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Tools How do I get water to spread out completely? #1 Aug 23, 2011 minerman64 Tree Puncher Join Date: 6/10/2011 Posts: 10 Hello everyone. I'm making a farm that collects itself by having pistons "release" water over grass. But my question is that I'm not sure how to get the water to spread completely. 1 montuos • • 1 yr. ago • Edited 1 yr. ago Water (or lava) goes straight for the closest way down that's within 4 blocks, but if it's level for at least 5 blocks out in all directions, it spreads the way you expect.

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2 Answers Sorted by: 2 This is because the water on the first floor doesn't have anywhere to flow but out where the door used to be. This is because the block at the bottom of the elevator doesn't go down one. I would suggest setting something up like this to prevent that. | {} [] | {} [] [] {} [] [] [] [] | | = Door [] = Block {} = Water 1 Assuming you're in creative, you can use structure void blocks to prevent liquids from flowing into them. This has the benefit of not having block updates cause your contraption to break (unlike the block update suppression method) but it does leave a tiny cube (smaller than a normal block) hitbox that you may or may not notice - WorkingRobot Water moves towards the closest drop. What you should do is dig a one block deep hole the size of the pool and cover with water, then dig out the bottom to fill it completely. This will make the currents pull you down constantly but the surface will be calm and flat. there are two types of "water": "source" water blocks and "flowing" water. There are two blocks of this type in the main versions of Minecraft: water and lava . Another fluid, mud, also existed in Minecraft Earth . There are other in-game substances which show fluid properties but cannot be placed as fluid blocks, mainly potions, dyed water‌ [ Bedrock Edition only], milk, and honey . Contents 1 Properties 1.1 Mechanics

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Yea you've reached the flow length limit or whatever it's called. So remove the sand that isn't under water. Then remove the sand that is under the last block of water and let it flow to your collection chamber. It won't affect anything if that's what you are worried about. 1 Properties 1.1 Mechanics 1.1.1 Depth 1.1.2 Spread 1.1.3 Flow direction 1.1.4 Directional flow 1.2 Dripping 1.3 Block updates 1.4 Mixing 2 Video 3 History 4 Issues 5 Gallery Properties Fluids can be placed like solid blocks, but cannot be picked up without a bucket or a bottle . Water does not spread? jgoldy98 • 11 years ago 1 emeralds 6k 1 So i am playing in my server one day and all of the sudden water doesn't flow. when i place water it is just a water block and when i remove it, the square i removed becomes air instead of water filling back into it from the lake. help? Posted by jgoldy98 Level 1 : New Crafter Subscribe Are you having trouble figuring out how to stop water from flowing continuously in Minecraft? If so, here are 2 tips to help you. In my walkthrough of the ga.

Minecraft Water Texture

Water Java Edition Bedrock Edition Renewable Yes Transparency Partial (-1 to light) Luminance No Blast resistance 100 Appropriate tool Creates sources? Yes Flow distance 8 blocks Flow speed 5 ticks /block Water is a fluid that naturally generates abundantly in the Overworld . Contents 1 Obtaining 1.1 Natural generation 2 Usage MCPE-33345 , piston heads extending into water do not become waterlogged, but can be waterlogged manually. Destroyed by flowing water in Sculk Shrieker Sculk Shriekers are silent in water. Not being waterlogged reveals water texture thru transparent sides. Destroyed by flowing water. Placement in water completely fails in Minecraft Mods No Water Spread No Water Spread By BelgianSalamander Mods 284 Download Install Updated Description Comments (2) Files Images Relations Source Issues This mod allows finer control over the spread of water and lava for the purpose of creating builds in creative with those fluids. How do I use it? Water Water is a fluid that naturally generates abundantly in the Overworld . Contents 1 Obtaining 1.1 Natural generation 2 Usage 2.1 Appearance 2.2 Swimming 2.3 Spreading 2.3.1 Flow arrangement tables 2.4 Source blocks 2.5 Current 2.6 Light 2.7 Color 2.7.1 Java Edition 2.7.2 Bedrock Edition 2.8 Water and lava 2.9 Interactions with mobs

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There are two kinds of water block in Minecraft: Water Source Blocks. Source blocks are still water. These are the kinds of block that can be picked up or placed using a bucket.. If water is given the opportunity to spread downwards, it doesn't also go sideways. This makes it easy to create 2 or 3 streams from a block with water placed on. Best Alas! Well, if my latest set of MCEdits doesn't stick, I'll just have to line the whole thing with glass. I've spent way too much time on it to just give up now. :) • 10 yr. ago As far as i can tell, you did NOT follow the instructions correctly. ZorkFox • The instructions were a bit vague.