Viburnum carlesii 'Juddii' Kalina koreańska 'Juddii'

Noteworthy Characteristics. Viburnum carlesii commonly called Koreanspice viburnum is a slow-growing, upright, rounded, deciduous shrub which typically matures to 4-5' tall but may reach a height of 8' in optimum growing conditions. Red buds open in late March/early April to pink-changing-to-white flowers which are arranged in snowball-like. Kalina koreańska ( Viburnum carlesii) to pięknie kwitnący krzew z rodziny piżmaczkowatych (dawniej przewiertniowatych). Jego ojczyzną jest Japonia i Korea, ale jest też uprawiany w wielu innych krajach świata jako roślina ozdobna. Kalina koreańska rośnie wolno, osiągając docelowo ok. 1,5-2 m wys. i podobną szerokość.

Kalina koreańska na PNIU Viburnum carlesii C5/Pa60(100)cm *P Sadzonki

An incredible beauty for most seasons, Viburnum carlesii (Koreanspice Viburnum) is a bushy, medium-sized, deciduous shrub noted for its heady fragrance, stunning snowball blooms, and attractive fall color. In spring, red flower buds open to fragrant, blushing pink flowers arranged in snowball clusters, 3 in. wide (7 cm). Viburnum × carlcephalum is a cross between V. carlesii and V. macrocephalum var. keteleeri. It has large snow-ball-like flowers, and is hardy in zones 6 to 8. It grows 6 to 10 feet tall. Viburnum x burkwoodii (Burkwood vibernum) is a cross between V. utile and V. carlesii. It is a broad, dense shrub reaching 8 to 10 feet, with flat-topped. Cornus, Viburnum, and Friends - Winter Identification; Cornus, Viburnum, and Friends - Winter Identification, Viburnums, Groundcovers & Vines. Map of plant locations (Plant location data may be incomplete) In Collection(s): None Listed The shrub is generally rounded in habit, about as wide as high. V. carlesii is tough, even tolerating some shade, and though the species (hardy Zone 4 or 5 to 8) can get to more than 10 feet high or slightly larger, there are more garden-worthy choices offering bigger blooms and better bud color besides an improved, more compact habit.

Viburnum carlesii Kalina koreańska Viburnum, Rose, Plants, Flowers

Description Korean Viburnum prefers sun to partial shade and moist, well-drained soil including clay. It has a rounded, irregular dense form with stiff upright branches. The blooms are showy and fragrant. It flowers on old wood so prune immediately after flowering is completed. Use as a hedge, in shrub borders or a foundation plant. Key cultivation information for Viburnum Carlesii. pH: various. hardiness: zones 4 to 7. sun to part shade. moisture: moderate, but will take dryness when well established. slow growth rate. heat tolerant. use well balanced fertilizer, sparingly. blooms: spring, white tinged with pink. Korean Spice Viburnum is a slow-growing shorter version of the species, growing 3-4 ft tall and wide with a rounded form. The flowers are showy and fragrant with a cinnamon scent and appear in April. The smaller size of this viburnum makes it useful for smaller yards and gardens. Flowers are followed by a blue-black drupe. The fall color is. Tinged bronze when young, the broadly ovate leaves mature to a dusty dark green, before boasting purple-red shades in fall. A wonderful flowering shrub with a long season of interest. Perfect as a specimen or hedge. Great for small gardens too. Slowly grows up with an upright rounded habit to 4-6 ft. tall and wide (120-180 cm).

Encyklopedia drzewViburnum carlesii Kalina koreańska

Koreanspice viburnum. A dense, bushy, deciduous shrub, to 2m high and wide, with ovate, toothed dark-green leaves, up to 10cm long, that often turn red in autumn. Rounded clusters of white, fragrant flowers emerge from pink buds in spring and are followed by black fruits. How to Grow Koreanspice Viburnum (Viburnum carlesii) Koreanspice Viburnum Propagation with Cuttings Softwood cuttings will give you the best success rate when trying to propagate Viburnum carlesii and cuttings are taken in spring from the new growth. Cuttings will root quickly and be ready for potting on into larger pots in mid-summer, if not over-winter until the following season. polski: Kalina koreańska svenska: Luktolvon українська: Калина Карльса 中文: 红蕾荚蒾 中文(简体): 红蕾荚蒾 Wikispecies has an entry on: Viburnum carlesii . Subcategories This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total. J Viburnum carlesii 'Juddii' ‎ (10 F) V Viburnum carlesii - botanical illustrations ‎ (2 F) Viburnum carlesii kalina koreańska - katalog roślin Związku Szkółkarzy Polskich Szukaj roślin Viburnum carlesii kalina koreańska powrót do listy wyników Powoli rosnący krzew o kulistym pokroju, do 1,5 m wys. Liście zielone, jajowate, jesienią żółtobrązowe.

Viburnum carlesii 'Aurora' The Obsessive Neurotic Gardener

日本語: オオチョウジガマズミ polski: Kalina koreańska Kalina koreańska (Viburnum carlesii) - opis, fotografie, jednostki systematyczne podrzędne i nadrzędne - oznaczanie (klucz), status w czekliście; wymagania, uprawa i rozmnażanie oraz zastosowanie.