The current gasoline price in Norway is NOK 21.43 per liter or USD 2.11 per liter and was updated on 01-Jan-2024. For comparison, the average price of gasoline in the world is USD 1.20 per liter. We show Octane-95 gasoline price data for Norway from 2014-01-20 to 2024-01-01. Welcome to the Petroleum (Gasoline oil, Diesel, Petrol, Crude Oil, LPG, Electricity) prices in Norway per Litre, Barrel, and Gallon.. We provide the prices of
How expensive is Norway. Prices of food, drinks, hotels, car rental
Petrol and Diesel prices in Norway have risen to more than 24 kroner a litre in Oslo and southern Norway this week, while the cost of diesel in Tromsø, northern Norway, has exceeded 25 kroner. "We reached a new top-level in Norway today. The currency information (i.e., Norwegian Krone) was last updated on 2024-01-07 20:05:12 (GMT Time). We provide all information on this website subject to our privacy policy, disclaimer, etc. Today the Gasoline (Petrol) Price per Liter, Gallon and Barrel in Norway in norwegian krone Gas (gasoline, fuel, petrol) prices in Norway. It allows you to estimate (using comsumption of your car) the price of ride to nearby cities. Table 1 Prices on engine fuel, monthly Table 2 Monthly sales of petroleum products and liquid biofuels, by product. Million litres. Preliminary figures Table 3 Yearly sales of petroleum products by industry. Final figures. 1000 litres Table 4 Yearly sales of petroleum products and liquid biofuels, by product. 1 000 litres. Final figures
Norway most expensive nation to buy petrol as UK ranks 7th IBTimes UK
The table below shows the most recent prices per liter of octane-95 gasoline, regular diesel, and other fuels. These are retail (pump) level prices, including all taxes and fees. The information is updated weekly. The next table shows the electricity rates per kWh. The average price to fuel up between the months of July to October this year was 18.8 kroner per litre (2.26 dollars or 1.94 euros). READ ALSO: Five things that are becoming more expensive in Norway (and why) Does it matter which day you fuel up? Petroleum Price Board - in brief To calculate the taxable income for oil companies i Norway, the Petroleum Price Council (PPB) sets tax reference prices, also known as norm prices. The main principle for setting norm prices is that the norm price should reflect the price that could have been achieved between independant parties. Information about in Norway - prices using reliable official sources. EN. DE. ES. RU.. petroleum companies, and major media sources. We update the series for Norway every week. Download data API Forecast See all energy prices for Norway. Price (/Liter) Percent change; Current price: 0.00- One month ago: 0.00: 0.0 %: Three months ago: 0.00: 0.
Oljefondet hadde en avkastning på 334 milliarder kroner i fjor Dagbladet
Norway Norway fuel prices The table below shows the most recent prices per liter of octane-95 gasoline, regular diesel, and other fuels. These are retail (pump) level prices, including all taxes and fees. The information is updated weekly. Last Update 01-01-2024 World Map Petrol and Diesel Fuel Prices in Norway Lowest price €1.26 per litre 23-03-2020 Norway Current and Average €1.80 Current €1.98 Average per litre *Average Fuel Price based on the previous 12 months data Highest price €2.67 per litre 06-06-2022 Data Collected 12-12-2023 Home Europe Norway
Norway Gasoline Prices Gasoline Prices in Norway remained unchanged at 2.05 USD/Liter in November. Gasoline Prices in Norway averaged 1.92 USD/Liter from 1995 until 2023, reaching an all time high of 2.74 USD/Liter in June of 2022 and a record low of 1.19 USD/Liter in December of 2000. source: Statistics Norway 1Y 5Y 10Y 25Y MAX Compare Export API petroleum products Mandatory Selected 0 of total 2 Motor gasoline, leadfree 95 octan Dutiable diesel Number of selected data cells are: 1 (maximum number allowed is 300 000)
How Expensive is Norway (+ Price Examples & Useful Tips for Travelers)
Prices - all time While hovering over the chart you can see the prices for each fuel on the same day displayed in the legend situated on the top left part of the chart. Record prices Check prices for LPG, unleaded and diesel for Norway. Statistics, chart of price fluctuation. By Stephen Treloar June 17, 2022 at 3:58 AM PDT Listen 1:30 This article is for subscribers only. While US drivers despair over gasoline topping $5 a gallon, spare a thought for motorists in.