as well as that of others. Based on two axis developed by Carl Jung (introvert versus extravert and Thinking versus Feeling), four quadrants can be made that describe a certain personality. Each personality is represented by a color: red, yellow, green and blue. Insights Discovery is a personality test based on Jungian psychology and a wide range of psychometric models. It helps you to understand how you prefer to think, work and behave. Insights Discovery aims to help everyone better understand themselves and others. In addition to this, the insight discovery test also offers you the following benefits: a better understanding of your decision-making process, so you can address the root cause of your wrong decision making improves your productivity and efficiency, both as a leader and as an employee There's CliftonStrengths, owned by Gallup, which tells you your five best professional qualities; there's Insights Discovery, which assigns you a color and an associated workplace archetype.

Insights Discovery Assessment LNC Coaching, LLC

Insight Discovery is an online personality assessment created by the Insights Group, a global behavioral and cultural change leader. It is is a powerful psychometric tool that provides excellent insight into an individual's behavior and thinking. The Insights Discovery test is based on categorizing individuals in a 4 quadrant system. These 4 quadrants have numerous personality traits associated with them. The quadrants range from being reserved for being sociable on the y-axis, and from task to propel-oriented on the x-axis. The other assessment, the DISC test, categorizes you into 4 types.